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Bryan last won the day on November 1 2024

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    Land of Confusion, Pennsyltucky
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    Stuff and things.

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. That's what I would have figured as well, but it was worth a look-see. I haven't run into this problem, so I have no personal experience to share as far as a fix. I do however wonder if the same thing would happen if your modules were built into packed libraries instead of source distributions - but am not sure of whether this would be acceptable for your application. Hopefully someone will be able to provide some insight.
  2. In the build specification properties for your executable, what are your settings under "Additional Exclusions"? Have you changed anything or left them as default? There is a setting in there that is enabled by default to "Remove unused members of project libraries" with a sub property of "Modify project library file after removing unused libraries". I'm curious as to whether this could be the cause.
  3. If I recall, I believe that I made the exact same mistake whenever I tried installing Community Edition on a Linux Distro for the first time.
  4. I'm assuming you've rebooted and everything, correct? Is there anything in /usr/local/natinst? It's possible that it isn't showing up in the window manager menus. I have 2021 community edition installed on Linux Mint 21 and see the "labview" executable (links to "labviewcommunity"): user@linuxmint21:/usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2021-64$ ls AppLibs examples labview manuals ProjectTemplates README.txt user.lib www cintools help labviewcommunity menus readme resource vi.lib etc instr.lib linux project README.html templates VIObjCache The newer versions of LabVIEW (pre 2023Q1) install as package feeds according to this page on NI's website.
  5. Your build specification didn't have a startup VI selected, so I worked with what you provided. My assumption is that the error you're seeing is represented below? "Excute Process Driver.vi" in your "timerA.lvclass" for some reason is being required to have the front panel available once built into an EXE. I haven't had the change to really investigate why. I found something interesting when I built your application with Debug enabled to troubleshoot. With debug enabled, the EXE executes without error. So then, I went into the build spec and disabled debugging, and then un-checked "Remove front panel" for the troublesome VI, recompiled the EXE and again, no issues : This is at least a workaround if it's something that's holding you up. I currently don't have the time to find the root cause, but someone else can take over if they want as I have to start my work day. Knowing myself the way I do, it may be something glaringly obvious that my coffee-lacking brain couldn't pick up on this early in my day. I hope this helps!
  6. Guess who's back? Back again? Spammers back. Tell Admin...
  7. Just checked and it seems responsive for me. I'm not on it as much as I am on LAVA though.
  8. I was relieved to login this morning and not see pages worth of spam when I clicked on the "Unread Content" link. Awesome job to all!
  9. I was interested in downloading it to have a look. However, the download page will not accept an email address from providers such as gmail, hotmail, etc.
  10. Using an old SFX installer is likely the case. I don't recall deleting anything, but my C:\National Instruments Downloads directory is empty.
  11. Below is a snapshot of all of the RTE installers shown when I un-check "Automatically select recommended installers". As you can see, I do have the 2018 SP1 f4 (64-bit) RTE. With that I am able to BUILD an installer, but I haven't checked to see if it would work properly on a target machine. I don't have any 64-bit versions of the LabVIEW IDE installed. I'll bet that this is the RTE installed with my install of VIPM (I'm using 2020)
  12. I maintain several machines in our factory, all running various versions of LabVIEW executables. One of the many versions I have installed on my machine is LabVIEW 2018 v18.0.1f4 (32-bit). It's been 'many moons' ago, but I remember updating my 2018 runtime to SP1 f5, but I haven't had to build an installer in 2018 since then. I ran into a situation yesterday where I needed to create an installer in 2018 and left "Automatically select recommended installers" checked, which auto-selects the 2018 SP1 f5 RTE. When I select "OK" in "Additional Installers", the "Select Source" dialog appears with a single entry, which is a 2018 application that I had built and installed on my local machine. Clicking on "OK" prompts for a media path as expected, but I don't have (or can find) and installer for 2018 SP1 f5. Even pointing it to the installer it's referencing (that I created) gives me an error message stating that the "...media you have provided is a different version of the requested media" (which it isn't). I ended up giving up on creating an installer in 2018 and recompiled everything in a later version of LabVIEW since I needed to get an update deployed immediately. However, I am curious whether anyone has any insight into this. I can't be the only one to have seen it.
  13. Mads' VI will give you the 'address' of your search value (row and column index values). You can use those values with the "Index Array" function to return an entire row or column.
  14. So, you have no interest in joining the Illuminati or occult to be free from poverty and ancestral curses without a human sacrifice? Personally, I prefer my sacrifices to be as human-y as possible.
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