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  3. It's been a while I've worked on sbRIO devices. usually MAX is how you setup the sbRIO but that options seems to be gone. Am I missing something? this sbRIO had 2019 on it before I formatted the drive , now I can browse to it but options to install are no longer present. I downloaded System Configuration/setup from NIPKG manager and all *.ipk files but a bit lost on how I can put an OS on this sbRIO. Any help is appreciated. Editing to add: Some information on only LabVIEW 2019 and older can be installed the old way https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000001DthyCAC&l=en-US 2020 and newer installation is done differently. What I'm concerned is if all sbRIOs are supported with new method. I'm guessing not https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000x2jQCAQ&l=en-US end of edit.
  4. Last week
  5. NI Package Manager is advertising a LabVIEW 2021 SP1 f6 version that I would like to learn about before installing it, but I am unable to find anything online. Does anyone have a better search engine (or insider trick on how to get the Package Manager to be helpful)?
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by "not fully transparent" but if you want to get rid of the border you can do something like this. sr_test1.zip
  7. My front panel doesn't always rule. For example, rounded corners。
  8. Rolf/Log Thanks guys for the input , I will have to do a little testing , but , sounds encouraging. Regards Dan
  9. I have not used that Windows API before. Why don't you just resize the window to as big as the area you want to remain?
  10. I want to make the front panel transparent according to the background color to remove the unwanted parts. When I set the windows behavior of the VI to floating, the program is OK. But when I set thewindows behavior of the VI to the modal, there is a transparent border, and it is not fully transparent. Is there any good solution? The VI of the test is in the test1.rar file. test1.rar
  11. Hi, I made a Tcl script which compresses the property/method information for classes by removing everything inherited from a parent class (this reduces the file size to 18 304 lines); also, I selected classes suitable for FPGA VI - now the text file is below 7 000 lines, and I see no method or property duplicated there. For full class set, 163 methods for VI-like classes weren't reduced because VI class used type LVObjVI and its children used LVObjUnknown; and some properties weren't reduced bacause a child has their access configured differently from its parent, like for both the property was read/write, but the default direction was different (this affects properties: 225 AutoLog.Path, 226 AutoLog.AtFinish, 227 AutoLog.PrintAtFinish, 242 Def Err Handling, 283 AutoPreallocate, 634640e Value, 6346410 DefVal, 6346411 Val(Sgnl), 23f44800 Name, 5436bc00 Texture Generator Mode, 5436bc01 Texture Generator S Plane, 5436bc02 Texture Generator T Plane, 7c86e800 TypeClass, 7c86e80a Value, 7c86e811 UserData). lvc_tree.tcl is the script which can be run on the large (over 4MB) file in the lv_classes.zip I posted on May 18th; the 56kB text file is already "compressed". I found 8 more classes used in FPGA VI-s - they aren't in the file: EIONode, EIOPropertyNode, EIOMethodNode, EIOGrowableMethodNode, LocalResourceManager, niFpgaContainer, nifxpmath_Interpret, niFpgaIPINode. fpga-cl-known-xf.txt lvc_tree.tcl
  12. Yes. Yes. It will still use the runtime engine, which is part of the installation. Here is a KB article with more information on how to bundle different report classes with your executable: Create a Stand-Alone Application Including Report Generation VIs - NI
  13. It should. The Report Generation Toolkit VIs are either built in (HTML Report) or access the according Word or Excel Active X component. However the Office ActiveX component is version sensitive. LabVIEW uses dynamic dispatch to access these interfaces, but uses early binding for that. It means it determines the actual method IDs to call at compile time rather than at runtime based on the method name. This has as consequences that the calling is slightly faster but any version difference in the ActiveX interface leads the LabVIEW method call into the abyss. So your Office installation on the target machine has to use the same version as what was used on the machine on which you build the application. The change to use late binding would have been fairly trivial for anyone having access to the LabVIEW source code, but alas was never considered a strong enough issue to let a developer spend a few hours on it. If I would have had to do it I would probably have left the early binding option in there and added an extra retry to try late binding at runtime if the initial methodID call would fail. Or even fancier, let the ActiveX method call have a menu option to select if it should do early binding, late binding or a combination of both with retry if the early bind call initially fails.
  14. Pretty simple except if you need to resize the array in the C code. You can let LabVIEW create the necessary code for the function prototype and any datatypes. Create a VI with a Call Library Node, create all the parameters you want and configure their types. For parameters where you want to have LabVIEW datatypes passed to the C code, choose Adapt to Type. Then right click on the Call Library Node and select "Create C code". Select where to save the resulting file and voila. This would then look something like this: /* Call Library source file */ #include "extcode.h" #include "lv_prolog.h" /* Typedefs */ typedef struct { LStrHandle key; int32_t dataType; LStrHandle value; } TD2; typedef struct { int32_t dimSize; TD2 Cluster elt[1]; } TD1; typedef TD1 **TD1Hdl; #include "lv_epilog.h" void ReadData(uintptr_t connection, TD1Hdl data); void ReadData(uintptr_t connection, TD1Hdl data) { /* Insert code here */ } Personally I do not like the generic datatype names and I always rename them in a way like this: /* Call Library source file */ #include "extcode.h" #include "lv_prolog.h" /* Typedefs */ typedef struct { LStrHandle key; int32_t dataType; LStrHandle value; } KeyValuePairRec; typedef struct { int32_t dimSize; KeyValuePairRec elt[1]; } KeyValuePairArr; typedef KeyValuePairArr **KeyValuePairArrHdl; #include "lv_epilog.h" void ReadData(uintptr_t connection, KeyValuePairArrHdl data); void ReadData(uintptr_t connection, KeyValuePairArrHdl data) { int32_t i = 0; KeyValuePairRec *p = (*data)->elt; for (; i < (*data)->dimSize; i++, p++) { p->key; p->dataType; p->value; } }
  15. If I build and exe using LabVIEW 2019 Pro , that utilizes the report generation toolkit , can it be run on a PC with just the LabVIEW runtime engine , and , some of these PC's may have LabVIEW 2019 Full installed on them. Will it run in that case ? Regards Dan
  16. Thank you for your reply, passing a struct seemed very intuitive, and I considered a similar approach. However, I couldn't find any examples of how to pass an array of structs, which is the main blocker for this idea. Have you seen this approach used anywhere?
  17. Well this is one hell of an API to tackle. amqp_bytes_t seems to be actually a struct similar to a LabVIEW handle contents, with a size_t element indicating how many bytes the following pointer points at. That in itself is already nasty if you want to support both 32-bit and 64-bit LabVIEW, since size_t is a pointer sized unsigned integer and the pointer after is of course pointer sized too! Then you have the amqp_field_value_t which in principle is a library specific Variant. Basically you want to have an element that consist of a binary string based key value and a variant, except that the Variant manager API in LabVIEW while present is basically undocumented. Well it's not totally undocumented since the NI developers let slip through a header file in the GPU Toolkit download that actually declares quite some of the actual functions. Of course there is the problem that function declarations are hardly any real documentation. It only gives the function signature but doesn't explain anything about how the functions would need to be used. So there is in fact a lot of trial and error here and the realistically present danger, that the Variant datatype and its related functions are subject to change at the simple whim of any LabVIEW developer since the fact that it is not officially documented makes the API "subject to change" at any time, for any reason including simply the desire to change it. The only reason not to do so is that existing NI libraries such as the OPC UA Toolkit, which makes internally use of that API, would also need to be reviewed and changed in order to not crash with a new LabVIEW version. Since NI has a bit of a habit to release LabVIEW version synchronized Toolkits (albeit sometimes with a year long delay or an entire version even missing) this is however not an impossible limitation as it not only would limit the documented version compatibility but also be a technical limitation to help prevent version incompatible Toolkit installations. Even if you would use LabVIEW variants as value of the key value pair, you would need to do some binary translation since a LabVIEW variant is not the same as your amqp_field_value_t variant. Personally I would likely use a cluster with a LabVIEW string as key element and a flattened string of the binary data with extra integer for datatype indication. Then in the C code do a translation of these elements to the amqp_bytes_t and amqp_field_value_t data elements. If you allow for a simple 1 to 1 mapping of the field_value element, things could be fairly straightforward. Something like this: struct { LStrHandle key; LStrHandle value; // really the flattened binary data int32 datatype; // native LabVIEW datatype, could get rather nasty if you want to support complex // datatypes and not just scalars and a string as you would need to allow for a // hierarchical datatype description such as the i16 typedef array of LabVIEW itself } KeyValueRec; If you use a native LabVIEW Variant it would instead look like: struct { LStrHandle key; LvVariantPtr value; // Native LabVIEW variant } KeyValueRec; But as mentioned the API to actually access LvVariant from C code is completely undocumented.
  18. I need help passing a complex data structure — a map of clusters containing an enum type and a string value — to a C function. My initial solution was to convert this structure to a string and then to byte buffer, pass the buffer and its lenght, and then decode it on the C side. However, this approach has issues when the key or value contains characters that I used as separators. While I could improve my encoding method, I'm looking for alternative solutions to achieve my goal. Function prototype: int32_t lv_amqp_basic_publish(int64_t *conn_int, uint16_t channel, CStr exchange, CStr routingkey, uint8_t *headersBuffer, int32_t headersBufferLen, LStrHandle messagebody, LStrHandle error_description); headersBuffer is used to populate headers table (array of amqp_table_entry_t_): typedef struct amqp_table_entry_t_ { amqp_bytes_t key; /**< the table entry key. Its a null-terminated UTF-8 * string, with a maximum size of 128 bytes */ amqp_field_value_t value; /**< the table entry values */ } amqp_table_entry_t; LabVIEW code to encode headers map to string: The blue arrow represents the encoding signature for each element The green arrow indicates an issues with this method and ugly workaround I can modify both the LabVIEW and C code. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  19. Earlier
  20. VxWorks is quite special. It looks on many fronts like a Posix platform, but that is only a thin and not complete layer above the lower level and very specialized APIs. Programming to that lower level interface is sometimes required for specific operations but documentation was only available as part of the very expensive developer platform with according compiler. It's of academic interest now since VxWorks has been deprioritized by WindRiver in favor of their own Linux based RT platform. And NI has long ago stopped using it and never made the move to anything beyond 6.3 of the OS. It was anyhow only intended for the PowerPC hardware since they moved to that platform as power efficient embedded targets were not really an option on x86 based hardware at that time. But with the PowerPC loosing pretty much all markets, it was a dead end (at some point in time it was the most used embedded CPU solution, many printers and other devices, where users never ever saw anything of the internal hardware, were running on PowerPC). It was hard to port any reasonably sized code to VxWorks because of the higher level APIs often being very similar to other Posix platforms like Linux, but not always working exactly that way or not providing certain functionality on that level. Accessing the lower level API was very difficult because of the very limited documentation about it that could be found without investing an arm and a leg into the developer platform from WindRiver. But once that porting was done there was fairly little maintenance required both because the API stayed fairly consistent and NI didn't move to a different version (except VxWorks 6.1 to 6.3 between LabVIEW 8.2 and 8.5).
  21. Not so much mind boggling - I used to support VxWorks . It's not just Apple OS's though. Linux is similar. The same mind-set pervades both ecosystems. I used to support Mac, Linux and Windows for my binary based products because LabVIEW made it look easy. Mac was the first to go (nobody used it anyway) then Linux went (they are still in denial about distribution).
  22. Unfortunately, Apple manages to almost consistently break backwards compatibility with earlier versions for anything but the most basic "Hello World" application. And yes that is only a mild exaggeration of the current state of affairs. For an application like LabVIEW there is almost no hope to be compatible over multiple OS versions without some tweaks. Partly this is caused by legacy code in LabVIEW that uses OS functions in a way that Apple has declared depreciated versions ago, partly it is simply because that is considered quite normal among Apple application developers. For someone used to program to the Windows API, this situation is nothing short of mind boggling.
  23. It doesn't have to. Just back-save () to a version that supports the OS then compile under that version. If you are thinking about forward compatibility then all languages gave up looking for that unicorn many years ago. That is excellent news.
  24. It seems they are going to make normal ordering of perpetual licenses possible again. While the official stance was that the perpetual licenses were gone, the reality was that you could still order them but you had to be VERY insisting, and have some luck to know the right local NI sales person, to be able to order them. That will of course not help with a current Macintosh version of LabVIEW. Still, maybe some powers to be might decide that reviving that is also an option. Kind of doubt it as I have experience with trying to support Mac versions of LabVIEW toolkits that contain external compiled components and the experience is nothing short of "dramatic". But if there would be a client teasing NI convincingly about ordering a few thousand seats of LabVIEW if there was a Mac version available, I'm sure they would think very hard about that. 😁
  25. Judging only by your attached image. The Array that is being chained through your DLL calls has conversation dot (red dot) that shows you are auto typecasting. Make sure all inputs to DLLs have exact data type and length. If passed by reference or by value etc.
  26. It works... Thank you so much, I didn't understand this table contains all the info I wanted Thank you again ! KR, Bilsix
  27. Why don't you just try it? Open your SQLite viewer app if choice and execute "SELECT * FROM sqlite_schema"
  28. Thanks for your answer Dr. James ! In fact, the database is already created, I only would like to read the tables already created in the database, I don't need to create a new table. Do you confirm sqlite_schema is the request I need to do so ? Thx & KR ! Bilsix
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