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Everything posted by Grampa_of_Oliva_n_Eden

  1. Hi Bob, You have spent more time looking into than I so at best all I can do is ask questions. I was suprised to hear from more than one of those "oldest people in world" that mentioned alcohol in moderation. What have you read on that topic and how do you feel about that idea? Ben
  2. Congratulations! Once you get used to lack of sleep, nothing tops it ... except listining to him tell you are a grandparent. Ben
  3. I get those message on-site where the IT dept decided the users should not have write access to their desktop. I belive the are saved at My documents \LabVIEW Data\LVAutoSave Ben
  4. To forget we must first know. So I'll stash that post away for next year. Ben
  5. Well now i am not sure. She listens to BBC World America in the morning and yells highlight at me while I am busy with other stuff. I reacall seeing the ceremonies in GB last years where I think there were three remaining from GB at that time. Ben
  6. Right you are! Acording to the tidbit my wife heard this AM, this is the first Armistice Day where we have no veterans of the first war still amoung us. Ben
  7. Unless the cluster in question is NOT part of a running VI, you can not change the lable but you can change the caption. If you are having trouble type casting your reference you may want to look at the Nugget I wrote (on the Dark-Side) that can be found here. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=267659#M267659 It demonstrates one method of dealing with complex data structures. Just trying to help, Ben
  8. Thank you Paul! Ben (FTM2 US Navy 1979)
  9. Public Sevice Announcement/Warning! Before agrreing to implement an application that use a bright color scheme* as shown above, think twice! After a day of staring at a screen with that color mix you will suffer from image persistance. I threatened to charge hazardous duty rates the next time they come back. Ben * I developed an application for a company that did all of their markting research up-front right down to the RGB values of all colors used in the GUI. It turns out that most of the decision makers in their product area were women and a color scheme of Pink and Purple where chosen by them. They have been selling the product for the last 8 years so it may have worked but ... I still think that some of my cone receptors may have been damage along the way. BTW: The tab control can be customized to look like a cloud and using image only format of the tabs will let you click on a lobe of the cloud to change pages.
  10. Give it a try Cat! The first time you open a VI that you have not touched in a long time and the diagram drags the needle of your brain back to the same track it was on at development time, you'll be hooked. Short G_Story: A customer called me two years after I delivered an app and asked "Ben!, the app hung right after X, did the data get saved". Biring up the diagram, SD to the right state, I reply "Yes it was saved". Without the visual aids, I would have to start humming and scratching. Ben
  11. This reply will not be of much educational use but I have to reply/confess. I was introduced to State Diagrams when I was in the Navy and was being trained in the NATO Sea Sparrow Missle system 33 years ago (peanut tubes were being phased out, see link below). http://www.fas.org/m...ssile/rim-7.htm Since I was young and impresionable, I adopted that way of think without question. At that time I was only being trained to read them and not on the theory that goes into devloping them. So SD's just seem to flow such that I find it difficlut to even describe the thought process involved. So this again explains why I miss the SDE since it allowed my to express my designs in the same form as they appear in my head. What can I offer to help use SD? 1) If your diagram is too confusing to present to the person managing the $$$, it should be simplified. 2) Any time you spot a set of state-trasnisitions that fan-out and them merge again, you have a sub-VI that warrents it own SD. Just sharing thoughts. Please excuse the noise. Ben
  12. There is another benefit (when LV is working correctly) ! THe property nodes have to execute in the UI thread, so there is a thread swap for every property node. When we pile up all of the properties in one node, LV can switch threads, do all of the settings and then switch back. I believe it was LV 8.6 or 8.6 were i read a post by Rolf indicating thise not working correctly and there was a thread swap for each property (oh bother!). Ben
  13. Swing a bucket of water without spilling it? Ben
  14. What is EQ ? To all, Lots of good ideas there. I'll resist adding my thought to avoid fouling the water. Re: Musician and comeidans I'm n the same page as Socrates as described by Plato in The Republic. Ben
  15. Have you been reading my posts on the Dark-Side? This thread (on the Dark-Side) http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&view=by_date_ascending&message.id=230782#M230782 shows different ways that I have documented SDs and if you read that thread that you will read that I used to work with a developer that taught me the only legitimate use of a multi-frame stacked seq structure was to include the documentation. We used to call her the "Architect Supreme" becuase she was the first person in the world to be qualified at the architect level for both LV and TestStand. I perfer to put the code in frame "0" and the documentation if later frames to speed up execution highlighting. Ben
  16. This is one of the reason I lamented the passing of the State Diagram Editor. I just had to right-click to bring up the SDE screen to see it in SDE form, I could watch the states transition in execution highlighting mode, and could click on the state in the SDE and the associated case was selected. Lacking the SDE, I just paste my SD images into the BD for ready reference. Ben
  17. Careful about the static demo. If the humidity is too high they will not work. Ben
  18. Conservation of angular momentum? It only takes a swivel chair and someone willing to sit and extend/withdraw arms to slow/speed up. Magnet are almost magical by themselves. If there is still a CRT around you can mess up the screen with a magnet 9or ruin it if the magnet is too string). I'll keep thinking for you. Ben
  19. My medical customers are in the same situation (da$# lawyers). I keep a seperate boot partition for each version of LV so I can "re-boot back in time" to the version their code was developed in. This is the only method that I havce found that allows me to freeze one version hile still allowing access to others. Just my 2 cents, Ben
  20. Then it is time to update your journal. See here. http://forums.ni.com...=257955#M257955 Ben PS: The designs I posted in that thread just used SMs. Some before the SDE and some after.
  21. I never did find the ground rules for LAVA but I am allowed to help out on both sides.... I thought. Ben
  22. <<< Please note Smiley before reading on. But when it comes to "one of those", I would tend to follow the advice in the second line of your signature. <<< Remeber, I used a smiley face? Ben
  23. I started a thread in the old version of LAVA asking if the day of the queue-driven SM was behind us. i was suprised to find how many people thought it was "the way to go". I have a project in-house that was developed (by the customer) and we maintain it. The case selector fills the screen from top to bottom. And between pushing to the front vs back of the queue makes it a real nightmare to maintain. For me, I'll stick with the flat versions were at least I can draw a diagram illustrating state transitions. I pefer to spead things out at let as much code as possible run in parallel and the QD-SM forces everything to wait in line. But I as I ack'd earlier, I am in the minority. Ben
  24. Watch it Chris. The lightning bolts eminating from your finger tips can leave scars. Ben
  25. In this Nugget I showed a method that allows you to quckly develop the cluster you need to bundle. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=296427&query.id=813501#M296427 Once you have created it, save it as a type-def as I described here. http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&message.id=233257#M233257 Ben
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