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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/30/2012 in all areas

  1. To be fair I'm guessing rolfk was just suggesting another path. If you would have opened with the simple solution he may have replied with the "better way to program" answer. You see this alot on the forums (and I do it myself). Someone will ask a question and an answer will have already been posted, but there are usually multiple ways to do the same thing, so I will post another possible answer (if I know of one). This gives the user more than one option, and they can choose what works best for them.
    1 point
  2. http://digital.ni.co...52563B60079D249
    1 point
  3. Users posting on a forum tend to have been trying for a while to get round a specific problem or lack of understanding. Muddying the waters with architecture (when not asked for) tends to just confuse and frustrate. I'm reminded of what a teacher once said to me for exam technique. Answer the the question, not what you think they are asking. I tend to solve the immediate problem (usually with an example) then suggest improvements. However. Rolf has a huge amount of experience in umpteen programming languages as well as solving comms problems on a day-to-day basis so his one-liner is second nature. It helps when they post an example as then you can tell their level of expertise. If they have roughly hacked an example shipped with LabVIEW and it "sort of works". They may have spent all day trying to get the last bit sorted. This generally means that they if you start spouting about OOP and Actor frameworks, then they will probably just give up as "LabVIEW is too hard to do simple things".
    1 point
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