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NI-MAX and sbRIO-9627 not showing CAN peripherals?

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Does anyone have any experience with sbRIO 9627 and any of the CAN0 or CAN1 peripherals?
LV Embedded-CAN examples seem to not cover this specific sbRIO?
None of the CAN peripherals are visible when starting an FPGA project or when setting up CAN1 with the CLIP generator.
Any help will be much appreciated.


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I only worked with an FPGA CAN device once, and it was a long time ago.  For me there was an example that showed how to create a DMA on the FPGA to send raw data back on.  Then on the host you could read or write the raw CAN frames.  From there you could use my frame signal conversion library.  But I've never used them on the sbRIO so I'm unsure how that process is different.  I'd be surprised if there wasn't some kind of CAN example installed with the software. From LabVIEW go to Help >> Find Examples and then search.  I suspect the CAN port won't show up in MAX. To use it you need to write code, or open an example.

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