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Everything posted by orko

  1. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 22 2007, 02:50 PM) That works awesome, Jim! Tested in LV8.2.1 and LV8.5. A little slow in larger projects, so the only suggestion I have is to wire a True to the "ExcludeDependancies" and "ExcludeBuilds" node of the "GetAllDescendants" property. This sped up my search time considerably.
  2. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Aug 22 2007, 02:36 PM) Nope, the behavior looks the same in LV 8.5 to me. QUOTE(MikaelH @ Aug 22 2007, 02:36 PM) But it's better than my 8.5 version, because now the project tree list won't scroll when you get to thew edge with your dragged item. It worked perfectly in 821, anybody else got this problem? Mine will still scroll, it is just way pickier. I have to grit my teeth just right and hold the item in between the last item displayed and the edge of the tree list (when moving the item down the list). Moving an item up the list requires me to hover over the "Project Items" column header for about 0.8 seconds
  3. I would like it if there was a way to make the "Arrange By" option in the project tree folders "sticky", so that if a new item is created/dropped into the folder after an arrangement has been selected, the view is arranged appropriately instead of falling to the bottom of the list. Currently I waste much time right-clicking and selecting "Arrange By", then "Name" on every single folder I have been working in. If having an arrange attribute saved for each folder is too much, how about an option in the global settings for a default arrangement?
  4. This is happening to me now, but I have -2, so I guess I'm less popular than Darren but more than dsaunders http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6718
  5. Michael's post reminded me of another feature that I wish was in the project tree. I would like an easier way to move project items around in the project tree. Currently (that I know of) the only way to move items is to drag and drop, which gets cumbersome and error prone when you have multiple folders expanded (you end up clicking the item(s) and dragging over the edge of the scroll list, then hovering while the list scrolls). I've missed on more than one occasion... One possibility is to have a "move to..." option in the right click menus of all items under "My Computer", even (especially?) when multiple items are selected. This would bring up a project folder/class list to select where you would like to move it to. Similar to the "move to folder" option in Outlook.
  6. This would be very nice, indeed. :thumbup: It shouldn't require too much to implement either, since there is already a "Find Project Items" utility in the Project Explorer "Edit" menu that does almost everything that you want. It just isn't available anwhere in the VI menus. Nice idea about searching for the current VI by right clicking the VI icon.
  7. Actually, I think you could use the "Physical Channel Name" property in a DAQmx Channel property node. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6715
  8. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 22 2007, 10:46 AM) Thanks, Jim. That link works for me. Questions: Which of these files do I download to install the community version of the endevo GDS for 8.2.1 and 8.5? I'm not sure if I should be downloading the GDS_v1.0 files or the GDS_P2D files (the v1.0 files seem to be version P1Y?). Also, is the "trial version" the same as the community version? I've installed the GDS_v1.0 version in LV8.5 and it says it expires in 14 days. Does the community edition have an expiration date or is there a license key I must acquire somehow to activate that mode? What are the purchase options for the professional edition and where can I view the differences between the two?
  9. Thanks!! Although I'm having problems downloading.
  10. QUOTE(Jan Klasson @ Aug 22 2007, 07:42 AM) Is there a North American mirror for this download? I'm behind a silly firewall... Thanks for the update! :thumbup:
  11. <pre_coffee> QUOTE(tum @ Aug 21 2007, 02:19 AM) I have no idea why you would think that... receiving command line arguments from within LabVIEW has been common knowledge in the LabVIEW community for a long time, since the help (and the first link in the "related" section on the web site you provided) is pretty clear on how to do this. It may benefit you to take a little time to get more familiar with the help inside of LabVIEW, it's very good. Sorry, but if not many people respond to your post it doesn't necessarily mean that no one knows the answer. They may just not understand the question (or don't have the time at the moment to answer). </pre_coffee>
  12. Awesome! Thanks for the links, jaegen!
  13. Sorry Yen, I'm not able to use your VI without feeling a bit too...uncomfortable. Anyway there are hardware alternatives out there for what you are trying to do, but if I had one of these I wouldn't admit it.
  14. Won't Cat Lovers Revolt? Act Now! A Man, A Plan, A Canal: Panama! ...drah os ton s'ti ,eeS okro
  15. QUOTE(Val Brown @ Aug 17 2007, 04:55 PM) :laugh: I didn't expect that to come out in public conversation!
  16. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Aug 16 2007, 01:25 PM) Your problem might lie in the application reference. In LV8+ they changed some things over and I've been using the VI at vi.lib\Utility\allVIsInMemory.llb\Get User Application Reference.vi to get the app reference for utilities in different app instances (ie: project tools).
  17. QUOTE(wevanarsdale @ Aug 16 2007, 11:26 AM) Hey, yes it does!
  18. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Aug 16 2007, 10:24 AM) How about property and invoke nodes?? Like.... http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6648''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6648'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6648
  19. I'm not using any classes yet (waiting for the next project to delve into that learning curve), but I did have some problems converting my main project over from LV8.2.1 to LV8.5. After builting a duplicate source distribution in LV8.2 and opening it up in LV8.5, LabVIEW would crash when opening a central VI I had for storing all of my typedef'ed cluster constants (mass compile would also crash LabVIEW). It turned out after isolating the problem (basically taking out typedefs until I could open the VI without crashing) to be two references to waveform charts I had that were also in another typedef cluster. Replacing them with references built inside LV8.5 fixed the issue. The odd thing is that two other typedef'ed waveform chart references that were also in the same cluster constant didn't have this problem. I'm half tempted to say the bug was in the way that LV8.2.1 created the references, but there's no way to be sure.
  20. QUOTE(dannyt @ Aug 16 2007, 01:17 AM) Have you asked your NI rep about this yet? The reason I ask is because I'm fairly certain that you can use a concurrent license on as many computers as you want, as long as there are no more than the number of seats you purchased using it at the same time. Also, I think there is a way to activate home machines from within the volume license manager. See step 9 of this document.
  21. QUOTE(dannyt @ Aug 16 2007, 01:25 AM) I for one have had no issues with LV7.1, LV8.0, LV8.2, and LV8.5 installed on my dev box.
  22. QUOTE(jzoller @ Aug 15 2007, 09:33 PM) I promise to try and turn the drollness down a notch tomorrow. Today was one of those looooooong days with not enough caffeine breaks. Now I'm trying to equalize it with sufficient amounts of :beer: :beer:
  23. orko


    Just heard the news about tropical storm Erin that will hit Texas tomorrow. Wanted to give a shout out to our fellow wireworkers down there and let you know we're praying for you and your family. Doesn't look too bad for Austin, but San Antonio, Corpus Cristi and Houston look like they might be pretty windy (~39mph) & wet (~8") tomorrow. CNN Link
  24. QUOTE(kelbro @ Aug 15 2007, 04:27 PM) Sorry, forgot to wire the t0 input to the build waveform. Here's another example: http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6638''>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6638'>http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=6638
  25. That is hilarious! :laugh: Now I have to get my Wiimote set up in front of my M&M dish at my desk!! "NO! GET DOWN! BAD programmer!"
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