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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2015 in all areas

  1. Ok. first off. Windows is not a real time OS so it isn't deterministic. I know that, you know that but your project manager probably doesn't so that was for him. Second. I bet you are so close, that if we can just optimise what we already have a little better, we will be home and dry. Sure. Then in 6 months the spec changes to every 7 ms and the project manager says "you did it before, now do it again - it's only 1ms". So. What is the problem? Ahh. Just poking over the 8 ms in places. Lets see if its what all the girls say that size does matter and bigger is better. Ah yes. No problem with under 8ms. The girls are half wrong and half right. Size does matter but smaller is better. (In fact it is linear. 400,000 will yeild about 3 ms, 200,000 about 1.5 ms etc). Easy answer 1. Reduce the data size in the global. But why so slow? Is it the array disassembling? Is it the reading from the global? Does it need more coffee? Oooh. Microseconds. My spidy sense tells me its the global. Easy answer 2: Don't use a global for big arrays if you're time constrained. That about wraps it up for reading. In the next issue we will cover: Oh my god. It all falls to crap when I write data.
    2 points
  2. At the risk of saying something obviously off mark, couldn't be that displaying the extracted numbers in FP indicators is the real bottleneck? (especially if you have a weak video adapter)
    1 point
  3. Glad to hear it! For my own needs today, I found an MGI API that wraps .NET's System.IO.Compression and seems to work fine.
    1 point
  4. Okay new version posted with the changes I mentioned earlier so now it supports objects without labels. Sorting still works with objects without labels.
    1 point
  5. Ahh. But to call yourself a LV Architect you do. They even have special orgies every year that no mere mortals, however capable, can join in. They speak in tongues and discuss spells and other voodoo magic that no non-architect can understand or even hear without going insane. Then they go back to their local covens to plan the next act of debauchery with the new curses and sigils they have learnt. Well. Read it now It looks like an ActiveX driver so there's the problem in a nutshell. If it wasn't for that, I expect Gerd would have not needed as much patience (but you are right, he is a saint)
    1 point
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