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LabVIEW 2010 Know Issues Page


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There will always be bugs that carry over from one version to the next.

That does not mean that none of the bugs are being fixed.

For all bugs to be fixed all development would have to come to a halt and about six versions of BETAs would have to be run. As long as the show-stoppers get fixed and progress is made on the rest, I'm happy.



There will always be bugs that carry over from one version to the next.

That does not mean that none of the bugs are being fixed.

For all bugs to be fixed all development would have to come to a halt and about six versions of BETAs would have to be run. As long as the show-stoppers get fixed and progress is made on the rest, I'm happy.


I was only being tongue in cheek Ben

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There will always be bugs that carry over from one version to the next.

I hope that not the case with my cars ECU

That does not mean that none of the bugs are being fixed.


For all bugs to be fixed all development would have to come to a halt and about six versions of BETAs would have to be run. As long as the show-stoppers get fixed and progress is made on the rest, I'm happy.


I don't know here to start with this statement. rolleyes.gif

Thank you!

The LV Champion fought long and hard to get the bugs into the public forum and tracked and I was just starting to believe that old rumour of bugs not getting fixed had been squashed.

Take care,


Of the 161 known issues in LV2010, 125 are from previous versions (~78% if I've counted correctly). Rumour?

Should I run for cover now? biggrin.gif


...Of the 161 known issues in LV2010, 125 are from previous versions (~78% if I've counted correctly). Rumour?

Should I run for cover now? biggrin.gif

I am not trying to start a flame war but I do agree with the statement (paraphrased) "All that is neccesary for evil to thrive in the world is for good men to remain silent."

NO I am NOT implying you or your comment are evil, far from it. I am saying that I would be neglegent ifg I remained silent on this point (it my problem, please excuse me).

Those numbers show that bugs got fixed.

The issues that don't get fixed are the issues that are of low priority.

If you think NI is ignoring major bugs they will listen to your story. If it is convincing enough the priority will get bumped.

And let me be clear that I am not claiming that ALL bugs get fixed. The "old" state diagram toolkit was one of my favorites and I actually encouraged its use in house for development. After I reported a couple of serious bugs in it, NI's response was to drop it and replace it with something completely different.

OK, I have delt with my issue. Please excuse the soap-box thing.


And the world, will be better for this, that one man scorn and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to fix the un-fixable bug!


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