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  1. With TortoiseSVN you can always manually "fix" files that have been renamed by using the "Repair move" option. For this to work you need a file that is missing and a file that hasn't been added. You select both, click Repair move and you get your version tracking back
    3 points
  2. There are many possible reasons. Not all may be considered by NI but some of them for sure. Professional FPGA development tools are a pricy thing. LabVIEW is in there somewhere in the lower middle of the price range with other solutions from Cadence and similar being considerably more expensive. Also the FPGA compiler tools from Xilinx themselves as well as other FPGA manufacturers when bought for professional use have a pretty steep price tag. The sale of Spartan 3E tools has an entirely different meaning for Xilinx than NI. For Xilinx it is a means to get their chips used in more designs, for NI it is a means to get people distracted from buying cRIO and myRIO hardware. Even someone without a commercial background will be able to see the difference. You can't rationalize the decisions of a corporate company with your desire to get as many things as possible for as little money as possible. NI without doubt had to make a deal with Xilinx to be allowed to use their FPGA compiler tool chain within LabVIEW and even though Xilinx is of course interested to sell their chips in the end, they hardly will have presented their compiler tools, which represent a very major investment in terms of software developer time, for free to NI. So NI had to make a significant investment for the FPGA compiler integration into LabVIEW, both in terms of redistribution fees for the Xilinx compiler tool chain as well as the development work for the LabVIEW integration. Part of that cost get carried by the sales of the cRIO and other FPGA based hardware products from NI. When used with the Spartan 3E developer board there is absolutely no hardware sale involved for NI and you have pointed out yourself how there are tools out there to avoid even paying any LabVIEW fees to NI. So there is absolutely no interest for NI to support Spartan 3E and other non-NI hardware with their software tools outside of education. NI has a strong dedication to support educational institutions because some of the students may be working within NI over some time and others may be going to other employers who might be a potential customer for NI hardware in the future. Hobbyists as bad as that may sound, are much less likely to bring in future sales. They either don't work in an environment that is a potential customer for NI, don't have purchasing influence power, or if they work in a place that could be interesting for NI, they most likely have professional means to contact NI to get some loaner or other special deal for evaluation purposes. NI is not and most likely will never be in the market for hobbyist hardware. That market has a very low margin with very short product life cycle and hard to beat free software tools, although you have to accept that the quality of the software tools may at times be less than ideal and support for them may drop at the blink of an eye if the main developer finds another more interesting target.
    2 points
  3. You mean something like this? The trouble with svn and versions is that when you use svn info on a FILE it only returns the revision of your file. To get the most recent revision on the server, you need to point it to the svn URL. The snippet can do both. Just be careful with that because if your repository needs authentication it will not work unless you've saved your credentials in the tortoise svn password manager by ticking the "remember password" box. The --non-interactive switch disables password prompts, which you wouldn't be able to see anyway, because it's hidden away by System Exec. I guess, as a workaround, you can pop up your own password dialog if you need one.
    2 points
  4. Now the question is whether there's any practical use for such a data type?
    1 point
  5. I got pretty excited thinking there was an OpenG toolkit to help me make phone calls.
    1 point
  6. Well with the password cracking thing, I can understand not wanting it to be posted here, as that can actually theoretically cause harm to companies that rely on the password protection to hide code. My opinion on the matter is that they were asking for it by relying on such an insecure system, but I understand if some people don't share my opinion. Same with the thread about enabling native XNode development that I posted with the admin's permission (and later changed my mind about and had removed after seeing what a negative response it was getting) just because of the kind of program you use to perform the hack. As for this, however, it's not really stuff that could in any way hurt the reputation of the forums, or harm NI or anyone else. I'm just trying to find and expose stuff that NI didn't see fit to release for one reason or another, but that advanced users might like to play around with outside of important work. For science. (You monster.)
    1 point
  7. Maybe we all need to start learning Polish.
    1 point
  8. Hope you all realize AQ is just using this thread to find out which doors might need to be closed.... Actually, I think these type of threads (and there's a few lately thanks flarn2006) are good to have on LAVA, even if I'm unlikely to want to use the details provided. They give more of a picture of the LabVIEW that is public by seeing bits of the scaffolding and ropes and pulleys holding it all together. The responses also confirm a sense I have that NI is becoming more open about the design and implementation decisions and tradeoffs that define LabVIEW, and that in itself provides a more stable and reliable product. And hopefully on LAVA it's parked enough away from the main flow to be seen only by those experienced enough to know how to handle it (i.e. very carefully!).
    1 point
  9. Mwuhahahahaha! Three config tokens have escaped your grasp! I modified them specifically for folks like Flarn! They don't appear as plain text anywhere in the EXE (or in any VI for that matter). Do they guard any great secret of LabVIEW? I'm not telling! But you can have fun pouring through the code and looking for interesting bits and trying to figure out what you need to put in your config file. LabVIEW 2013 or later. Good luck.
    1 point
  10. enableSecretPopups - I put this token into LabVIEW 2011 for Silver control development, as a quick-and-dirty way to make low-level control edits. I've been giving it out to people on a very limited basis, but I guess since it's out here I'll widen the audience. I show a screenshot of the new menu items in https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-17431 Once this token is enabled, you'll be able to see the settings on parts of the Silver controls to get an idea what they do. eg "Left Move" means the part will move left when its "master" part changes size via moving its left edge. "Left Grow" means the part will scale in that situation. Setting both the left and right move options will make the part stay centered. There are clearly combinations that don't make any sense and I suspect LabVIEW will behave badly if you use them. I recommend that you disable the token when you're not using the Control Editor, because it also enables other menu items that are not ready for prime time and you might use them later without realizing they're only there because of this INI token.
    1 point
  11. Another bubble burst. I thought that was a portrait and that Shane was a really tough astronaut.
    1 point
  12. Encapsulation of state, I expect.That is about the only reason I will consider LV classes - stateful drivers/APIs like websockets or HTTP. It's a little bit cleaner than LV2 globals and doesn't multiply like a tribble. People also forget that Hardware Abstraction was solved many years ago by firmware engineers. It's called SCPI and, what dya know? It's strings I was going to write a presentation called "String Theory - The fundamental building blocks of programming" and demonstrate that you can create complex and scalable systems that transcend networks, using a service oriented, string messaging design and bugger all code. No-one seems particularly interested unless it has classes in it though Meanwhile..........back on topic
    1 point
  13. Hah. Got it. "Context" can mean many things, depending on...context?
    1 point
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