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Everything posted by jzoller

  1. The marketing. It's tiring having to continually defend LV (and therefore my budgets) as a "real" language.
  2. "Why are we doing this?" It's gotta be the best question ever.

  3. Bookish - Scott Berkun's "The Myths of Innovation". Good stuff, a few weak arguments, but overall strong

  4. Something to note... Using a home install of a company license may end up gifting your personal work to that company. If you wish to keep/open source/license/sell your work independently, make sure you know your employer's policies, your employment contract and local laws.
  5. Depending on your situation, you might also try "INSERT IGNORE INTO..." See http://stackoverflow...exists-in-mysql Joe Z.
  6. [soapbox] The language used isn't all that important, really. It's just a tool. As an analogy, the knowledge of how to build a house is much more important, and harder to acquire, than the ability to use a table saw. In the same way, the knowledge of how to build a functioning system that includes software is more important than the tools you use. [/soapbox] Sorry, it leaked out. Joe Z.
  7. Business speak of the day: "...isolating mechanisms, which prevent ex post re-equilibration of the rent stream" O.o

  8. http://www.jamius.com/ Dunno, he just reminds me of someone at NI...

  9. Impressive! RT @lavag The #LabVIEW Web UI Builder is live - try it out here: http://bit.ly/coFiyk

  10. You can also parse them out of the executable, since they're stored amongst the binary in clear (if messy) text. Joe Z.
  11. Can you use just generic control references for controls/indicators, and calls to To More Specific Class inside of each vi with a specific type? If To More Specific Class errors, the cast is invalid, and you can behave appropriately. Just a (possibly fever induced) thought... a quick and dirty sample seemed to work for me. Joe Z.
  12. NI's put together a nice set of charts on it: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/7278 Joe Z.
  13. Red Mountain Pass twice this weekend http://tinyurl.com/26l6lb6. 200' drops, too narrow for guard rails. http://tinyurl.com/2blg4lu Fun!

  14. Making pie and reading #markdownsharp (http://code.google.com/p/markdownsharp/)... what do normal people do on the weekend?

  15. The error is a code 1, "SQL Error or missing database". Unfortunately, the Flatten To String function in LV returns a fair number of null chars when you feed it, for instance, a waveform. Escaped null chars don't seem to have the issue, so I might give that a try. Thanks again, Joe Z.
  16. Fun stuff, thanks Shaun! It's worth noting that attempting to write a raw "\00" causes a glitch in the low level prepare (that calls sqlite3_prepare_v2) vi. I'm guessing it's due to: The statement size is wired as a -1 by default. I'm tinkering with different sizes now, but would take any ideas out there. Thanks, Joe Z.
  17. I think you can get to O(m log n) with this using a binary search. (NI's binary search vi's are here.) Sort and binary search are (most likely) O(log n), and the for loop is O(m). Of course, this doesn't catch duplicates, and NaN's can make it a little cross-eyed. Joe Z. Edit: Come to think of it, you don't actually need to sort your smaller array.
  18. This is a really nice convenience, thanks! Joe Z.
  19. <--- Architect. (Despite my misgivings about certification programs, I *did* learn a bit in studying for the test). Thanks to all for so much help over the years, Joe Z.
  20. Sorry, poor phrasing. It's my besetting sin. Yep, it's the data structure of the AMC. I had initially assumed it was something a little less sophisticated than a queue tracking system. Joe Z.
  21. It depends on the use case. I prefer YAGNI over the "everything always available" option. I'll probably throw together a sample with your system, though. It's intriguing. A more detailed question: Why a sixteen element queue? Thanks, Joe Z.
  22. Okay, I'll be a downer... Why would you use this over something much simpler? Joe Z.
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