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Mike Ashe

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Everything posted by Mike Ashe

  1. I used to use two 1600x1200s, but then the high side of 40 started taking it's toll and now I have to settle for 1280x1024x2 Funny what we consider to be "settling" today. I remember in college the girl next door in the dorm got an ACTUAL EGA card for her IBM PC for christmas and the whole floor threw a party to celebrate with her. We all stayed up til 6 am playing pacman and space invaders. She was the envy of the floor. Those were the days... Bonus points for anyone under 25 who remembers what EGA resolution and colors were without going to Google or Wikipedia ...
  2. For an easy, general way to parse the numbers from each line, look in: ..\LabVIEW\examples\general\strings.llb\Extract Numbers.vi Feed it a string and it will give you back an array with the numbers. So you can send it one line at a time. Easy.
  3. Thought about it a couple of times, but it would be so much work and then I did a quick search and found that there are several free Gerber viewers on the Net so what is the point? What else do you need to do other than just view the files? That by itself doesn't justify painting the lily. or gilding fine gold ...
  4. I second the motion! All in favor say Ale, er I mean Aye, :beer:
  5. Glad to have helped. And thank you for letting me (us) know about Netcat, which I was not aware of. We just did everything in Tcl. It is always nice to know of prewritten utilities. Of course if I had brought it up in the right way I'm sure one of the linux gurus at the telescope probably knew about Netcat.
  6. Hmmm, I've used Cygwin, but only a little bit here. Of more interest is the Linux angle. Can you, or your SW developers add in a TCP socket, either directly or using Tcl/Tk? We did that on a telescope control project I was involved with. We had a legacy code astrometric kernel that we talked to using Tcl/Tk with the TCP socket. Worked fine. Was not hard to code up. We also did the same thing for a while using pipes under linux. This might entail a little more upfront work, but has the advantage that once you have the Tcl/Tk-TCP method in place you also have a very flexible (and quick) method of adapting to other issues that may come up. We found the Tcl/Tk - LabVIEW combination to be very effective.
  7. Here, here to posting shopping and Santa Christmas lists. One of my better posts on IFLV was a "thank you" (In Your Dreams ...) for features that didn't exist yet. It was a joke. Funny thing was, within 1-2 years most of them became real. (Thanks again to Greg M. and all the NI Elves, you guys are great) If we're going to ask, let's think big!
  8. I wouldn't cry for the guy to much. If he has been around long enough to have programmed the three finger salute he is also probably an owner of a microsoft campus FYIFV t-shirt and, if fired, could still laugh all the way to the bank.
  9. If you program with any high end tool and you expect (demand?) a lot out of it you will eventually get frustrated with some of it's shortcomings. Have you checked to see if 8.0.1 fixed some of the items you mentioned above? Lots of us have ranted in the past, and there have been some real forest fires on Info-LabVIEW in years past, but we survived and still love the LV tools etc. Have you been programming in LabVIEW long enough to remember the days before UNDO? Many of us should have been issued purple hearts by NI. The ranting got so bad for so long it became a joke on the NIWeek t-shirt in 95.
  10. For an older example of traversal (and a nifty example of using recursive calls too) search LAVA for Michael Aivaliotis's Set Diagram Color tool. or another example is in this topic - traverse to get all objects in BD http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?s=&showt...findpost&p=6737 Don't get me wrong, I love the new traverse tool in LV8. But knowing the traversal and recursion techniques has a lot of other worthwhile uses.
  11. If you search the LabVIEW examples you will find a VI something to the effect of "Extract Numbers from String.vi" that will take a string input and return an array of the numbers it finds.
  12. Try and be a little more specific. I launch <program X> using system exec.vi (give the real progarm name I want to send <example input string> to do <fill in the functionality> Have you considered batch files? Have you looked for DOS window tools? Did you write the DOS program. What the heck are you doing in a DOS windows these days anyway? If you have a good reason to be there, explain. Is there possibly a Windows only way to do what you are attempting. Etc, Etc. Be specific if you want help. Generalitites don't get much help on this forum. Give us some specifics to bite off and chew and we might get interested. AcrtiveX is a microsoft component technology. It has a defined interface and allows one program to control and communicate with the componenets that are part of the ActiveX portion of a program. LabVIEW can call ActiveX nodes. Look in the LabVIEW examples and on NI.com.
  13. I expect 2% royalties off all your profits above $100 million euro ... AND an autographed copy of your next DVD AND that if you actually write this stuff up in LabVIEW that you share (consisely) your experience with the group. If the above sounds like to high, then if I'm ever in your country I email and settle for a :beer:
  14. Thanks Jim, great Utility and especially useful for me as my 8.0 machine is a no longer the young thoroughbred it once was.
  15. Actually, doing a full system like this in LabVIEW is reasonable. I worked on one like this recently that did exactly what you are describing for a hospital management system. Due to patient information security concerns we had to have password protected access to both features and GUIs based on both user name and role. This was implemented in a distributed system with LabVIEW and MS SQL2000 database server. Passwords, logins, etc are all encrypted. It is not trivial to implement, but is doable. If you want more info email me privately: michael.ashe@imaginatics.net
  16. You could use a shell command node with input: rename <currentfilename> <newfilename> No copying or moving involved. (Obviously don't include the brackets in the file names)
  17. I've never heard of a college student who did not have classmates unless they lived off campus and took only correspondence courses. Your initial question, the way it was framed and the fact that it was your first post to the forums was typical of what we call "Homework Hustlers". Several other HHs have received much sharper treatment by others (not myself) on this forum in the past. Be glad that I got to you first.Secondly, although it was an attempt to be humorous, the Fart Analyser carries the seed of something you really could use as a learning experience. See below Okay, lets go back to the FA and just replace the input with something more politically acceptable and change the analysis. Do you play a musical instrument? A guitar or trombone, etc would be perfect. Not a keyboard, but something where the notes are not precise. You could use the sound card outputs to: Create a Metronome - with menu or button selectable time and pitch properties Guitar Tuner Tool - have the sound card listen as you hit notes to tune the guitar. Perform filtering and frequency analysis followed by a lookup table. Display the name of the note closest to the input sound, show how far you are off in frequency and give an indication of what direction to tune in, up or down, and for bonus points eventually have the program estimate how much to turn the guitar peg, 1 turn, 1/4 turn, etc. Perform further analysis and show the harmonics in the note from your musical instrument. Add the ability to output a limited number of notes based on a key being pressed. Then add sharps and flats based <Shift> or <Ctrl> keys. Make the last item scriptable based on simple text input or a text file, one note per line. Modify the scripting to allow chords of 3-4 notes and modify the file input to use spreadsheet strings, one row per chord. Wrap this up in a aesthetically pleasing musical themed GUI. Create an executable and installer (assuming you have those tools in LabVIEW) Sell or better, give away as open source. Document the above, including using events in LabVIEW to key into a compiled help file (*.chm) The above is somewhat practical, you'd learn a lot of real world engineering in the process. If you want something else, modify the above to create a vibration analyser. Hold the microphone against a motor driven machine, record the sound/vibration and then analyse for frequencies, power, etc. Then do something to the machine to make the motor or moving parts load a bit and see if you can separate out the changes in the sound/vibration. I suggest the two items above: music tool & vibration tool because they both use a microphone as input so there is less chance of your blowing your sound card input, which is easy to do. If you insist on tinkering with circuitry for your sound card inputs, try making some signal conditioning first to limit/clip any input that goes over 90% of the input limit of your card. As a last idea, try to make a voice recognizer. I do not mean picking out words, but one which, given a specific sentence as input could match with prerecorded files and decide if it was you, or one of your friends. Again, practical, Biometrics are big these days. Good luck. (Oh come on, admit it, if you were not frustrated at not getting good ideas you'd think the Fart Analyzer was a gas :laugh: and it has the side benefit of giving you and your friends an excuse for a :beer: (beer) or two to create test data.) (NOTE: To admin, I used the beer smiley above, but it is coming out book or angry. )
  18. I downloaded the update, but have not tried to install yet due to the recompile time. Right, a full day (wint overtime) to install everything. Customers are not thrilled to pay consulting rates if you are installing for them at their site. I'm changing my avatar back to 7.1 until this is resolved. Small symbolic protest.
  19. Could you post a quick example of a VI using a call, and the data you expect and what you actually get? Also include an image of the Call Library Node configuration window. I suspect your string calling method in the DLL call is the issue. Try changing that.
  20. Yes, LabVIEW has stuff like this. Use Find Examples under the Help menu in LabVIEW. Q.E.D.
  21. Okay, yesterday I was feeling somewhat generous, but this morning the coffee wasn't so good, so ... Please read: Another Homework Hustler Then read: How to Use the LAVA Forum Side Note: to Michael Aivaliotis: Perhaps we need a pinned topic near the top of the front page of the forum "For Students Seeking Help With Homework" that reminds them of the guide and then threatens deletion of any homework hustles posted outside of that area. I make this suggestion since the trickle seems to have swollen to a small stream. Before it swells to a river maybe we should divert the waters into a holding pond. Along those lines, we could have a topic in that forum specific to using the LabVIEW Student Edition. Lastly, denmla, thank you for at least attempting to be polite in your post. You get points for that, as many HH's (Homework Hustlers) do not even make the attempt, they just scream for help. If you're really desperate for ideas with the sound card avenue, how about recording and graphing fart & burp sounds from all the students in your class? Such a ludicrous experiment is sure to generate both laughter and enthusiasm from your classmates and you can make a ranking list based on top decibel/volume and total sound energy by integrating the sound envelope of the fart. Elegant? no, Unique? yes! I can see the NIWeek Contest Paper for this now ...
  22. Hi all, Someone brought it to my attention that sometimes the link(s)/download(s) on the L.O.S.T. (LabVIEW Open Source Tools) site is occasionally down, so I'll sacrifice some of my attachment allocation here on LAVA to provide an alternate download/mirror: Download File:post-45-1141829893.zip :worship: All kudos go to the original developers: Steven Mattison, George Castle, Jeffrey Travis. Rayodyne LLC sponsored the development of LabPerl. :worship:
  23. Hi all, Someone brought it to my attention that sometimes the link(s)/download(s) on the L.O.S.T. (LabVIEW Open Source Tools) site is occasionally down, so I'll sacrifice some of my attachment allocation here on LAVA to provide an alternate download/mirror: Download File:post-45-1141829569.zip :worship: All kudos belong to the original developers: Jeffrey Travis, Graeme Cloughley, Scott Gerlach. Based on VNC modifications by Rudi de Vos. Rayodyne LLC sponsored development. :worship:
  24. Hmm, it is open source, so ... Download File:post-45-1141828998.zip
  25. Were you able to find the IMAQ Convert ROI to Annulus.vi ? As I said, I usually use a slightly modified version, basically I make the rotation compoment and input rather than use the integers unpacked from the ROI. Good luck.
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