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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2015 in all areas

  1. Sweet! Dibs on the drone! (That's how this works right?)
    1 point
  2. G Systems will be giving away a Syma X5C-1 drone! Man, I wish I could order an extra one for "office use." Here is some footage from the drone from some youtube guy. Good luck, everyone! Click our logo below to check out our company.
    1 point
  3. Can't wait for one of the most entertaining events of NIWeek. The LabVIEW Tools Network team will again be donating a brand-new myRIO for the Door Prize again this year. <Trippy, plasma app tornado not included>
    1 point
  4. Just registered. Looking forward to seeing you there :-) Cheers, Steen
    1 point
  5. Sixclear will be there! It's time to go gift shopping for the door prize...
    1 point
  6. Yeah another XNode question. This isn't a need but I think it would be a nice feature if it can be done. Has anyone thought of a way to have an XNode behave like other primatives, where the init defines the data type to be used, and the other functions know the data type and change their output based on it? So lets say you drop a Obtain Queue and wire a string to the Element Data Type terminal. Now when you use the Dequeue Element, the output changes to a string. Also the wire color changes but I'm less concerned with that at the moment. The first step in this I thought would be easy but I was wrong. I made an XNode where it has an input terminal that is adaptive. I planned on wiring to this a queue and then having this XNode change the output based on the queue data type. But to get the queue data type I need to read the terminal type which gets returned as a variant, then cast it to a queue, then use a function like preview queue and use the type of the output of that. The problem is to cast the variant to the queue, you need to know the type of queue it is. I think there are a few more tricks I could try but I was curious what others thing. Anyone done this? Anyone got any ideas?
    1 point
  7. Zero. And now you have an explanation if my post suddenly disappears.
    1 point
  8. Those are probably Hybrid XNodes. It's a special kind of XNode that uses C code instead of G code to implement some of the more common abilities. P.S. - I've never written a Hybrid XNode, and I have no idea how to create them. I just know they exist, and I'm fairly certain they were used for Function Blocks.
    1 point
  9. enableSecretPopups - I put this token into LabVIEW 2011 for Silver control development, as a quick-and-dirty way to make low-level control edits. I've been giving it out to people on a very limited basis, but I guess since it's out here I'll widen the audience. I show a screenshot of the new menu items in https://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-17431 Once this token is enabled, you'll be able to see the settings on parts of the Silver controls to get an idea what they do. eg "Left Move" means the part will move left when its "master" part changes size via moving its left edge. "Left Grow" means the part will scale in that situation. Setting both the left and right move options will make the part stay centered. There are clearly combinations that don't make any sense and I suspect LabVIEW will behave badly if you use them. I recommend that you disable the token when you're not using the Control Editor, because it also enables other menu items that are not ready for prime time and you might use them later without realizing they're only there because of this INI token.
    1 point
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