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Text file in PropertyPages folder

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Anyone figure out how these txt files (C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 201x\resource\PropertyPages) work?


Looks like there are some link between the content of these files and the tabs shown on the control properties panel.


What I really want is shown additional tabs for the decorations.



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Uh, what additional tabs would you want it to show?  It's unlikely to work anyway since these pages are probably very tightly coupled to the control, or front panel object, and even if you were able to say take a tab shown for a string control, and have it show up in the decoration, I doubt things would work right.  What are you wanting to add?  It might be a good idea to post on the Idea Exchange where you can suggest future features of LabVIEW.



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I want show the appearance tab, where you set the object width & height.

i.e. "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 201x\resource\PropertyPages\Pages\PropPage_Appearance.vi"


Don't want to post on the Idea Exchange anymore.  Waiting forever!

I want to do it myself.

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I remember seeing something around about 2010 about this.


If memory serves me correctly forum member jgcode did some digging into this and had a usable example, but there were some things preventing a complete solution.


I also think there is a NI community page dedicated to this, but cannot find it either.



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  • 5 months later...

I've figured it out.

Each .txt file is for a GObject, such as path ctrl, or while loop structure, ...

The filename is the Class ID of the GObject. e.g. 11.txt is for the path ctrl.

Inside the file, each line defines a tab on the GObject properties dialog panel.

The first column is the tab id; the second column is the VI to be used on the tab.

Multiple VIs can be displayed on the same tab.

Now you can make your own VIs to show up on the dialog panel.


Edited by Zou
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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't need the queue-it is just adding complication for no benefit. You are taking the event (which is automatically named by the control label) then grabbing the control name and sending it via a queue to a case structure that has the same names as the events. Your code will be lot simpler and easier to read if you just use the event structure with a frame for each control.

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5 hours ago, ShaunR said:

Your code will be lot simpler and easier to read if you just use the event structure with a frame for each control.

Yeah but if it's password-ed no one will see it right?  Certainly having a non passworded version would benefit the community more, nonetheless, thank you Zou.

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22 minutes ago, hooovahh said:

Yeah but if it's password-ed no one will see it right?  Certainly having a non passworded version would benefit the community more, nonetheless, thank you Zou.

Ah yes. Forget everything I said because I obviously opened the wrong VI to be able to see the diagram. Thanks for pulling me up on it.

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It's just a very, very simply, textbook VI.

You are all experienced programmers.

You can create your own VI to show up in the property dialog.

The queue is there to get message from LabVIEW, must have it, and don't destroy the queue when exit.

I'll create a template for those who can't figure out how to create a plugin VI.


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6 minutes ago, Zou said:

You are all experienced programmers.

I am, but I can't speak for others who stumble on this thread years later, and actually Mike had an interesting quote regarding locked VIs.  Again thank you for any contribution you share.

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