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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2013 in all areas

  1. I'm going to learn LabVIEW. So I can come to NIWeek with you.
    4 points
  2. Hi all, Have you ever tried to debug a large application and wished that you could quickly retain wire values on all VIs in the main application so you could find your problem with data etc? I would love to have a function where I could quickly toggle the "Retain Wire Values" button on all my subvis (ideally also be able to choose how many levels I do this down the hierarchy). My colleague and I have searched for a property node or a method in the scripting functions but have not found anything other than "Highlight Execution" setting. Is this a hidden feature or have we just not looked hard enough. This question was asked by others back in 2009 : http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Enable-Retain-Wire-Values-for-entire-VI-hierarchy/idi-p/1045552 Vishal Devanath came up with a JKI RCF vi to do this back then but this no longer seems to work (at least in LabVIEW 2012). Any ideas? P "Give a man a fish, and he will live for a day. Teach him to program LabVIEW™ and he wont need fish again" Confucius cira 480BCE
    1 point
  3. Well, copyright was in the first place invented to protect creations, such as writings or even paintings. Maybe some want to claim that anybody can copy a book for instance and distribute it as his own, but I doubt anyone really would want to make that claim seriously. Unless of course you think writing a book is trivial and can not be viewed as an ability and therefore an author has no right to gain anything from trying to sell it. But whoever does that should please start writing their own books first and make them available for free before even trying to make that claim. The application of copyright on software is in many ways flawed but it is the best we have generally come up with so far. It's definitely something not everyone can do, especially doing it good, so it would seem an ability that deserves some protection. Of course it would be nice if that would not be necessary since nobody needs to earn any money anymore as everything in this world is free and available to whomever needs it, but that is not how this world works, as we all know. So why would it be ok to copy software for free and deny the creator a decent income but not to steal money from the rich as they have more than enough of it? Does someone really need Billions of dollars? Do you really want to limit software creation to "free as in beer"? Or do you say that the decision to pay for a software should be voluntary, no matter if you use it to make profit yourself or even just for some leisure time? I think whoever makes such claims should first have a proven track record of providing his own creations under such conditions, before he or she has any right of speaking.
    1 point
  4. Indeed. So you only have to write a LV implementation of ripemd160, secp256k1 and a base 58 encoder and you can claim some bitcoins
    1 point
  5. "Items incorrectly claimed by a library" is perhaps a bad description. A better term might be "Items that are claimed by the library that do not reciprocate the claim". These items are ones where the library has been saved to disk and records "the item at this path location is a member of me" but the items themselves (VIs or sublibraries) were saved not claiming to be part of the library --- they may claim to be part of no library or another library. This sort of thing generally happens when you move files around on disk instead of inside LV or when you rename the library but don't save the VIs in the library. It can take a while to untangle.
    1 point
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