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Posts posted by PaulG.

  1. QUOTE (Black Pearl @ May 6 2009, 03:03 PM)

    I'm pretty sure I can even fool VI analyzer, just by using the boundary trick and loading a Filter VI of the same name in the Analyzer context, that just skips the VI where that code resides ..

    The VI Analyzer? I don't know about that but I don't know how you can be invisible to the View>VI Hierarchy window.

  2. QUOTE (Cat @ May 6 2009, 08:08 AM)

    So how many of us are going to be waiting in line to see Star Trek this week? My daughter's taking me for Mother's Day. :thumbup:

    I haven't been to a movie theater in years, but I think I'm going to stand in line this weekend for this one. :thumbup:

  3. QUOTE (jimlandowski @ Apr 15 2009, 04:30 PM)

    ... The more I think about these creative buzz words that I could not have dreamed up myself, the more I think that it expresses concisely the power of LabVIEW to non-user programmers in the text based world ...

    LabVIEW's greatest strength is also it's greatest weakness. NI invests heavily to the "non-user" market. A "non-user" can whip up a functional VI in just a few minutes and NI can claim another "sale". But what is that "non-user" going to do with that data?

    "Pure energy" ?!?!? :laugh:

    I've been programming in LV for over 10 years and I can assure you: LabVIEW is no more "pure energy" than any other language. If I had spent the last 10 years programming in Python I might be able to say the same thing about Python. The only reason I stuck with LV is that graphical programming appeals more to the way my brain works.

    "Do you want me to draw you a picture?"

    "Yes." :)

  4. QUOTE (manojba @ Apr 13 2009, 01:34 AM)

    Hi I want to create a splash screen for my about window when I click on about button it should appear and when clicked anywhere inside the window it shoul close like the one we have in Labview help menu about Labview and how to include pictures in it thanks in advance...

    In your splash screen sub VI create an event structure inside a while loop. Create an event Pane-Mouse down. This selector will have a boolean to stop the loop. Select VI properties>customize>and select show front panel when called and close afterwords if originally closed. When you call this vi it should behave the way you want it to. For images just copy and paste any any image into the clipboard and paste it onto your front panel.

  5. QUOTE (ShaunR @ Apr 11 2009, 07:45 AM)

    ... However, if you are doing test like set a pressure and record the response over time and check that it reaches 70% in ...say 1 second, then you find it has severe limitations ...

    I had an application that had similar parameters and that's where I used a main "test manager" VI with a number of tests written as VI templates. I won't take all the credit for it since I inherited the original idea. But it worked very well. Need a new DUT test? Just write a new template. What little I know of TE I still know enough that it could have been a real headache trying to write this in a strict TE-type test sequencer environment. A test had to start at any time, it could be a different type of test on a half dozen different DUT's, etc. etc.

  6. I've run some fairly large, mulitple DUT testing programs without TestStand. VI templates under an executive VI worked OK for me, but maybe my idea of "large" is different than yours. And I don't think I've ever seen TestStand in action to really appreciate it. I don't like the cost. It's way to expensive. It's hard enough to convince the boss to keep up to date with the latest version of LV.

  7. I use a 6221 and I'll go along with everyone else here: it probably does not have enough current to drive the motor directly. But don't worry. This is a learning experience for you. 5V is 5V, but not necessarily when it comes to current output. When working with logic outputs remember one thing: TTL outputs, i.e. outputs you want to control "things" (motors, displays, rocket motors) will almost never be driven directly. Check with the motor manufacturer for their recommendations for driver chips. That would be the simplest way to go. But if you want to get hands-on, fun and dirty use MOSFETS to drive your motors. It's worked for me. Have fun. :yes:

  8. "... 91.7 FM KOOP, Austin's community radio station, is comprised of more than one hundred volunteers from the community. The station's diversity is already quite breathtaking - there are music shows ranging from reggae to electronica, from soul to garage rock, from jazz to bluegrass ... "

    Sounds like "open source" radio. Now THAT sounds very cool. :thumbup: One of my clients is based in Austin. I simply MUST suck up to them (and my boss) to get a chance to go down there and meet them. :)

    (LabVIEW? What's a "LabVIEW"?)

  9. I use the QMH quite often, but only for a small application that requires a state machine or sequence where I need something quick and dirty. For anything medium to large I prefer a typedef enum feeding the queue. One of the big benefits of the enum is that when I can finish a case, and my next case is similar all I have to do is "duplicate case" and I'll have most of my code for the new case. And I don't have to worry about the spelling. :)

  10. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Mar 31 2009, 10:31 AM)

    When I'm bored I think about things too, but I don't think I've ever wondered what capitalist and communists have in common ... but not that.

    0bama seems to have figured it out. About 100 million of them voted for Him. :rolleyes:

  11. Did any of you save the earth tonight? :o

    Me neither. Sorry to say I had every light on in my apartment. I baked a large frozen pizza in the oven. I nuked some microwave popcorn and watched a movie. I even washed my hair as an excuse to pull out the old blow drier. :rolleyes:

    Don't get me wrong. I, as much as anyone, want to save the planet from "Global Warming", uh, er, I mean "Climate Change". Really. I'm just holding out for 0bama or the UN to call for a "No Flush Week". I would go for that.

  12. QUOTE (hooovahh @ Mar 19 2009, 01:54 PM)

    Why be afraid of open source? What's there to be afraid of? I don't like the built in LV zip functions, I haven't had much luck with them even on the simplest functions. Also for advanced features...there aren't any. If nothing else use the OpenG ones. But if you want high compression use 7-Zip.

    I'm volunteering you to join the open source space shuttle control softare development team. And you get a seat on the first flight. Kick the tires and light the fires! :thumbup:

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