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Found 8 results

  1. Hello Everyone, I have a project that I am working on. It is running on an old machine using Windows XP, and LabVIEW 8.6.1. Our customer has requested that we add the capability to make a call to a web service that they have written. They do not want to upgrade the OS or LV version, so I am trying to find a way to do this in 8.6.1. They have given my the wsdl file to review and it is specifying using the SOAP protocol in a request/response format. The request message, requires 5 pieces of string data from the LabVIEW application. I have never done any web service calls before in any language so I am trying to learn that as I go as well. I have tried searching on the forums on how to do this, but I have not found anything. So I would like to know if there are any VIs in 8.6.1 to support this kind of request. If there are, can someone please tell me which VIs/pallet to use and some guidance on how to use them?
  2. Hi Everyone, Is there possible to hear the the sound if the VI in web page (through web publishing tool). I checked it. I can hear the sound in my server PC. But unable to hear my client PCs. is there any other method . . . .? sound.vi
  3. Hi all, new to Lava, so (kindly) let me know if I screwed up my post I have a multi-user web application controlled by a LV web service. I keep track of all the users through the web service > sessions VI's. This is pretty cool and works really great. I can give each user different levels of authentication, force them to use SSL, track where they go and when throughout the website, etc. Now what I'd like to do is keep track of when their session expires. Obviously I can provide a "Logout" link on the client-side which ultimately calls the "Destroy Session" VI, but I can't ensure that all clients will click the link to log out (e.g. how many times do you really sign out of gmail verse just close the browser?!) What's the best way to catch the session timeout event that is specified during "Create Session" VI? It appears as if I need a "LV Web Service Request" object to even call the Destroy Session VI, which makes matters much more difficult it seems. Is this even possible? Thanks for the help
  4. NI week approaches. I'm doing a session on "Web Tech for Test and Automation" on Thus @ 2:15. During it I'm going to show off some open source LV Web Service code. If anyone wants to give feedback you can find the reuse code here. Any feedback is appreciated. It requires installing 3 packages and LV 2013 or later. Cheers.
  5. Hi all, I've developed program that calls subvi that queries data from MySQL data base. It works fine till I publish it as a web service. While running program, I receive errorCode and errorDesc from subvi as follows: errorCode=-2147467259 errorDesc=NI_Database_API.lvlib:DB Tools Open Connec (String).vi->checkLog.vi->vigateway.vi->vigateway.vi.ProxyCaller<ERR>ADO Error: 0x80004005 Exception occured in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified in NI_Database_API.lvlib:DB Tools Open Connec (String).vi->checkLog.vi->vigateway.vi->vigateway.vi.ProxyCaller It happens on LV 2012 and 2013. I've tried also with wi-fi switched off and it's the same. ODBC is supposed to be properly configured (it works for undeployed program). Everything is fine with Web Server configuration. VI works when it is run as application and web service but the problematic is VI I attached. I'd be grateful for your help. Best regards, Piotr checkLog.vi
  6. Hi, I am trying to tabulate data into a form such that i can display data points from a signal into an array that ultimately can be displayed graphically in a restful web service. Iv'e been able to simulate data via a waveform indicator using a simple simulate signal vi, but i can't seem to find a solution anywhere that will allow me to extract and display points from a signal from within a simulation loop. I've tried using the indexer funtion which seems to be limited and using the collector funtion which I am struggling to get to grips with. If anyone could help me find a solution or give me advice on how to go about solving this problem I would appreciate it so much! Thanks, Christian controlloop.vi
  7. Anyone seen this before? Please explain what is in the red circle. Im having a problem: webserver can not start after running my exe After many builds I found that It is come down to one little vi that i used: Inverse matrix as shown in the attachments. If i open this vi for the first time it shows: localhost as shown then i close it, reopen the vi again and it is now changed to: my project/My Computer as shown I dont understand, can you explain? This is the main cause of the error that i have as attached. (i know this because if i remove this vi, my exe runs fine!)
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm using LabVIEW 2011 SP1 and am trying to use the "Import Web Service" to consume a WCF web service. I can connect to the service no problems, but when it comes to the window that lists the methods to import, there seems to be no methods available (even though I know there is). I've read on NI forums back in 2009 that WCF is not supported by the Import Web Service tool because it was written using .NET framework 3.0 (or prior), however, I'm using .NET framework 4.0. I would have hoped that NI would have updated this from 2-3 years ago. Does anybody know why the methods are missing? I know I can use a .NET dll, but that will take some more time...
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