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Mike Ashe

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Everything posted by Mike Ashe

  1. Perhaps we should have a Michael roast to celebrate ... What kind of stories could people contribute about "M.A. the 1st" ?
  2. If you don't have the IMAQ Vision toolkit you can use the Write to JPEG VI (the one the other guy told you to search for) then use a Command Exec call to invoke one of the myriad of open source/free JPEG->AVI converters. Not sure if that will be fast enough for you. What kind of framerate were you hoping to keep up with?
  3. Nice technique. I assume that you are using this for modification of templates of generic apps/VIs to your specific use at the moment?
  4. Still works in FireFox Nice to refer back to this thread to find this access. I remembered it, but had forgotten how to address it.
  5. Singularity Of Time Approaching ! Yes ladies and gentlemen, step right up, showing tonight for one time only, The Singularity In Time Get your tickets now to this once in a forever event! Don't miss it! People* will be inspired, people will be amazed, perhaps the clock and calendar will start rolling backwards once this momentous millenial event occurs, perhaps you'll even get that flash of the muse that will propel you to publish .... *The designation of "People" is not meant to discriminate or otherwise denigrate the contributions of any non-people entities who's work may appear in these journals ...
  6. On Wednesday, April 5th of this year, at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06. :clock: That won't ever happen again. You may now return to your (normal ?) life. Today's Totally Useless Trivia (TUT) brought to you by ... This will occur about 2 hours from the time of this post. You know, if I wasn't busy I'd make up a little time logger that would capture a log of the second that this occurs, save it off as "default" in a LabVIEW control and post it over in the looney tunes topic for alfa to use as an ingredient in his next time twister experiment and book.... :laugh:
  7. I'm not sure if we should sentence alfa to an SBBT or assume that he's already been the victim of one that went way past his breaking point. Hmmm, methinks the torturers slipped up on the volume setting and instead of 1 drop/10 sec they gave him 1 SB/10 sec Considering the level of lucidity in his literary lines I'd estimate the torture went on for a couple of days at least :laugh:
  8. As others have noted, we do speak our minds, but as the above posts will demonstrate we also do not scream or tolerate those whose left pinky tarries over the Caps Lock key. Besides Colin, you're not high enough up the NI Food Chain (NIFC) to warrant real screaming... Just a NIFC-y way to add a little Tender Loving Grief (TLG) to Colin's hazing ration today That's a dangerous question to ask around here. You've all got it wrong, Colin does indeed get to drink ... strapped down, lying on his back, face up, one single drop every 10 seconds, while watching the rest of us smile and pass the pitchers and bar-b-que around, :headbang: Yes, it's the dreaded Shiner Bock Beer Torture :beer: PS: Let's keep our acronyms straight, HH = "Homework Hustler"
  9. Hi All, Wondering if anyone has seen this. Open a new project, right click on My Computer and select Add Folder, navigate to and add the labview\examples\Application Builder directory. When I do this LabVIEW takes FOREVER and ends up loading the entire LabVIEW8 tree, everything, then reports some errors due to not being able to add some items because they are already loaded. This is repeatable. I am now in the middle of the second go around. I was going to copy the Application Builder example directory to C:/temp and perhaps one of the other single VI examples and trying again, but it is taking so long that I thought I'd through out a query first. Cheers, Mike
  10. Unfortunately, no, no more modifications. So please feel free to start with the version 0.1 above. Sorry, Mike
  11. I first "heard" in a private message where someone wondered if I'd read the bad news. I've been out all day and rather preoccupied and I hit "View New Posts" and read the topic from the start. All I can say now is, "Well done Michael", this was much better than any of NI's April Fools. :worship: I can also say that, at the moment, while my blood pressure still needs a logarithmic scale to be read, that it's a really really good thing for you that you're on the Left Coast ... I may need a heart transplant...
  12. I knew I should have put a smiley after weight comment. I didn't mean to imply... oh never mind. I wouldn't have spilled the beans, but since Amazon did so I thought I'd say something. Concerning the weight, funny, my hard drive is still the same, right down to the gram :laugh:
  13. Add these two with the fact that NI has a patent on the idea of 3D graphical programming and I'd say they've had this in their sites for some time. Ah, to be a fly on the wall of LV R&D...
  14. I do this with a couple versions of a state machine template. It's a nice technique. My ToDo list includes converting a lot more basic structures into palettes of merge VIs. Sigh ... So many nifty things to code up ...
  15. It had weight before. Who do you think started open source LabVIEW? It was Jeffrey. The history of OpenG is an interesting thing... My hat is off to both of them.
  16. I have pictured something like this in my head for doing LabVIEW for a long time. Drawing on a touch screen just made sense, but the touch screens all lacked the functionality. This was cool. I can't wait to see LabVIEW development using this.
  17. Over 100,000 write cycles. Lets say you startup, shutdown cycle 4 times every single day 100, 000 = 25,000 days /365 days per year .... You get the idea. With Moore's Law still valid, most of us are upgrading our systems long, long before the flash chip would go bad.
  18. Hmm, I have to disagree (respectfully, but disagree nevertheless). This depends partly on what you define by community what you mean by "help". If you mean the businesses who hire LabVIEW programmers, and the programmmers looking to be hired, then certification must "have some teeth in it" to be worthwhile. If you are evaluating someone for hire based on certification then you need to know that there is some rigor behind the certification process and standards. That is tough to do with a community/peer based group with no current funding behind it. It is tougher than producing quality open source code. In many fields of endeavor there exists peer certification that amounts to little more than a self admiration society and popularity points. I am not suggesting that you are suggesting that. Rather, I assume that you want a certification that carries even more weight than NI's. That is not impossible, but will not be realistically feasible until we have "board members" and people in the certification group who have consistent paid time to devote to the certification effort. Volunteer effort will not cut it. I'm an independent consultant. Been doing this for 9 years, full time now, part time before that. I know I don't have time/budget to spend on this right now and I do not know a single consultant who does. We're all too busy finding the next project and completing the current one. In order to have certification you must have a training process. NI has sewn shut the training process with it's training centers and with certification of LabVIEW Instructors. Non of the major Alliance partners can get involved with a community certification effort for fear of loss of their NI approved training centers. When there is a return on investment of time for a community/peer based certification, then I think we will see this. This may start to be possible in about a year. NI's original patents on LabVIEW will run out at that time and there will be a possibility of at least starting on an ANSI Std G. Once that happens (or starts to happen) then companies that have budget may dedicate some for this. We may also see government and/or academic support for a version of G that is independent of NI and which will need it's own independent certification. Once that is in the works it will make sense for the certification group to include certification for NI's version of G, LabVIEW. I think you've got a good idea, but until another year goes by I'm not going to hold my breath. (If I'm wrong, and a real peer certification for LabVIEW is created in the next year from this post, I will conceed I was wrong, publically and repent by buying you a :beer: at the earliest opportunity.)
  19. Well, there is now a new book just on LabVIEW style coming out. Peter Blume at Bloomy Controls wrote it. You can look at it at Amazon: The LabVIEW Style Book It has not yet been released, but it is already up on amazon and should be out soon. So will ... hmmm not sure what I can and cannot say about other books. Lets just say it's nice to be a technical reviewer sometimes ... Hmmm, take 2: (or in this case, take 3) I just checked at Amazon, and they have it posted, so let me also plug: LabVIEW for Everyone : Graphical Programming Made Easy and Fun (3rd Edition) (Hardcover) By Jeffrey Travis and Jim Kring I have had the privilege to be a technical reviewer for this, and I think they have done a great job on the third edition, bringing it up to date for LabVIEW 8. Stay tuned ! :thumbup:
  20. Go to NI.com and look at the IMAQ Vision toolkit. It has VIs to do what you want. Also, ask your local NI sales representative. I'm sure he/she would be glad to come and help.
  21. Interesting, I for one have never understood why we cannot have our PCs start up in 2 seconds. I mean, I understand the architecture, hw & sw, etc, I mean the design decisions. Why not state retrieval from flash ram? Considering how many complaints users have made over the years, this basic feature should have been taken care of a decade ago and made standard mobo equipment & functionality.
  22. Go to the MSDN search tool at Microsoft and search on "OS language setting(s)". You will probably find that there is a Windows API call in either user32.dll or kernel32 that will give yo what you want. Once you have the function call parameter just use the LabVIEW Call Library Node to make this call. Another option is to use .NET calls to the Windows Scripting Host for the environment. Lastly, there is probably a registery setting that you can quiry using LabVIEW's registry VIs. There's three possible ways. Cheers
  23. I started to post this yesterday, but stopped. Rather than reinvent another custom, why not go over to the OpenG website and get the Universal Probe and modify it slightly to make it conditional like you want? One size fits all.
  24. Well, I'm sure the $100K got a few people's attention :laugh: Realistically, there is no such thing as the ideal basic system. It depends on what you are testing, what products your company makes, what parameters they want tested, how accurately, how fast and with what level of reporting. The advice to get ahold of NI and/or Alliance members is a good one. Before you do, do yourself a favor and sit down and list out the things I just mentioned. It will make things go smoother (and cheaper). Good luck :thumbup:
  25. When you try this example, what happens, exactly? When you say it doesn't work do you mean the VI doesn't run at all or you cannot change timebase, or you don't understand?
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