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Mike Ashe

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Everything posted by Mike Ashe

  1. When you do a post you have the option to attach a file, look below the text box on the edit page. Make your image, save to file, then use the browse button on the edit page Like This: This is me, adding this image, of me adding this image, into LAVA (can you say recursive ) Then you'll get the option to add it into your post Like this: Select Add into Post, and voila ! That'll be 5 cents please ...
  2. What have you tried already that did not work? What webcam and software are you using? What level of accuracy do you need in deciding that the image is different? Rather than post here and ask for a solution, show us what you have tried yourself. We don't do homework here. That is what this post sounds like, asking for some one here to do your homework. Post a VI showing what your second or third attempt is, list your components (HW & SW) and what you think might be wrong, list the steps you were thinking of doing next to try to solve this problem yourself. Show us that you are working on this yourself and you might get some of us interested in helping you. :thumbup: Simply asking for a solution doesn't usually get as much response around this forum (Not unless our coffee was really, REALLY good that morning ...)
  3. I note that Colin's second post is here: Example of Homework Hustler (HH) Sometimes we take pity on such individuals, depending on how polite they are, how good our coffee was that morning (or how the pizza is late at night), but in general, this forum tends to suffer such fools less than NI DevZone or Info-LabVIEW. But in general, if it is: Someones first post They ask a pretty general problem They don't ask for a very specific thing to be helped with Their' post does not include the things they have already tried They do not provide specifics like type of hardware, software version, etc They ask us to essentially supply the whole answer (ie "gimme a VI or BD") Usually, those posters fall in the category of HH's and they take their chances with whether they get help or get hustled off in the direction of DZ or IFLV. Do not feed the bears (too much) in the park, it only encourages them. (Okay, okay, I admit, I have occasionally slipped a bear a morsel or two myself, but the coffee was really good that morning...)
  4. How do we love LAVA? Let us Enumerate the ways ... It is "Advanced", the SNR tends to be a little better here. It is independent of NI. We all love LabVIEW and NI, but independence is very important to the culture here. The great Forum Features by head Chef Michael Aivaliotis Fewer postings by HH's (Homework Hustlers) The "Outside of the Box" sub Forums like VI Scripting Lots more, but you have to have 50+ posts to get the secret password... :laugh: Just kidding on that last one! (Actually, it's not 50, it's 500 posts, then you get to make a secret pass phrase, like Michael and Jim) (If you don't instantly know who I mean you haven't been here long enough) All kidding aside, welcome here Colin :beer:
  5. There usually is, but this time there wasn't enough ... I went to the page at snopes and read, then went to the other site about the bunny named Bernd, not because of any sympathies on my part but because I thought the guy might have the recipe for "Rabbit with Chanterelles". For a boy who grew up in Washington State on both main items, this was exciting. Sadly, no recipe. However I did seem to get something else, some nasty kind of advertising loader, and this was with Norton turned on, FireFox running, etc. So be warned. Lastly, if we were not meant to eat rabbits, they wouldn't be made out of meat ...
  6. Do you have the OpenG Toolkit installed? I believe there is a function that will give you a quick conversion. It's not a coercion dot, but it's pretty easy.
  7. You would have to ask that. I don't want to admit how long it had been since I had updated Commander & my packages to the latest versions. This was in 7.1 I suppose I should be honest and admit that I haven't installed on 8.0 yet, so I guess this will give me my excuse...
  8. Something must be screwed up with my LV 7.0 because I have a nice big std round Green LED button with decal (which is easy to show/hide by popup) and no effect when I click on it. I haven't had my 15 cup of coffee today, so I'm a little slow. Did clickable decals come in 7.1+ ?
  9. I seem to be having a minor problem. When I did that Firefox reported that it could not find page <filename> and I noticed that the name ended in ht not htm. So I tried it again, except that the more help button does not even press now. Any ideas?
  10. Look in the /examples/general/queue.llb for examples on using the queues. You probably will be able to just modify one of these.
  11. I could have gladly gone the rest of my LabVIEW career without ever even having to contemplate either of those ....
  12. We'll be having the party for you pretty soon now...
  13. Yes, congrats to Jim. Looking at the five icons one might think that would be the limit, the pinnacle of performance. One would be wrong. I wonder if any of us are ever going to get to the end of the LAVA levels without writing totally superfluous tomes.
  14. I could easily be wrong, but methinks tis a case of half hatched explaination by the documentation team. There are some references on the net to regular expression search and replace functions as they pertain to forums and the S&R functions are referred to as applying to strings or topics of strings. Methinks when the LV Match Pattern and regular expression algorithms and docs were made that some of it was lifted from such sources and the doc's didn't get washed properly. But I could be wrong...
  15. Have you searched/looked through the /examples folder that ships with LabVIEW? Have you looked at NI DevZone and searched on Keywords like motor, speed, graph(ing/es/ed)? Try going to the LabVIEW Help Menu, "Find Examples", in the Find Example tool that comes up do a search for "motor motion". Go the the ..LabVIEW\examples\Motion\Flexmotion folder if you have it. In that folder is several libraries that have examples that might help. Try One Axis.llb and Demo.llb
  16. Okay, since you did some work or your own, you qualify for more help. The advice you got earlier about learning to use the LabVIEW Help system was a good one. You also want to get used to going to the included LabVIEW examples first. You also want to explore NI Developer Zone ("DevZone") Example Code at NI DevZone Go there and search for LabVIEW code using keywords: file automatic naming You should get a page of links, one of which will be a thread in the DevZone forums: How automatize Filename ? There is a donated code snippet/library/vi to do some of what you want. Search around DevZone examples, you might find other goodies :thumbup:
  17. No, you cannot do this directly, for real, but you can simulate it well enough that no one will know the difference, or care if they do. Use the event structure to get the item/row you click, then take an invisible menu, programmatically position it to the line, make it visible and give it the mouse focus. After the user makes their selection, reverse the steps above and insert the selected value into that row/cell of the listbox. You will also have to monitor for clicks outside the menu/listbox, etc.
  18. Using the custom controls is one way. You might also want to look at the Picture control or the 3D Picture control toolkit. Search for it on NI DevZone. Of course, this is assuming that you want to show motor rotation. Or do you want to show some other "effect" of the motor, like graphing speed, acceleration, total motion, etc?
  19. Well, hopefully Jim got it served with the Black Butter. As for the Haggis, I managed to avoid it when I was in Scotland a couple of decades ago, being to busy stuffing myself with the fish & chips (of course with the salt & malt) and washing it down with Strongbow or other suitable cider. :beer: Mmmm, those were the days. As for Haggis, see Wild Haggis for the real deal, except don't believe the 3 legged bit, they actually have six, three on each side...
  20. Okay, we have our first commercial tool(s) and first freebie utility. Aside from their functionality, the VISTA tool gets points for being relatively affordable and the Copy Tips utility gets points for reuse of OpenG code. Great opening moves guys, anybody else?
  21. Hi all, We're here in this topic to discuss everyones favorite engineering activity, as it applies to LabVIEW. That's right, you guessed it, it's ...... (drum roll please) Oh I can here the cheers now, the excitement out there in reader land. Okay, maybe not. As a matter of fact most of us would rather watch paint dry than do documentation. But it is a part of being professional on a project, and since in truth we all probably hate it, and would like to get through it as quickly as possible so we can get one to the next design and coding project ... well I looked through the forums and did not find a topic dedicated to tools, tips, techniques, code snippets, etc that will help us do documentation of LabVIEW. Along those lines I also think the community needs some really innovative tools, and relatively inexpensive tools to help with docs, ranging from free, open source, to reasonably priced tools that cost. Now that I've opened the subject, I'll let others chime in for a while, then I hope to be finished with cleaning up a couple of small tools here that I use regularly. They do not do thewhole job, but they help. :thumbup:
  22. Happy birthday and congrats to Jim. Welcome to the ranks of: those who can no longer be trusted. Not so sure I'd want to go back to 30, I was still 2-3 years away from getting to use LabVIEW on my first project.
  23. Okay, since we didn't specify that there was no partial credit, ... Happy now?
  24. In brief, without reworking the whole thing, you need to replace all the stuff in the oval with the Extract Numbers.vi using it as a subVI, not cut-n-paste of it's diagram. Move the chart up into the loop. Feed the string from your latest line in the String Server read into Extract Numbers.vi, take the output array from Extract Numbers.vi and put it into an Array to Cluster conversion node and then into the Chart. The coffee was good this morning...
  25. Hhummpff, no kibitzing young man, I specifically specified newborns only! However, since no one else spoke up I suppose we might grandfather you in [puns intended] Besides, I'll see your ensemble and raise [lower?] you my 75' rust denim leisure suit, 3" motown platforms and a fuschia and orange polyester .....Sorry, couldn't keep that up and keep a straight face and type at the same time... Oh, baby, "Schlepp-Top", I love it. Reminds me of my very first computer, a Kaypro 2X Business system, with a FULL 64K and two {TWO I'll have you know] floppy drives. CPM, now there was a real operating system....Did anyone here ever have an Altair? :question:
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