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  1. This is awesome. How much of a pain in the backside WAS flattening JSON objects so we can deal with them as self indexing arrays or name/value tables? And we can filter them on the fly too. How easy is that?
    3 points
  2. Hi LAVAers. I thought I'd post this up to grab some more eyes and ideas, and maybe contributors if there is interest. I've started development of an open source datagridview project using .NET in LabVIEW to finally have a well implemented datagrid for use with LabVIEW UIs, data types and event integration. I have this all working in a sample project and would love more ideas, feedback and and help if anyone wants to contribute. The project is hosted on github, https://github.com/unipsycho/LabVIEWdotNetDataGrid I started a discussion for it in the LabVIEW NI community site when I started but its a LOT more presentable now, so extending this to LAVA. The original discussion is here: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/OpenSource-Project-for-a-NET-Datagrid-for-LabVIEW/m-p/3194273 The main premise of the project is to have extended data types, extended features with a event driven datagrid for LabVIEW using .NET. Please let me know what you think or if any questions or ideas to add to this.
    2 points
  3. My tuppence. None work great. This comes up at least once a year and always ends the same. SVN externals work OK. (My preference) Git submodules work, sort of. (Git is too complicated for me). Checkout in a single directory tree so LV uses relative paths to find sub VIs. The enemy is linking and re-linking which has never been resolved but .is better than it used to be. Resign yourself to just using text based SCC as binary backup system that you can quickly do a restore or branch and life is good. LabVIEW has always needed its own SCC system but NI have little interest in providing one. We cope at best but usually suffer.
    1 point
  4. CLA practice exams are good examples of how the MVC diagram can be applied.
    1 point
  5. Most of the web references to MVC is about frameworks and architecture, where the M, V, and C are distinct and clearly separable things. I’m less interested in how to define boundaries between things than in flow. Directions and arrows. The User exerts control on the state of the application. The User views the state of the application. Here’s the Wikipedia diagram for MVC If you search, you’ll be confused by seemingly different diagrams, which divide up Controller and View differently, but they all have the key flows between User and Model. I follow the principle, rather than trying to have specific application layers identified as M, V, or C. — James PS> a link to the video referenced.
    1 point
  6. As has been said you want to play around with the routing table on a windows machine. Read up about the net route command https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/bb490991.aspx and windows routing in general, you will need http://serverfault.com/questions/510487/windows-get-the-interface-number-of-a-nic to get the if interface for the route add. I have PC's fitted with two NIC I ping out of NIC 1 to an IP wireless device across to air into another IP wireless device and then back into NIC 2 on the same PC. I can also with this setup do Iperf across the air and telnet out the each NIC as desired. Without setting up the routing table correctly, I would in truth just ping and Iperf across the backplane of the PC from one NIC to the other, but the routing ensures I go out one NIC. I do all this with LabVIEW and net route commands issued as system exec calls, it works well. I tend to delete all all routes and then set up my own. If you do this remember to alos add in a route to your network for the main PC LAN or you cannot get to internet or local server :-) Also note if any NICs are disabled or enabled, Windows will try and be clever and sort out the routing as it see's fit and break your rules, so to help overcome this I nearly always have a simple powered dumb Ethernet switch hanging on the NIC between my test device and PC, then if I power off my test device to NIC still sees a good active connection to something.
    1 point
  7. No. You'll need to tell the operating system what the preferred route is to the server. In Windows you can set network priority so that it will preferentially use a particular network card (for all connections), or use the command-line "route" command to set up a route specifically to your destination. You could do a system exec call to set that up before opening the TCP connection. I had to do something similar with a device that insisted that its MAC address be manually added to the arp table before it could communicate.
    1 point
  8. I haven't because I've really always hated XControls for there bugginess, troubleshooting difficultly and the fact that most people don't or can't develop them well. I've always hit performance problems with them as well when handling large data and I think the instancing of .NET controls may just add to that in an XControl. I'm not saying its not possible or even a good idea, just that I don't care to do it myself. You could certainly contribute that though if you're better in XControls than I am. Thanks, please add any ideas or thoughts if you test it out more closely then.
    1 point
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