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Mike Ashe

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Everything posted by Mike Ashe

  1. Easier if we had a body suit, "body glove". But with data gloves we would already see the gloved hands in the 3D field. I did like the Minority Report interface. I thought that Tom Cruise was going a bit fast in some places, but later came to the conclusion that lots of people would will use such an interface that fast once it becomes available. Ben, thanks for the 3D code. Interesting toy.
  2. I like the idea of using data gloves. You touch a palette and it slides open revealing a drawer of cubes of subVIs/nodes. You grab one and position it in 3D space. If close enough and snapping is turned on it clicks into place (with an audible sound) and briefly highlights. You touch another 3D button/control and a wire sprouts from the tip of your finger. You touch a port terminal on the new VI and then another terminal on a "shift tunnel" of a CASE cube. This could make creation of VIs/apps even faster than now. Like putting together tinker toys.
  3. I wouldn't make a trip there just for that either, but I liked it. Not the "top notch..." as you say, but I have been blessed with a taste and sense of manners that feels very comfortable from tux tails and champagne to "roll your sleeves up shrimp boil" in Cajun country (do you know what "newspaper elbow is?) and across that broad culinary spectrum the fish & chips carried a fond memory. Perhaps it was because I was a lot younger then (exactly half the age I am now) and because the chips at the pubs in Dunoon on the Firth of Clyde seemed to serve the chips fairly crunchy. Of course the salt & local brew malt vinegar made the meal. Or perhaps the Strongbow cider just covered it all in a pleasant hazy memory.
  4. Neither do I Pete. If you set the VI to Normal execution the control updates fine. I've played with this a bit now and can't see why the nib gets formed on vertical strokes. Guess someone's found an honest to goodness bug. Good thing Michael's not selling off LAVA or we couldn't keep talking about this :laugh:
  5. Don't yet know if it has anything to do with the problem, but in your example the pen width is set a 5, but if you open and watch the "Set Pen State.vi" front panel you should see that it shows a line setting of 1, not 5. I even probed the cluster wire in, which reads 5, but the VI FP still shows 1. Hmm, guess this could be because it is set to subroutine execution.
  6. I've used Source Offsite as well, and had very good luck with it. Much better than VSS's builtin interface(s). That said, I'd second the TortoiseSVN vote.
  7. Hmmm, I've had it a couple of times. I would be happy to learn about real aussie beer if we ever meet. I've never been down under (yet) but was in Scotland a few times courtesy of Uncle Sam's Silent Service back in the early 80's, and developed a fondness for cider. Strongbow was the typical in the pubs, but I think Magner's was better. If only we could get real english fish & chips here in the states ...
  8. Several different ways you could approach this. If you really want to get fancy you could use templates and create an actual spawned linked list. If you use the array ideas suggested earlier, remember that the replace element doesn't change memory, only the add and delete, in which case I'd preallocate a large enough array and keep track of the available elements in a side array.
  9. If you search on DevZone for the LabVIEW Utils package (lvwutil32.zip) I think there is a VI that does this and the DLL call is defined inside. If you can't find it, PM me and I'll send you a copy.
  10. not bad at all. I ran it in LV 8 and it did okay. A few mods need to be done to finish it, but actually not that much. There are several games available in LabVIEW versions, tetris, Laser Invasion, Pong, Game of Life, etc. If you search on DevZone and the SearchVIEW (of the InfoLabVIEW) and Find-All-VIs projects you can find a lot of them. Or just google Labview and game(s).
  11. Well, I didn't (and don't) know if I'll win this bet, but I should have bet someone else that I could get you to take a :beer: bet, that part was a given It isn't that important to me for it to be public, rather that the two "bet'ees" know who won so we know who buys the first round. If we really wanted to make the bet interesting we'd up the ante so that the loser buys the winner a beer, and then has to drink water for the first round. (rumor has it an aussie has to get pretty parched before they will drink H2O) ;-)
  12. Want to bet a :beer: ? I'll happily wager a :beer: payable the first time we meet, (probably at NIWeek, but maybe not this year) that NI has work ongoing as of the date of this post. I will state that I do not have inside info, I do not KNOW, I have never yet asked anyone from NI about this. But I'd bet the patent isn't just to sit on, rather, that they are actually working on it. I would imagine that the best way to do this is in VR with data gloves. But I'd take it any way I could get it. Since it is 3D, would we call it beta test, or tertia test
  13. National Instruments is working on it because they have a patent out for 3D graphical programming, sooo ..... Stay tuned
  14. Do you have a sketch of exactly what you mean. Are you trying to blend the two images, or use one on top of the other? Have you considered just using a video editor?
  15. Under LabVIEW 8.0 scripting is under the License Manager. Might be a problem, but I thought that items created with scripting in 7.x would still work. Will try to look into this. You might also want to ask the guy in the thread that invented the TWW.
  16. Never thought I'd see the day for an algorithm for advanced eye crossing. Do you charge for this or is the seminar free?
  17. I agree completely. If you are storing anything other than very small thumbnails, you should store imaging data or 2D arrays external to the database and give indexes or file names/paths.The downside of that is that you need sometime of trigger/procedure to handle times when a file is not there, moved, etc, and obviously more files, etc.
  18. Go to the bottom of the page, to the search field on the left and enter things like tunnel, and wiring, and maybe even wizard. If you try "tunnel wiring" you will get a page full of stuff. To find the right topic you might actually have to scroll down. If that is too complicated you might try: Tunnel Wiring Wizard That will be 5 cents please ...
  19. If you really wanted browser based, but in LabVIEW, whynot just put multiple browser ActiveX controls on a LabVIEW tab?
  20. That eye looks like to many late nights programming or too much beer, or both.
  21. I started out with NI's GOOP, have used Endevo's on a customer rework project which originally used Endevo. Did a bit of the "roll your own" on a couple of projects. If there is any way to allow the GOOP poll to use multiple check boxes rather than radio buttons I think it would give a more accurate picture of the GOOP useage. Overall, my GOOP use has been fairly light in the past, but I expect it to increase significantly this year.
  22. I know that you are using ActivePerl, but have you also looked at LabPERL open source? This might work as well, unless you are tied into ActivePERL
  23. Okay, we agree you'd like to do that. What have you tried so far that did not work? Obviously you need to do some work with nested loops. Sketch out the algorithm first then try a couple of things. If you don't get it report back what you tried and didn't work and we'll probably help.
  24. Nice to see from some of the replies that people are actually awake. Okay, ya'll caught me. It was actually mostly a nugget to feed to the bears, mostly alfa over on the cosmic consciousness topic or whatever it's called. Lately I think it's morphed into a food & wine topic, which is a good thing.
  25. This has got to be one of the most whacked out topics ever on LAVA, and it seems to have a fractal (fractured?) nature. But I must say the discussion has turned pretty good once we got onto good food, great places to visit and some of the pleasantries of life. Good to remember that life is not a keyboard. Great idea about the wine/wedding days. Wish I'd thought of that. I didn't, but I did think of Dom Perignon when we got married. It went over real well on our 10th wedding anniversary when I gave her 10 gifts, spaced over 5 hours with clues, etc. The champagne bottled in the year we were married went over very well.
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