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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. Plugged the USB receiver into the back of the Wii last night (on a whim) and it worked reasonably well! Now I need to find a micro-USB to USB socket adapter to try plugging it into the new Apple TV 2.0.
  2. Buzz kill?! It appears the whole thing is dead... we've decided to remove the LabVIEW Add-ons Idea Exchange and merge the ideas posted there into the LabVIEW Idea Exchange.
  3. Thanks, that makes sense. Now I officially have 500 posts
  4. I had 502, now I have 498. I'm still a member of the 500 Club. One more post and my conscience will be clear... This post shows 503, now I need to check my profile... EDIT 499 in my profile. where did the other posts come from (or go?)
  5. Why not store the files on a common server? \\servername\AppName\StationName1\Datafile1.dat \\servername\AppName\StationName1\Datafile2.dat \\servername\AppName\StationName2\Datafile1.dat \\servername\AppName\StationName2\Datafile2.dat The files can be backed up by IT, and access is defined by network, not local account names and shares. Local networking shares with read/write access is one of the most common methods that viruses (virii?) spread...
  6. Phillip Brooks

    dB Qs

    I think most databases are going to offer the same core functionality. The most important thing is to identify your data relationships and minimizing duplicate data. When we designed our database long ago, we started by using "Database Design for Mere Mortals" by Michael Hernandez. I see that there is a new edition, I don't know what has changed. I still browse through the old edition once in a while when I question what I'm doing. If you get your database design right and use the Database Connectivity Toolkit, it shouldn't matter which DB you end up using.
  7. Funny, I just recently posted a vi (on the dark side) that I wrote awhile back to remove HTML tags from TestStand HTML reports. Maybe it will help you. There are some other regex nuggets in the thread... http://forums.ni.com/t5/BreakPoint/Regular-Expressions-Board/m-p/1269088#M14343
  8. You might consider using the function "Check if File or Folder Exists" instead. The path may not be empty, but that doesn't mean the file exists. Use the file or folder exists? output to control your case statement and use the dup path for the read file function.
  9. I commented on an idea located here. What I added to the idea was that Probes should have a Probe Manager window that allows the user to record a timestamp for selected probes. The advantage would be that you could measure time across VIs as well as within, without creating sequence structures. If you like the idea, vote it up, point me to a duplicate or help define the idea better. I just like the concept and want to see the probes improved a bit...
  10. If you have a valid connection reference, use the DB Toolkit vi located at: vi.lib\addons\database\Auxilliary.llb\DB Tools Select All Data.vi This vi returns a 2D array of string that you can write to the ItemNames property of a MCL or the Values of a table control. If you have a recordset reference, you can use the sub-vi inside the one above called vi.lib\addons\database\Auxilliary.llb\DB Tools Fetch Table Data.vi No special coding or libraries required. You can use the VIs NI gives you (they are not on the palette though )
  11. I recall that the Agilent GPIB interfaces need an extra piece of code / dll to be used from LabVIEW; I think it's referred to as a 'tulip' driver. I Googled and found some app notes on the Agilent site: http://www.home.agil...029&pageMode=AN Look at the document titled "Tips in Using Agilent GPIB Solutions in National Instrument’s LabVIEW Environment"
  12. Completely unrelated, but would this microphone do?
  13. There is a new LabVIEW SQLite library just recently made available in the uncertified section of the LAVA Code Repository. The requirements listed are Windows and LabVIEW 9.0, but I believe the author of the library included the possibility to use with other platforms such as RT. Try asking your question in that thread ... If you have the time or inclination, you may be able to help add Linux support!
  14. RFC 1149 ( A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers) had the idea 20 years ago, I just thought it was time we had a new way to pass data in LabVIEW...
  15. I discovered the addition of this new area at the bottom of this HDF5 Idea Exchange entry. From the new Idea Exchange page: The LabVIEW Add-ons (VIs and tools) Idea Exchange allows you to submit ideas for new LabVIEW Add-ons. These Add-ons can range from a set of VIs and functions to development tools for particular application areas and industries. It is also a place for LabVIEW Add-on developers to find new and valuable product ideas. The ideas on submitted on this page have the potential to become LabVIEW Add-ons. Do you have an idea for a LabVIEW Add-on? Browse by label or search in the LabVIEW Add-ons Idea Exchange to see if your idea has previously been submitted. If your idea exists be sure to vote for the idea by giving it kudos to indicate your approval! If your idea has not been submitted click Post New Idea to submit your idea. Be sure to submit a separate post for each idea. Watch as the community gives your idea kudos and adds their input. If an Add-on developer begins to implement an idea, we will update the status of the idea. Give kudos to other ideas that you would like to see made into a LabVIEW Add-on.
  16. Are you averse to any polling, or just polling in your top level (UI?). Maybe define a 'monitor' task that is run at start and receives an event ref and notifier. Pass your task VI instances via the notifier (or queue or functional global or carrier pigeon) to the 'monitor'. The monitor would periodically evaluate the array of task VI refs by checking the Execution.State property of each ref; generate an event for each vi that is not 'Run top level'. I smell an Idea Exchange suggestion in this problem...
  17. From Dan Steingart's blog: Giving It Away Somehow I’ve managed to a sneak a talk in at the open hardware summit between Leah Buechley, inventor of the lilypad and Michael Shiloh, hacker extraordinaire. Beyond that there are other rockstars of open source like Dave Mellis, lead software dude for the arduino, Bunnie Huang of Chumby fame, the dudes from Seeed and Sparkfun, and, well, just about everyone else other than me is a rockstar. Ostensibly I’m going to talk about why I think the ardustat is important, but I’m also going to rail a bit about the decline, IMHO, of the grad student hacker outside of EE/CS, and how open source hardware can reverse this trend. So register, suffer through my talk (it’s 10 minutes, go to the can or something), and then be enlightened for the rest of the day by some truly generous, thoughtful people. 1 month ago Notes (0) I think this helps put the image in perspective (at least for me).
  18. You can use the Unescape XML function: http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/371361D-01/glang/unescape_xml_string/
  19. Phillip Brooks


    If you need to store your data in a hierarchical format, you could look into HDF5. I believe there are LabVIEW libraries for this, and they should be compatible with Windows and Linux. A suggestion for HDF5 has already been placed on the Idea Exchange: Suggest that LabVIEW support HDF5
  20. I haven't played with regular expressions in a while, but maybe there is a way to do this with Match Regular Expression.
  21. Cat. Ack. Now I know what you look like!
  22. I just tried this with a table and a Boolean. You can paste it in to the text of the Boolean, but not the column header of the table. Suresh wanted to load the Boolean text from an INI file, so I don't think he can use this technique either. Cut & paste from Word is good for static button text though!
  23. After reading your post and re-reading g_sures post, I think you have the same problem. You can selectively set the font for individual characters in a string control, but the Boolean control text and the cell text of a table do not support this. In each case, you could create a string control and then retrieve the position of the cell/Boolean text and then move your string control containing the hybrid text to the center of that element (cell/button).
  24. If you are reading this from an INI file, then the symbol should be an upper case 'W'. If your default font in Notepad set to Symbol, it will APPEAR as the character Omega. If your INI file contains other units (Watts for example) then you may not be able to differentiate between Ohms and Watts. It might be better to spell out the units rather than using the abbreviation. You could then use the Match Pattern or Match Regular Expression nodes to look for Ohms or Watts. If you want info on displaying and formatting of Greek symbols in LabVIEW (specifically Omega) see this post on the NI forums...
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