Hi All,
I have not had time to keep up with Lava ,the last week or so as I have left my previous position and started a new role with a start-up company called Sub10 Systems http://www.sub10systems.com as their Test Engineering Manager and as this is a start-up company that means Test Engineering is me and I am Test Engineering.
Sub10, design, develop & sell Millimetre Wireless Ethernet Bridges and have just taken over HUBER + Suhner’s SENCITY Link product line and are moving production to Devon in the UK. I am currently very busy getting all the test stations up and running correctly.
I have moved from working in a team of four LabVIEW programmers, using ClearCase and doing peer code review of all our code to working on using Mercurial or SVN, (note to self ..must get that in place ASAP)
In my previous role, I had worked on the code base for around 4 years and had completely re-written the top level executives based on the JKI-State machine. I have now inherited code all new to me for several test station, on a brand new product. I will say the majority of the code is quite well written, which is a great relief to me. But I guess life will be very busy for a month or two to come.
I am hoping I will still have time to keep up with Lava and that I make it to the UK NI Days 2011, I am also hoping that my new Developer suite licence arrives in the post tomorrow as my evaluation period runs out soon.