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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. Tushar, I am very impressed with your example on UI customization on your blog! I'm sharing the image here to show everyone what a nice job you've done... Is your question related to extending this example? http://www.jambhekar.com/blogs/?p=19
  2. A Model-View-Controller architecture? An old-school solution is the examples outlined in Conway and Watts 'A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW'. If you go the the InformIT page for the book, you can download the examples. The Wigetometer Test System is based on parallel loops where the execution of the test is decoupled from the UI. http://www.informit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=0130093653 The addition of event structures, queues and OOP makes certain things much easier. Apply your knowledge of these features to this old example.
  3. Robot buys a scone at coffee shop - http://goo.gl/7cmQT

  4. I posted this .NET example a while back on the dark side. To get the DNS info, you would need to modify it and extract the IPInterfaceProperties.DNSAddresses collection, then iterate over that (getenumerator, movenext, current)
  5. There's also a simple iPhone/iPod app to view your DropBox. I has posted last year asking if anyone had experience with DropBox's underlying system; Amzon's S3. I think a form of DropBox would be great as a repository for test results. Our current solution uses private hosting and a transfer app to upload and store XML data via web based protocols. We don't have to store the data in house, or punch a hole or set up a VPN in our CM's network to transfer data. The product we use is SigmaQuest, which was recently purchased by Camstar. It is much more than a repository for test data, but thats our primary use. SigmaQuest is a little rough around the edges, but it seems to be geared more towards high volume processing. We are more of a lower volume/high mix manufacturer and need debug and repair functions that are present (with our help) but a bit buggy and lacking in report features. I think it would be great if there was a form of DropBox that could replicate an ATEs test reports folder to a common DropBox folder without copying it back to every other ATE. Some web guys with statistics experience could write an Amazon hosted app that would process and perform calculations like first pass yield and average times.
  6. Silverlight.
  7. I presume that the reason for the clause is to allow NI to delete the disparaging post from their own web site and/or revoke the account of the poster in the event that NI doesn't like the link(s). Probably more about NI's right to not host or provide links to unflattering or disparaging comments against them. If the "I hate LabVIEW" thread occurred on the NI forum; I don't think they would do anything about it. If the originator of the discussion had started it on say the NI community forums instead of his onw blog, NI might at the very least close the thread for additional discussion. The funny thing is, if the 'I hate LabVIEW' folks HAD done this on the NI forums, they would have most certainly been 'educated' by the community, without NI's need to get involved. Basically a CYA clause
  8. Yeah, there is a higher level VI that calls this twice. My main point for sharing it was the lexical class idea. This VI is from 10+ years ago; I've used it a couple of times recently, but never looked at it for performance. Any time I see an array of constants on the BD, I think that this can be done a better (more extensible) way...
  9. My libraries have something similar for trimming, but use the lexical class as an input.
  10. Sorry, I'm not an Apple user. I suppose I should have used "Microsoft Suck Genuine - Platinum Edition; SP4 with VI Analyzer Option Pack".
  11. Maybe you should look at Express VIs
  12. I worked from home today, school was closed for the kids due to weather. I decided to take the opportunity to 'get up to speed'. I've been working on Windows XP and LabVIEW 8.6 for years. My new laptop is nice, and I'm starting to get used to Windows 7. I installed LabVIEW, activated it and started it up. OK. Then everything falls apart. I have a user.lib collection that I need to update. WinZIP has the f?!King 'ribbon' and I can't figure out to use it. I finally find a 'classic' mode that helps. I discovered that I installed the 32 bit version of LabVIEW (not on purpose, don't know how the choice was made) and the software installs into an (x86) folder. My user.lib ZIP file has the full path, and either winzip or Windows 7 won't let me unzip into the Program Files folder. I extract to the desktop and then move everything into the (x86)\National Instruments..... folder. The tool that uses user.lib was built off the root of C: (bad, i know). I end up extracting that to the desktop and then moving it. I try to open the code and I get complaints that the VI Analyzer is not found/activated. I remember reading that VI Analyzer was being upgraded to a full toolkit, and now my tool is useless because one of it's jobs is to analyze VIs for upgrading. I have a Developer Suite Test Edition, but I still need to pay for Analyzer? How About taking CVI and giving me something that as a LabVIEW developer I can actually USE?! Ugh. When did all this sh!t happen, and why am I old and unable to handle it. What was wrong with the old ways (XP, no ribbons, write to disk where I want)? Now I can't get Cathy Sierra's How to be an Expert slide out of my head. I suck at this, I give up.
  13. Try running VI Analyzer. It can find things like hidden controls/indicators and duplicate names. When you click on the item in the VI Analyzer results, it will locate the item for you. I've found unused controls/indicators this way (result of cut & paste programming) that where 'off in the buckwheat' with no wires or related code. Some of your duplicate named controls/indicators may not be used, or shudder ...
  14. dnatt via twitter: Day 2 of #LabVIEW with the kids. One early hangup is the fine motor control required to use Auto Tool. We'll try the 'tab' key tomorrow. Now I know why I turn it off; my fine motor skills are poor!

  15. Awesome! The first thing I thought of was Geordi La Forge. I've had recurring twitching in my left eye that may be caused by sarcoidosis. Its not at the frequency that this guy was 'experiencing' but If I can get my right eye to act up maybe I can see in 3-D without glasses too! Wait, don't I already see in 3-D? And didn't Geordi need glasses? Time to shave a yak...
  16. "Buying RAM is for people who don't know how to write Algorithms." http://bit.ly/gpxhIc

    1. jcarmody


      I read that this morning.

  17. One thought/comment. You can set a queue size when you create it. If you fill it and then empty it, you can control your message queue size and performance. Is there a technique to monitor / control the size of the user event queue? Could you experience a run-away condition where the system might run out of RAM? An RT based system in my mind should manage memory allocation carefully...
  18. Wanted to understand the encryption process a bit better . This VI is not production quality, but it does encrypt and decrypt the data... PBKDF2.vi (LabVIEW 8.6)
  19. .NET? I used to be known as LV_Punk dotNET GUID.vi
  20. LabVIEW does not support .NET versions later than 2.0 directly. See here The link I posted before should be for the 2.0 assembly. I usually find myself using the browse function and navigating to the 2.0.??.?? of the mscorlib.llb that this type of function resides in. The link above contains a link on how to configure a project/.exe to use a specific version of an assembly for compability on older machines that have not loaded the latest.
  21. Maybe you could use .NET ? http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.security.cryptography.rfc2898derivebytes(v=VS.80).aspx
  22. Next Monday I'll be a department of one. No more time for yak shaving... http://goo.gl/vR5Dj

  23. Awesome! I've just printed this and placed it on my cubicle wall next to my 'How to be an expert' chart (see below)
  24. There is a function in LabVIEW to retreive a reference to the socket. You can use this to manipulate the socket outside of LabVIEW. I used it to adjust the TCP buffer size. There is also a VI to return a UDP socket ref. See this NI forum link...
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