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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Error 56 - a timeout - isn't really an error, it just means there wasn't any data. The connection is still valid, and data could arrive later. In most of my TCP code I ignore error 56, especially if I'm polling multiple connections and expect that there won't be data on most of them most of the time. I bundle my TCP references with a timestamp indicating the last time that data was received on that connection, and if it's ever been longer than an hour since I last received data on that connection, then I close that connection. I've used this same approach with the STM (adapting existing code that used it) and it worked fine there too.
    1 point
  2. You can use the edge detection with the IMAQ MagicWand VI bounded by your ROI boxes to produce the mask. It will fill to the edges of your region (either inside or outside your edge). You can then either use that as a mask or just count the pixels as a percentage of the area.
    1 point
  3. Maybe a blurb of noob faqs, so apologies if I'm asking the obvious. I have used different SCCs for various text-based projects in the past, like cvs, svn, git, and I'm familiar with the idea. Now I decided to adopt git (namely hosting at gitlab.com this time, for convenience) for a big LV project which screamed for it since its beginning, and I'm tucking fine with that. . However, git itself is agnostic in treating all my vis, llbs and so on like binary files. That means to me that my repository grows in time at a quite fast rate, and that diffs are completely obscure. I am not able to tell for instance if an llb changed because a single vi was recompiled or because of more extensive changes. That may ultimately constrain my strategy of committing, for example avoiding llbs at all in favor of subdirectories in order to gain in granularity, or reducing the frequency of updates to limit size blowup. I'm also missing specific tools for, say diffing and blaming files in a LV meaningful way. This in contrast to text-based languages. In the present project my only text files are .lvproj, .lvlib, some xml configuration files and lyx documentation, not the core code, so that doesn't bring me very far. To compare two snapshots of the project I presume that I would have to create two copies of it on disk, rename some relevant VIs, load both copies in LV and compare them... not inspiring as a workflow. Is it all one can get, or am missing the obvious? I mean, after all what is this Tools/Options/Source Control/Provider name thing, and why does it display "<None>" in the pulldown? Oh, help: "On non-Windows platforms, LabVIEW runs a query to determine if Perforce is installed". So what, I can do SCC only if I depend on a single commercial service provider? Can't believe...
    1 point
  4. One more advice: Don't use LLBs in your code development. It may be ok to do so for the final executable where you want to have certain libraries as container in an external file as some sort of plugin, but more likely you will want to use packed libraries for that anyways. The LLB fails badly for such solutions as soon as any of your dependent VIs are part of an lvlib or lvclass since LLBs can not contain these files so the VI inside an LLB is then broken as it misses its lvlib or lvclass file. Learned this the hard way when upgrading an older application that used LLBs as plugin. Suddenly most of the plugins were broken. Turned out that it failed as soon as a plugin called an AAL function as these got lvlibed in newer versions.
    1 point
  5. This doesn't always work for me - also, it takes forever for larger projects. Here's my solution, which handles .vi, .ctl, .lvclass and .lvlib files: RemoveCompiledCode.viLcArray_Join_STR.vi I run it every now and then just to make sure I haven't missed anything in my projects.
    1 point
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