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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello, I'm trying to use LabVIEW with the Modbus Master library to communicate with an Advantech ADAM5000TCP data acquisition device instead of using the original Advantech ADAMVIEW software it was supposed to work with. I'm making this connection with LabVIEW on a different computer than the one that uses the ADAMVIEW software. The ADAM5000TCP is connected to my computer via ethernet. When I try to use the Modbus COMM Tester, I'm unable to Open Port and start the Modbus session, and either get a timeout error or a "Serial port receive buffer overflow"/The network connection was refused by the server." I'm trying to use the TCP communication, am using what I think may be the correct IP address, and the Slave ID is set to 0 to broadcast to all networked devices. With the IP address, I've tried both the ethernet address from my computer, a 169.254..... IP, and the address that is displayed in ADAMVIEW on the old computer, a 192.168.... IP. Do you know what the cause of the issue could be?
  3. Today
  4. What's the purpose of this idiocy? Using AI to create a fake answer to then using it again on it to create a fake thread? I miss the purpose of the spam. To create, on the long term, a fake profile with "credit" as an expert, for social media?
  5. Hello, I am currently working on a project that involves building a 2-way radar system using LabVIEW. For this project, I am using an HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement and a 5V DC 28BYJ-48 stepper motor for directional scanning. The sensor is connected to my NI USB-6008 digital I/O for data acquisition, while the stepper motor is controlled via an ULN2003 driver module connected to the USB-6008's digital outputs for precise movement control. My goal is to implement a system that can perform left-right and up-down 90-degree scanning, display real-time distance measurements, and visualize the radar scan in a 3D graphic interface using LabVIEW. I am facing challenges with setting up the communication between LabVIEW and the HC-SR04 sensor; ensuring accurate distance measurements, and integrating smooth control of the stepper motor for precise scanning movements within LabVIEW. I have tried configuring LabVIEW for sensor data acquisition and motor control, but I need guidance on best practices ; example code snippets. I am interested in advice on configuring LabVIEW for sensor interfacing, implementing precise motor control, and integrating these components into a coherent 3D visualization. I have checked https://forums.ni.com/t5/Hobbyist-Toolkit/bd-p/react native-linx-toolkit?profile.language=en guide but still need help. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your expertise and support! Best regards,🙂 greatjames
  6. Hello To create a LabVIEW diagram for your 2-way radar system using the NI USB-6008, 28BYJ-48 stepper motor, and HC-SR04 sensor, follow these steps: 1. Set up NI USB-6008 for data acquisition from HC-SR04 using LabVIEW's DAQ Assistant. 2. Control 28BYJ-48 stepper motor via LabVIEW using digital outputs. 3. Integrate HC-SR04 sensor data into LabVIEW for distance measurements. 4. Visualize radar scan in 3D using LabVIEW's graphical capabilities. Hope it helps ! Thank you🙂
  7. Yesterday
  8. Do LLMs edit their posts to appear more human? 🤖
  9. Hi Diac, What in particular do you need help with as you ask about how to implement the whole project! If you have something working with an ESP32 try and mimic the implemention in LabVIEW
  10. Thank for your reply. I have use recetly a Windows tablette and I don't have this problem. I don't kown where is the Windows setting for this paramter
  11. Last week
  12. 2-way radar with ultrasonic sensors with left-right and up-down 90 degree opening and 3D graphic display What should I do in labview for this? instead of esp32 I use a NI USB-6008, for the motor a 5V DC 28BYJ-48 stepper motor with reduction + driver and a hc-sro4 for the sensor how to do it? Can someone help me with a labview diagram?
  13. Hi @greatjames don't take this personally but are you are human? I really don't think it is appropriate for an LLM to generate content in response to advice on something as nuanced as a LabVIEW career.
  14. Hello The error you're facing could be due to driver compatibility with LabVIEW 2013, incorrect serial settings, or a USB connection issue. Double-check driver compatibility, ensure correct serial settings (baud rate, parity, etc.), and verify the USB connection. Hope it helps ! 🙂
  15. Hello Many developers in your position consider becoming consultants for more variety and challenge. Networking with other LabVIEW professionals can offer insights into different career paths. Consider your career goals and risk tolerance when deciding whether to stay in-house or transition to consultancy. Both paths have pros and cons related to job security, variety of work, and personal growth opportunities. Thank you
  16. 1. Find the method library file "Management. DLL;" 2. Find the panel directory file "Management. mnu" and change it from read-only to writable; 3. Tools - Advanced - Edit Selection - Visual and Motion - IMAQ Utilities Image Management, Insert - VI, select Management DLL, Select the IMAQ Cast Image method and save the changes. REFERENCE:https://blog.csdn.net/ziseshiya/article/details/139726838?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501
  17. I think this is a Windows touch-screen behaviour, due to Windows using press-and-hold to give a right click. Windows waits for the release before sending "mouse down" so it can decide to make it a right click or not. It's annoying but I have not found a way around this.
  18. Hello everyone, I have a button boolean with mecanical action : Switch Untin Released. I used the Event Value Change, when the Boolean is True I move my motor, and when is false I stop my motor. This it's OK when I use the mouse. But when I used my touch screen, I receveid the 2 events when I remove my finger. I add the 2 events Mouse Down and Mouse Up, and exactly the same problem. When I click on my button, the button don't go to the true position. But when I remove my finger, I received the four events : Mouse Down ; Value Change ; Mouse Up ; Value Change. Is someone have an idea why I have this problem?
  19. I will contact both of you to understand your concerns a bit more, since these toolkits (IO-Link for LabVIEW and TestStand) were developed exactly to accommodate the scenarios you describe. I can clarify a couple of things here as well: - Our runtime licenses are always perpetual, never a subscription that could expire. - For development licenses we offer both subscription (to get going for less) and perpetual (if you know you want to use it for a long time). - We do offer discounts on license bundles. So if someone has "hundreds of systems", they could use that option. - The software in question currently has more than 3,000 hours of development time behind it, with ongoing improvements. I assure you, no matter when you begin it will be a long time before you have something that is close to what you could buy today. And at that point you wouldn't consider giving it away for free 🙂. This toolkit parses the entire IODD XML standard, which is huge. It is not quite the same as picking the 2% you need today, and discovering that the next device you want to connect uses a different part of the standard...
  20. Earlier
  21. ECL Version 4.5.0 was released with CoAP support. Next on the hit-list will be QUIC (when it's supported by OpenSSL properly). I'm also thinking of opening up the Socket VI's as a public API so people can create their own custom protocols.
  22. I am seeing the exact same issue in LabVIEW 2024 (24.1.1f1) 64 bit version. I am trying to build an application that works fine in LabVIEW 2020 but gets this same error 13 with the same description: LabVIEW: (Hex 0xD) Failed to load dynamic library because of missing external symbols or dependencies, or because of an invalid file format. ========================= LabVIEW: (Hex 0xD) Failed to load dynamic library because of missing external symbols or dependencies, or because of an invalid file format. ========================= Shareable board exclusively owned. Method Name: Linker:Write Info To File Was the bug fix applied to the 64 bit version or do I need to wait for another patch?
  23. The Gpower IOLink toolkit looks great but the cost is prohibitive. For $1000 I was inclined to give it a go but I would never saddle up to such a cost on a subscription basis and as you said they are also requiring a annual runtime license. What a disaster that would be for any of my customers when their critical systems stop working on Jan 1st. until they pony up their subscription fees. I think like you I will just dip my toes in the RESTful JSON waters and then see what it will take to generalize it.
  24. We've done a couple one-off IO-Link implementations, but it was by no means an all-encompassing tool that would work with the general standard. We would pay for a development license, but the deployment license costs from the one LV IOLink toolkit vendor were untenable as we have hundreds of systems. We'd be very interested in something like what you described. Please post updates! Is your intention to open source it or to commercialize it?
  25. Now that we are NI/Emerson I would expect to see more connectivity in the automation sector. It seems that IOLink is a dominate communications standard that would be a good candidate for support in LabVIEW. IFM is one company that makes a ton of really cool sensors and networking hubs that are largely IOLink capable. It should be relatively straightforward to develop a restful IOLink interface using GET/POST with JSON formatted commands. I am planning on doing this and was wondering if anyone has gone down this path before. https://www.ifm.com/us/en/shared/technologies/io-link/select-products/product-configuration-pages/dataline-tee-cable-wiring
  26. Note the WITHOUT ROWID keyword also, as that could make a significant performance improvement with this kind of table.
  27. Great, this works with my first method where I wasn't storing in JSON (similar to how LogMAN said, just in a single table) and makes a huge difference. Didn't know a primary key could be like that. This really helped thanks!
  28. I had considered this, but was worried about losing any important points between those decimations. I should have included in the original post, but the plan is to give the user a choice between average and min/max so any outliers can be viewed. Doing a table per channel is an interesting idea. Will keep that in mind. Thank you for sharing the benchmarking.
  29. This was what I was originally planning, but when I found out about down sampling in SQLite I wanted to see if I could avoid the duplicate data. I think a combination of down sampling and multiple tables will result in the best overall performance. Shame getting the money can't be provided with another magic bullet... where did I put my magic gun? # Thank you for the overall table schema, I was thinking about reducing its size by using a channel index/name table as well, so thanks for the heads up on that one.
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