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Everything posted by hooovahh

  1. hooovahh

    Alfa String

    QUOTE (crelf @ Jun 8 2009, 09:53 AM) Well I was a Portalist, but then I relized that the cake is a lie. The other bad thing about being a Portalist is that instead of drinking poisoned cool-aid you get lowered into a fire by a computer. But there's just something fun about putting your faith in a cool gun, by jumping off a cliff knowing the Portal will always be there to safely guide you to the other side.
  2. I wanted to make this post for two reasons. First I've never posted a new topic in the LAVA Lounge. And secondly I wanted to warn any new comers to LAVA that you may see some odd posts from a member (who is not a bot) by the name of Alfa. When I first came to LAVA I was very frustrated by the posts that Alfa made, always off the wall, odd and usually not on topic. To add to my frustration he rarly addresses any questions that other members ask him in a reply to his post. And if he does it may change topics drastically. If you've been a member of LAVA for a while you know to take Alfa posts with a grain of salt, but I wondered how people reacted to Alfa when he first arrived at LAVA. Alfa came to LAVA with LabVIEW related topics, as you can see in this topic Calling a DLL Alfa asks a question regarding calling a DLL. This is in March of 2005. Some time between March and December Alfa moved away from talking about LabVIEW and started talking about his book in this post The Book Ever since then his posts seem to be related to the topics of religion, math, and inteligence. These are the topics surrounding his two books. A few examples of odd Alfa posts can be found in the following threads http://forums.lavag.org/The-Aether-t6206.html So new comers beware. As stated earlier, take Alfa posts with a grain of salt. If you have a comment to make related to an Alfa post feel free to reply. Just try not to get angry or frustrated by his posts.
  3. QUOTE (rolfk @ Jun 8 2009, 04:42 AM) That's good information to have. I remember reading an article some where (I was sent a pdf of it) which explained how to create a runtime-less setup for 7.1. It said what files and directories to copy so I did, then I archived those file some where so I wouldn't need to get those files together again. I'd love to do some testing and see exactly what files my executables actually need.
  4. I don't know for sure but I would be surprised if we were allowed to.
  5. Public consumption? Is that like eating the public? Are you sure that cannibalism is the right kind of image we want for VIE?
  6. I completely agree, but some times I would like to be able to get a complete picture of the VI that maybe I didn't make, and I don't know where some controls may be hidden far to the right or left. Sure the scroll bar gives an indication that some thing is over there.
  7. QUOTE (Ic3Knight @ Jun 4 2009, 08:30 AM) The files are read only because you don't have the lock on the file. If you get the lock (which it sounds like didn't work) then the files become not read only, allowing you to edit the files. Then you perform a commit which can unlock the file (if the check box for keep locks is off) this will commit changes and allow anyone else on the team to get the lock and edit the file. If someone has the lock (and their local copy is not read only) then you won't be able to get the lock, and your local copy will be read only preventing you from making changes, until the other member on your team is done editing their copy. You will then be forced to update before getting the lock. Then you can continue to edit the file, picking up from where your other member left off. Only under rare circumstances should you ever change the file from read only manually with explorer. If you do this and edit the file, then you won't have the lock but will have a different version of the file than what is on the server, which is why performing an update reverted back to the original. You can only perform a commit if you have the lock on some thing.
  8. QUOTE (Gary Rubin @ Jun 3 2009, 09:17 AM) I loved that video, I know it was staged, but when it first came out I thought for a moment that it was real.
  9. QUOTE (ShaunR @ Jun 2 2009, 05:08 PM) I think that expression is up for interpretation on the compiler. Does it mean that if I take a picture of you with beer you will shake your finger at me? Or does it mean I should not take a picture while I am under the influence of beer? Does it imply that pouring beer into a digital camera will cause it to turn into a yellow face shaking his finger? or is that a near by person shaking their finger because I broke their camera by pouring beer into it?
  10. Here's a quick and dirty way of doing what you want. It just shows or hides one window or the other based on a VIG. Run the Start Engines VI since it is the new top level one. It will run both the Login and Main windows. One will be shown the other hidden. Once the user presses the button on that window, it will hide itself and show the other, but they are both constantly running. EDIT: sorry I posted it in 8.6, now there is one for 8.5
  11. <charming music> Say you have a generic DAQ system which needs inputs and outputs. There's a script for that. And say you want to make your programming life easier by adding tools which automate wiring up controls and indicators. There's a script for that. And say you just want to impress your friends, by writing the fastest 'hello world' program in existance. There's even a script for that. There's a script for just about any thing. Only on LabVIEW </charming music>
  12. QUOTE (Jim Kring @ May 29 2009, 01:27 PM) Oh I'm sure there will be some feature that scripting is missing that we expected to be there. Or possibly there will be a lack of documentation, or lack of support, or numerous bugs. And if there is nothing to complain about, we'll complain about the lack of complaints, thereby making complaints, thus solving out dilemma.
  13. I think you're confused, at least I think so based on this statement. QUOTE Part of the reason that your installer is 62MB in size is because the LabVIEW runtime is in the installer, and the runtime is kinda big, I would say like 40MB. I don't know what version of LabVIEW you have built your application in, but what you can do is host your small exe (850KB) on your website, and then tell people that to run it they will need to download and install the LabVIEW run time for that version of LabVIEW. You can just link to the file at NI's site. Here is the link to the 8.5 run time. ftp://ftp.ni.com/support/labview/windows/...VRunTimeEng.exe Or as rolfk said you could try to save the VIs in 7.1, then include the files needed to make a runtimeless executable work. But the download for your website would still be around 11MB for a exe. I think that posting these those files here may be illegal so here is a text file which lists the files I've been using for a 7.1 runtime less setup.
  14. I think the easiest way to find out how much time it takes for a set of operations, is to use a VI global. You write a small VI which just works like a stop watch, with start stop and reset. This VI could have an error clusters in it to preserve data flow. You then put this in before your calculation and tell it to start, it gets the tick count and puts it in a uninitialized shift register. Then you do your calculations, and at the end put down the same VI global with a stop action which gets the tick count and subtracts it from the shift register which contains the original time stamp. A quick and dirty way is to use a flat sequence structure, have the first case get the tick count, then the second is the actual work, then the 3rd case is to get the tick count and subtract it from the first.
  15. Yeah you can problematically change the mnu files natively in 8.6, I think it's in the app control palette. But every version of LabVIEW (that I've used anyway) allows you to customize the palette by going to Tools >> Advanced >> Edit Palette set. Then the new palette you make will be saved in the LabVIEW Apps folder.
  16. I haven't dabbled in scripting much, but could you code a VI using scripting? I realize that there are many steps to creating objects on the block diagram, but could I write a VI which makes a VI and runs it? It would be confusing to people who have never heard of scripting, they would just see a whole lot of property/invoke nodes and when they run it a whole UI with code would appear.
  17. Go to the link click on the Resources tab, click Evaluation Software, click LabVIEW Evaluation, click Download LabVIEW (you will then be prompted to log into NI's site) I didn't download it my self but it appears to redirect to the LabVIEW 8.6.1 install, I'm not sure if the DSC module is included in the download or not.
  18. I think what you are looking for is a running average. I think I found this piece of code on NIs website some time ago and I have found it handy when needing to do a simple quick filter. In the zip is the running average VI, and an example which just shows how to use it. Run the example then move the slider up and down and you'll see the running average on the slider next to it, and in a graph. By default is does a running average of the last 10 values but this can be changed. BTW it is saved in 8.0
  19. It sounds like a problem with problem with the help opening application. Here's some info and how to fix it. http://bubble.ro/Cannot_Open_the_File__Mk_...or_Message.html Never heard of this problem before but let me know if this fixed it for you.
  20. Not sure if there's a way to show passwords easier. I'm sure you already know this, but if you want to remove all saved passwords you can go Tools >> Clear Private Data, and then choose passwords.
  21. Yeah they had that on The Big Bang Theory. When Sheldon was doing laundry he was folding his shirts with one of those.
  22. ...I'm not sure if adding Anna Kournikova to my drink is a good idea but I'm not against trying new things. When it comes to LabVIEW marketing, I really don't care too much about the latest slogan. I've also become kinda jaded whenever NI comes out with some cool new toolkit or addon. It seems that alot of the things they make are aimed at beginners and usually aren't the kinds of tools I would use. That's not saying I don't use NI toolkits, I'm just saying that I realize NI would probably rather make things that bring in new customers rather than making tools to help their existing customers.
  23. I sometimes wonder how larger software companies accomplish this. If a piece of software has a 30 day trial and you turn back the clock, some times it will work, but most of the time (not that I've done this alot) it will know you changed the clock. Does it check the Windows time against the time that the bios says it is? How does it know you changed the time? If you are concerned that users are going to change the system time, you could just make it more complicated. Like every time the program runs write the current time to the registry (but not in an obvious format you could encrypt it with a system string) and if the new time is before the time in the registry then someone changed the system clock, and the software should exit.
  24. Well to be fair a 16 year old dating a 15 year old does pass the /2 + 7 guy rule, but that starts to fall apart as you get younger it's really meant for the 50 some things who want to date 18 year olds. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?...y%202%20add%207
  25. On the unbundle of the error cluster check to see what the error code number is. If the error code is equal to the known error code for having no registry key to read, then clear the error and write to the registry the date plus 15 days. As for how to calculate what today's date plus 15 days is, take the time stamp and add 1,296,000 to that number (wire the primitive add to the time stamp and add a double with the value of 1,296,000 to it) if you were wondering there are 1,296,000 seconds in 15 days.
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