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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2009 in all areas

  1. Sorry for doubleposting, but where is the edit button? [edit]THIS post has edit button, previous one had not (even when it was the last one) [/edit] I'm not too convienced that it looks too much like BD and why it should not, but ok - what about this? (background color is same as current one) Yeah, the Web 2.0 style... forgive me.
    3 points
  2. Here it is. Unzip the contents into [LabVIEW]\resource\JKI\RCF\Plugins\CaseSelector Use: select a Case Structure, apply the RCF Menu Activation Keys, right-click and select CaseSelector. A resizable list will be presented with the selected structure's cases. Select one of the cases, the list will disappear and the selected case will be brought to the front. I'll certainly use this functionality, but I may prefer to put a VI in the LabVIEW project folder (so I can have the list persist as a floating dialog). So. Is this anything that you'd use or do I have a unique situation? CaseSelector.zip
    2 points
  3. So after some cleaning up (which in this case means few hours of work beside repairing broken code ) I can put on the table what I have. The main file is VIpreVIEW.vi. You have to open it, fill all paths, sizes, etc. and run (not very professional, isn't it?). After some work (depending on VI complexity) it will create a lot of files at target path. Most of them are temporary files, but I do not delete them yet for debug purposes. Open {name}.html file in a browser and watch the result. I included SWFtools binary in this package (it's GPL) but I don't know how it is with all that legal stuff. Know issues: it is sloooow sometimes it is even slooooower additional 1px black line appears at each case (it is not an issue in alternative flash players as Gnash) tips appear even for objects in hidden cases (still don't know how to solve this) tips appear for each object (even not necessary, like comments) and often display sth stupid - this is for debug did I mention it is slow? many others Any comments are welcome, particularly if someone has an idea how to speed it up a little. I already tried to convert it to non-recursive version. Although I had some problems, it seems that recursion is not the reason. I think now that a bottleneck is speed of switching cases externally. If it is true, the stack version of algorithm should work even slower. And of course GUI in final version will not look like this. [moderator note] Attachments to this post are missing due to server error. We apologize for the trouble.
    1 point
  4. I used a Table with only one column visible (because it scrolls with the mouse wheel and the Array indicator didn't). A colleague suggested using a Tree but I didn't know how it would apply to a non-JKI State Machine Case Structure. I'll probably add the functionality to handle both, at least until the rest of the world is converted. This was my first plug-in and I wanted to understand the process before trying to get fancy. The window is resizable w/auto-grow (unless I botched that part of the llb, too). Alas, but I won't be at NIWeek. Is one of the helper tools, perhaps, the ability to right-click on the queue wire and insert an Add States To Queue? I'm going to do that if nobody else beats me to it. It'd probably be a good exercise for me. Cool, thanks. Will I be able to update that when I fix the problem François had? (I had to copy/paste from his signature to get that "c" with the "5" underneath...)
    1 point
  5. When you load a subpanel dynamically, you need to add the VI to the build manually, if it's not otherwise loaded as part of your executable. In the build specifications, add your subpanel VI un the "Source File/Always Included" section. Then LabVIEW is going to build your EXE with all subvis for this subpanel.
    1 point
  6. Non-premium members can only edit their posts for a limited amount of time.
    1 point
  7. I was looking for this too when the wiki was down. I had a hard time finding it with the wiki search engine, so here it is: UseNumbersForNewVIIcons=FALSE (8.6) UseNumbersForNewVIIconsInLibs=FALSE (8.5)
    1 point
  8. Here is a great piece of knowledge base from Adam Kemp. Twas posted on Info LabVIEW earlier this year. It maybe the reference you are thinking of? The PowerPoint is a good read. I agree. But as Crelf pointed out - if its a GUI then of course you are going to have FP objects inside the case structure. But its not then, yes, I too prefer to have them outside for a couple of reasons: I can define optional default values - or just select "use default if unwired". This is important e.g. on a basic SubVI with Errors I can pass the reference through the "in error" case, and not lose it (just like the LVOOP templates) It is much neater and easier to read (for me) - I can see what goes in (LHS) and what goes out (RHS) as nothing is hiding anywhere. Leads to optimised code (as per Adam Kemp's post) It helps me maintain a standard interface to the code module. If I am not building a class, but a standard Multi-Functional VI (MFVI) I usually have 1 input and 1 output - normally type-def cluster (sometimes variants) to the module for data (and also the Command Enum and error in/error our clusters). This makes the interface flexible, maintainable and scalable. And I don't need to handle a bunch of default values. Wrapper VIs bundle the inputs into the interface and they also pull out the required outputs from the interface for that method call into the connector pane. So the API is just like a basic SubVI to use. Any used values are disregarded.
    1 point
  9. There is an undocumented ini key for that. Consult the labview wiki.
    1 point
  10. Sweet, got it to go - I had a bug, dammit (amateur mistake of releasing a ref) so the observation I made above can be ignored. Thanks heaps for the post, really like the way you case out the VI. Better than using a static ref because the VI will be in the build AND as you mentioned the Top Level will become broken. Also playing with the build in LV8.6.1 Running the build errors when Spawn button is pressed complaining the VI is not in memory. I figured this may be from the constant folding of the casing out and LabVIEW being smart - so I changed the constant to a control defaulted as false, re-built and it works. I guess this has changed from the version you are using and thought it may be of interest if you didn't already know? Enjoy the curry! (is it homemade?) - for brunch yesterday I had takeout Dosa Masala and Purri's with potatoes. :YumYum: Cheers mate JG
    1 point
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