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  1. Yesterday
  2. Do you get a reply to *IDN? in NI MAX? Do you send a CH n command? Does it work when you use the Ethernet interface?
  3. Hello, I have this power supply and I need to both write and read data from it, I need to communicate with labview 2013. It communicates serially via USB-B but it always gives me this error and it never communicates at all. Does anyone know what's happening?
  4. Good morning, Firstly, thanks James for creating the excellent SQLite and JSONText libraries. I've been working on a proof of concept for storing time series data into an SQLite database. As it stands I've decided upon a simple table, with two columns, Unix time (as my PK) and Data as a JSON string with an unknown number of channels e.g; The schema is; CREATE TABLE [Data_1s]( [Time] PRIMARY KEY, [Data]); CREATE INDEX [idx_time] ON [Data_1s]([Time]); Currently my example dataset is 50 channels at 1Hz, for 1 day. I'm aiming to test this for a years worth of data. Point Values I'm getting very good performance when extracting an individual time row (e.g. via a slider between the start and end time of the data set); The current query I'm using is based on an older form of storing the time (as a decimal) so I searched for a 1s period; SELECT Time, Data FROM Data_1s WHERE Time BETWEEN 1717606845 AND 1717606846 I then collect the results, extract the individual channels from the JSON data and pop it into a map; This of course can be optimised, but given it is sub 5ms, it is plenty quick enough for interacting with the data via a HMI. Graph Anyway, when it comes to extracting XY data to display on a graph, I use the following to for example only extract Channel 0; SELECT Time, json_extract(data,'$."Channel 0"') AS Channel_0 FROM Data_1s WHERE Time BETWEEN 1717656137 AND 1718860565 In the above example I read 1892 elements from the database, and it takes ~ 19ms. Fast enough for the user to drag a slider around and change the time window. However, if I go for my full example data window, e.g; SELECT Time, json_extract(data,'$."Channel 0"') AS Channel_0 FROM Data_1s WHERE Time BETWEEN 1717571628 AND 1718860565 It takes 852ms to read 86400 elements. If I go for all 50 channels it increases to 8473ms. Now with a graph with of a 2000 odd pixels, there isn't much point in loading all that data into LabVIEW, so I implemented an average down sampling query, based on an interval size; WITH TimeGroups AS ( SELECT (Time/60) *60 AS TimeGroup, json_extract(data,'$."Channel 0"') AS Channel_0 FROM Data_1s WHERE Time BETWEEN 1717571628 AND 1718860565 ) SELECT TimeGroup, AVG(Channel_0) AS Avg_Channel_0 FROM TimeGroups GROUP BY TimeGroup; This takes 1535ms to run, returns 1441 elements. This is worse than reading the 86400 elements and letting LabVIEW manage the down sampling. # The questions I broadly have are; Am I totally off base with the schema and using JSON to store the (unknown) amount of channels? Should I be looking at a different way of down sampling? How are large datasets like stock prices stored and distributed to display on the internet? Some must have very long time series data spanning over decades! How do you store and quickly extract datasets for display? Although I feel my questions are pretty broad rather than code specific, I can package it up and share after I strip a bunch of bloat out as it still very much a POC if that would help. Thanks Peter
  5. Last week
  6. We could allocate/resize the array but it is highly complicated. There are two basic possibilities: 1) Using NumericArrayResize() is possible but you need to calculate the byte size yourself. With complex datatypes (clusters) the actual byte size can depend on the bitness of your compilation and contain extra alignment (filler) bytes for non Windows 32-bit compilation. Really gets complicated, but the advantage is that it is at least documented. 2) There is an undocumented SetArraySize() function. It can work for arbitrary array elements including clusters and accounts for the platform specific alignment but is tricky since the datatype description for the array element is a LabVIEW type-descriptor. To get that right is pretty much as complicated as trying to calculate the array element size yourself and as it is undocumented you risk that something might suddenly change.
  7. Thank you @Rolf Kalbermatter. Your suggestion works as expected, and the code is much simpler than in the previous version. As I understand it, performing the opposite operation would not be easy since we can't resize the array. I wonder if there is any other function to allocate memory on the C side using LabVIEW, or if `NumericArrayResize` from extcode.h is the only option?
  8. 那不正是 Hu 做的吗?问题是边框的颜色不是单一的。
  9. I did that too but it broke a VI connection in one of the analysis VIs...
  10. I am new with lab view and I need help with a project. It reads the dates from an esp32 and 2 senzors one is dht11 and the second is a mq135 I dont know how to make this: -Periodically records and saves measured values at predefined time intervals. -On demand, it reads and displays measured values for previous time intervals. -To display of measured values via the Internet on a web browser. I am stuck with this points. I need help ASAP! Proiect1SDMM.vi
  11. We do not have too many Chinese readers on this forum, so you will probably have more success if you try in English
  12. At first: I havn't found more information. I installed LabVIEW 2021 SP1 f6. It look like a complete reinstallation of LabVIEW (not only a patch). Excapt that it changed the user.lib palette everything seems to be like before.
  13. 用Windows API指定要透明的颜色就可以了,例如你这个程序可以指定白色部分透明,运行程序的时候界面上就只会看到两个布尔控件。
  14. I'm in charge of developing a sequence editor at my company, and I've noticed that the application I'm developing takes an unusually long time to start up taking about six or seven seconds, is it because I'm nesting too many actor in my program?
  15. sam

    System setup on sbRIO

    Thanks Rolf, I put 19 back on it.
  16. You consequently have hidden the actual type number of your sbRIO in your pictures. I think I can see in one place a 963x but it is not sure. And most 963x except the 37 and 38 are VxWorks based and as such LabVIEW 2019 is the latest to support that. It also requires you do install CompactRIO software not later than 19.6. The 9637 is supported since LabVIEW 2015 and CompactRIO 15.5, but the 9638 requires at least LabVIEW 2019 and CompactRIO 19.5.
  17. It's been a while I've worked on sbRIO devices. usually MAX is how you setup the sbRIO but that options seems to be gone. Am I missing something? this sbRIO had 2019 on it before I formatted the drive , now I can browse to it but options to install are no longer present. I downloaded System Configuration/setup from NIPKG manager and all *.ipk files but a bit lost on how I can put an OS on this sbRIO. Any help is appreciated. Editing to add: Some information on only LabVIEW 2019 and older can be installed the old way https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000001DthyCAC&l=en-US 2020 and newer installation is done differently. What I'm concerned is if all sbRIOs are supported with new method. I'm guessing not https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000x2jQCAQ&l=en-US end of edit.
  18. NI Package Manager is advertising a LabVIEW 2021 SP1 f6 version that I would like to learn about before installing it, but I am unable to find anything online. Does anyone have a better search engine (or insider trick on how to get the Package Manager to be helpful)?
  19. I'm not sure what you mean by "not fully transparent" but if you want to get rid of the border you can do something like this. sr_test1.zip
  20. Earlier
  21. My front panel doesn't always rule. For example, rounded corners。
  22. Rolf/Log Thanks guys for the input , I will have to do a little testing , but , sounds encouraging. Regards Dan
  23. I have not used that Windows API before. Why don't you just resize the window to as big as the area you want to remain?
  24. I want to make the front panel transparent according to the background color to remove the unwanted parts. When I set the windows behavior of the VI to floating, the program is OK. But when I set thewindows behavior of the VI to the modal, there is a transparent border, and it is not fully transparent. Is there any good solution? The VI of the test is in the test1.rar file. test1.rar
  25. Hi, I made a Tcl script which compresses the property/method information for classes by removing everything inherited from a parent class (this reduces the file size to 18 304 lines); also, I selected classes suitable for FPGA VI - now the text file is below 7 000 lines, and I see no method or property duplicated there. For full class set, 163 methods for VI-like classes weren't reduced because VI class used type LVObjVI and its children used LVObjUnknown; and some properties weren't reduced bacause a child has their access configured differently from its parent, like for both the property was read/write, but the default direction was different (this affects properties: 225 AutoLog.Path, 226 AutoLog.AtFinish, 227 AutoLog.PrintAtFinish, 242 Def Err Handling, 283 AutoPreallocate, 634640e Value, 6346410 DefVal, 6346411 Val(Sgnl), 23f44800 Name, 5436bc00 Texture Generator Mode, 5436bc01 Texture Generator S Plane, 5436bc02 Texture Generator T Plane, 7c86e800 TypeClass, 7c86e80a Value, 7c86e811 UserData). lvc_tree.tcl is the script which can be run on the large (over 4MB) file in the lv_classes.zip I posted on May 18th; the 56kB text file is already "compressed". I found 8 more classes used in FPGA VI-s - they aren't in the file: EIONode, EIOPropertyNode, EIOMethodNode, EIOGrowableMethodNode, LocalResourceManager, niFpgaContainer, nifxpmath_Interpret, niFpgaIPINode. fpga-cl-known-xf.txt lvc_tree.tcl
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