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  4. Most IP cameras that I have played with will also implement simplistic PTZ via HTTP GET or HTTP POST commands. And these are usually the commands sent from the web interface of the camera. So, Just wireshark capture that traffic
  5. IIRC there are a couple of RTSP libs for around (a while ago now). Some are based on using the VLC DLL's and I even saw one that was pure LabVIEW. Might be worth having a look at them for "inspiration".
  6. Rolf, Thanks a bunch for your response. The honest answer is that professionally i have done very little with CIN nodes. But this project may change that. Most of my vendors provide me with LabVIEW drivers . In some cases i am using instrument that has well defined TCP protocol that can be verified using bus sniffing tools. Your point #1 is a valid one. But I can use VLC media player and watch the RTSP stream on it while opening the customer provided demo software that let's me watch the stream on another window simultaneously while manipulating the PTZ commands to the unit. So i am hoping it will not be a problem. I respect your #2. But in T&M career i have done enough reverse engineering that this part doesn't scare me, provided the reward for successfully completing is significant enough to justify the effort.🤑. At this point i am leaning towards creating enough API calls (via CIN nodes) that will allow me to control PTZ while VLC media player is displaying and possibly recording the stream to HDD. If interested i would like to share the progress. Thanks again for reviewing the DLL and posting your comment.
  7. Last week
  8. Glad it eventually worked for you. After several spammers took over LAVA extra restrictions were put on account creation. I suspect this is part of the issue you had.
  9. What doesn't work with the function: AJ_NETSDK_IPC_PTZControl() on page 21/22? Or are you not using the SDK functions to retrieve the RTSP stream but some other ready made interface for LabVIEW? Meaning you have no idea how to interface to a DLL? A few points to consider: 1) The camera may not like a secondary connection, either through the SDK or through generic TCP/IP while it is busy streaming image data to the VLC or whatever interface. 2) Trying to reverse engineer the TCP/IP binary stream protocol is likely going to be cumbersome and difficult to realize as it is usually proprietary. The SDK interface is simple enough to use, except if you lack any and all understanding about C programming. It's not a CIN node either that you will need to configure but a CLN (Call Library Node). CINs are not only legacy technology but on most modern LabVIEW versions simply not supported anymore. An interesting problem, but none I can help you as I do not have that hardware, and I would expect it to be a bit cumbersome considering above 2 points.
  10. OK. Here is the link to SDK info with DLL and example programs for C users. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l9rwN0hnaW-M5rSCv3zRgATE2l_bNlJq&usp=drive_fs
  11. I can get the RTSP stream (Audio+Video) from this camera into LabVIEW with no issues. I need to control the PTZ functionality. I used Wireshark to capture the coms between the PC and the camera unit while sending the Pan Tilt and Zoom calls from a customer provided software. I also have SDK file from camera folks. I have limited experience in creating CIN nodes from DLL. I was hoping that instead of creating CIN nodes to control PTZ functions, i can do the same over TCP/UDP interface. I was also wondering if *.pcapng captured using Wireshark has that information. Can some one review the info and let me know if it's possible? I can provide SDK if some interested. Description of DLL AJNetSDK.pdf PTZ Cam data.pcapng
  12. Never mind. AFTER I posted the above, THIS same page prompted me again to register, and it worked ok this time. Maybe the base/landing page https://lavag.org/register/ has issues??
  13. Unable to register for account. Tried from several browsers. Super long/strong password (verified with the 'green' status/flag). Filled up all fields with valid info. No errors/flags for any of the fields. Agreed with check boxes. Hit create Account. Security Check: You did not pass the security check. Please try again. I've tried several times, successively making the password longer/more complex. Same error! What gives?
  14. Installing LabVIEW 2024 Q4 fixed the problem
  15. Started playing with XNodes a bit and noticed the same behaviour as well. Really upsetting. But there is the solution. Just send FailTransaction reply in a Cancel case in the OnDoubleClick ability of your XNode and that 'dirty dot' never appears! That's exactly what the Timed Loop XNode does internally. Looking at this description I get the impression that this reply was invented precisely to overcome that bug (was even given its own CAR #571353). Similar thread for cross-reference: LabVIEW Bug Report: Error Ring Edit + Cancel modifies the owning VI
  16. I tried the solution I sketched out at the end of last post and it appears to work like a charm, however moronic it may sound to have to do that to have a usable source distribution. The post-build VI I am using is shown below for illustration. The strange tidbit about llb's (bottom inside-most case structure) is something that I have added since the first version of that post as it turns out that LabVIEW doesn't deal properly with llbs when creating a source distribution. When finding a VI inside a llb (say myLBLLB.llb in the original code), it will save that VI in a subfolder called myLBLLB.llb in the distributed source. That will then result in some compilation error that will prevent the release of the distributed source. The above post-build VI nukes this folder and replaces it by the actual llb (and therefore keeps VIs in that llb that may not necessarily be needed).
  17. Thank you. One of these solutions should work well for me.
  18. Earlier
  19. I never thought about it because of muscle memory. But logically it should be there.
  20. To be honest, I always thought those should be in the Visible Items menu.
  21. Makes sense. It just goes to show how ingrained workflows are and little things can trip you up. I was right-clicking over the N, over the I. Right clicking 2 pixels down/up from the edge. Top edge, bottom edge, left right.
  22. Probably not the feedback you are expecting but we really should do something about the nasty root loop API calls in the input API. I have somewhat progressed with this over the years and have the windows stuff all working for mouse and keyboard (and a little of the Linux) but I don't have a Mac so can't do anything on that. If there is some interest then let me know and I will see if I can allocate time to getting an API together.
  23. Apparently they moved it under Visible Items Edit: This also affects other types of structures.
  24. It's not April yet so I must have missed a memo somewhere. How do I get For Loop conditional terminal back?
  25. The boolean basically does:
  26. Or this...
  27. I did do something similar years ago and posted the code here. With a youtube link demoing the graph functions. I never actually used it on a real project but put some decent time into the UX. It also allows for dragging out the graph into a new semi transparent window. It is not a generic framework, and mostly a proof of concept that could be used in an application, if you don't mind the various limitations, and restrictions.
  28. I don't have anything to contribute to the development here. Only to say that I really like this type of function, and looking at your source it sure looks efficient. Thanks for sharing.
  29. C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\resource\PropertyPages\Pages\Format & Precision\pp_SetControlF&PString.vi Valid if no error.
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