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Phillip Brooks

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Everything posted by Phillip Brooks

  1. When is a cable more than a cable? Thunderbolt Cable Teardown Reveals Electronics and Firmware - Mac Rumors - http://goo.gl/TkjD4

  2. I recently read about planking, then the Thai version called pubpeab, and now I think that we need a LabVIEW version.
  3. I Want To Know What I Want to Know When I Want To Know It

  4. If LabVIEW programmers are 'wire jockeys', what are other programmers; 'ASCII jockeys'?

  5. I might buy this book just for the cover art... Wat Phra Kaew at the Thai Grand Palace in Bangkok.
  6. Maybe something like this for the back? LAVAG.org - The only place hotter than Austin in August!
  7. NI forum spell-check of the string 'stationglobals.ini'' suggests 'gastrointestinal'. Talk about the getting into the guts of TestStand!

  8. Someone pointed me to something called Maintainable Software. http://maintainable.com/ Anyone have any experience using their services?
  9. Congratulations on the win! I haven't looked at your code, but I may take a look at it soon.
  10. LAVA members do it with class; OOPs I meant .lvclass :P

  11. Maybe the problem has to do with your service provider's DNS. One way to check it out would be to set your computers or router to use Google Public DNS.
  12. It would be nice... Sigh...
  13. See my response on the NI forum.
  14. Moral Maxims and Reflections Now I have something new to read! My mother is from the Charente region, and I visited Château de La Rochefoucauld when I was young... Complete courage and absolute cowardice are extremes that very few men fall into. The vast middle space contains all the intermediate kinds and degrees of courage; and these differ as much from one another as men’s faces or their humors do. François de La Rochefoucauld, Moral Maxims and Reflections, no. 215 (1665-1678) Perfect courage is to do without witnesses what one would be capable of doing with the world looking on. François de La Rochefoucauld, Moral Maxims and Reflections, no. 216
  15. My guess would be that when a cable is plugged into the Ethernet port, the adapter is active and Windows returns the IP address assigned to the network card on the open request. When you pull the cable, Windows informs any active sockets that the state has changed and your connection is closed by LabVIEW. If no cable is connected, Windows returns the loopback address as the only valid adapter. If you explicitly request localhost, this is resolved to and never uses the physical interface. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Localhost Communicating with the loopback interface in an identical manner as with another computers on the network, but bypassing the local network interface hardware, is useful for the purposes of testing software.
  16. I posted this on the NI forums several years ago. I used .NET to monitor the power status instead of polling a DLL. I registered for a callback event and then used a LabVIEW notifier to pass the status to other LV code... http://decibel.ni.co...t/docs/DOC-1154
  17. Homer Simpson Need Not Apply http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/18/opinion/18Friedlander.html?_r=1
  18. Dropbox saves one million files every 15 minutes. http://goo.gl/Qj5sJ

  19. The top half of the files you posted contain functions that your web browser interprets to update the page based on values read from the server. I don't think you will be able to use this method to check the status of the valves. I went to the Rotork site and found a page that describes the Pakscan product listed in the AJAX code of your files. http://www.rotork.com/en/product/index/pakscanethernetdemo According to the documentation, the device supports modbus. You should be able to communicate with the Pakscan this way. If you are trying to write an application to test / validate the Pakscan UI, I don't think your current method for retrieving the device data will work.
  20. Don't forget PuTTY. No install required, just the exe. It also supports SSH! http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/
  21. Looking through palettes; still can't find Adonis DNA or tiger blood VIs...

  22. When I upgraded from 7.0 to 8.6, my group used something called VI Analyzer. There are specific tests that you can select/install called the VI Upgrade Analyzer. See here: http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-6141
  23. Only 55 Twitter users with LabVIEW in their bios - http://goo.gl/p32md :(

  24. Be careful with the Error cluster. About a year ago I was asked to refactor some LabVIEW 5.0 originated low-level dialogs used extensively throughout our code. These dialogs used a straight through in-out style. Some of the refactoring included using new NI functions and library VIs. This caused much of our upper level code to need a recompile because the LV compiler now detected that the previous static state of the error cluster could now change. I had to change the error handling of the dialogs to discard the errors. We use TestStand and LabVIEW with Debug licenses on out ATEs. Whenever an engineer sees a 'dirty dot' upon opening a VI, the person responsible for the lower level change gets a finger wagging and DEFCON 1 is declared. (Lucky or maybe unlucky for me, I'm just recently down to a group of one...) I posted the example of my problem last year in this thread: Recompiled VIs + SCC
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