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  1. I thought I'd be able to slide in under the radar while everyone was off at NI Week. :-) It's been a long 8 months. I spent last fall and winter fighting chronic sinusitis (finally gotten rid of by massive and prolonged doses of antibiotics, steroids, and practically every OTC medicine you can think of. Drugs are our friends!). Then my Dad was sick and I was travelling back and forth across the country to see him. Then there was the funeral and all that to deal with... In the meantime, I had other groups clamoring for me to work on projects for them, and I find it really hard to say no. And the usual continual submarine stuff. So between ill health, personal travel, and work travel, I've had to keep my teeny little nose to the grindstone when I've actually been in the office. No time for playing professional development on LAVA. But I have a little breather, for the moment. Mostly just mopping up and dealing with ever-changing user requirements on previous projects. My big excitement this year was I actually got to play with hardware again, for the first time in years. Timing cards, A/D cards, etc. That was fun!
    2 points
  2. Thanks for noticing, Jon and Shaun! I've posted a full report over here.
    1 point
  3. Adding a plugin system allowing someone to add a feature like this is something Yair and I have discussed. Features could include, Facebook, twitter/twitpic or uploading to an FTP site. It's a good thing to discuss, however implementing such a plugin system might be more work than what we think. If you want to build one, you can look at the VI in: vi.lib\LAVA\_Code Capture Tool\CCT Class\Software\Methods\CopyToClipboard\CCT_Copy Data to Clipboard__CCT.vi This is my attempt to upload images to Imgur, however the API of imgur was changed somehow, so I could not reliable perform that action. To enable the URL option (that uses Imgur), change the VI in vi.lib\LAVA\_Code Capture Tool\CCT Class\Software\Utilities\ListBoxItems__CCT.vi. Add the string 'URL' to the array inside 'Clipboard.Items': Ton
    1 point
  4. Perhaps this? It will be True after the input goes above 3 and will go False if the input = 0. It won't change if the input is 1 or 2. Untitled 1.vi
    1 point
  5. Hey mate, sorry you could not make it this year. Just to let you know we all appreciated your involvement in making this yet another great LAVA BBQ, even from abroad. I'd like to convey the two (or was it three?) cheering rallies we had in your honor. Give a huge hug to the three reasons you could not make it this year (you know who they are), they indeed deserved your entire attention. All the best to your family.
    1 point
  6. To give an example of what Shaun is talking about, I used to use ActiveX to get files in and out of Excel. Everytime MS Office changed or Windows OS changed, I would have to rewrite the ActiveX calls. Either something wasn't working anymore, or even worse, was working *differently*. I finally just told my users they would have to write config files in CSV format, and we've all been much happier ever since.
    1 point
  7. As the 2010 that guy, I can confirm you do not want to be that guy.
    1 point
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the love. IMPORTANT TICKET BUYING UPDATE I will be shutting down online ticket presales on Sunday. If you don't buy your ticket by then, you will need to find me at the show (at JKI's Booth #630, or elsewhere) to get one. Please buy early if you can. At some point on Monday tickets will become limited. You don't want to be that guy who's chasing me around trying to get the last ticket, do you? DO YOU?!? No, you don't. In other news, this year's BBQ is shaping up to be a huge success! Check out this presales graph... (note the date is corrected so the lines match up even though NIWeek is ~1 week later on the calendar this year)
    1 point
  9. Hey guys - I'm planning on promoting this on Tuesday of NIWeek as the top unofficial NIWeek party from @NIWeek. Any objections? Want to make sure you guys get some #NIWeek love.
    1 point
  10. I came here looking to see what the G experts have done wrt timing probes and found this discussion of High Resolution Relative Seconds.vi (HRRS). I am the person responsible for putting this VI in vi.lib/Utility. It calls back into a utility function I put into LV, which uses the same API that is used by the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit. I intended it to use the highest resolution clock available on all of LabVIEW's supported platforms. On Windows this means QueryPerformanceCounter, which, in modern versions of Windows, takes into account multi-core/processor issues as well as variations in clock rate due to power management. (Up to date and authoritative docs on this are hard to find, but from the googling I've done, I believe my claim is correct.) This I discuss some of the behavior of HRRS at this site at ni.com: https://decibel.ni.com/content/blogs/EvanP/2010/10/04/tick-count-us--microsecond-timing-granularity-on-windows (I notice some of the picture links are busted there - I'll try to fix them.) As some of you noted, the Wait (ms) primitive is the inaccurate/inconsistent culprit in the Mr. Balla's benchmark. It uses a less accurate clock API, but one that uses the same clock as the "Get Date/Time in Seconds" and "Tick Count (ms)" primitives. Rob Dye LabVIEW R&D
    1 point
  11. Don't forget - if all you want to do is use "Get" and "Set" instead of "Read" and "Write", you can just modify the default values for the appropriate controls on "...\LabVIEW 2009\resource\Framework\Providers\LVClassLibrary\NewAccessors\CLSUIP_LocalizedStrings.vi". That being said - this is a great addition that will make automatic updating of the icon possible. Thanks, Jaegen
    1 point
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