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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2018 in all areas

  1. I would say the conditional and concatenating tunnel options are a very notable feature introduced post-2009.
    2 points
  2. That's a snippet so in theory, you should be able to just drag it into your block diagram negating the need for a VI file
    1 point
  3. To solve both issues, insert "Adapt to Type.vi" before "Variant to Data". However, your cluster element names are now case-sensitive. "TimeStamp" will not match "timeStamp" in the JSON string.
    1 point
  4. I just became aware of this thread and I'm not going to go back and comment on all the discussion points that have been made before, except to say: The original code which did not use a shift register was wrong, but happened the work because of a bug in the LabVIEW inplaceness algorithm. Any input tunnel should retain its original value of every iteration of the loop, so it should've stayed not-a-refnum every time, and therefore the dynamic registration should should have been lost where the loop iterated. The issue was that the left dynamic registration terminal (which is always in-place to the right one) was also in-place to the input tunnel, causing its value to be stomped incorrectly. This is clearly a bug and needed to be fixed. It violated dataflow 'rules' for how tunnels are supposed to behave, and could've made some correct programs yield incorrect behavior. This is not a change that would break a correctly written program, so it does not qualify as an "API breaking" change; this usage has always been wrong but happened to work due to a bug. (This is categorically different than changing behavior of correct code or even changing undocumented behavior, which we try strenuously to avoid.)
    1 point
  5. Oh, yeah. But the crime isn't in making the accessors dynamic dispatch. The crime is not being organized enough to design the parent class. And that crime can have serious penalties for your code. Using dynamic dispatch for data accessors will generate massive data copies -- no inlining, no inplace memory optimizations. That does NOT mean you should never do it... it means you should do it ONLY if you truly need your child to define the data storage or get involved in the validation. Luckily, this is a situation that should almost never happen. Really? Really.... but that means you need to understand why you generally should not be doing it. You are violating the Liskov Substitution Principle. LSP says simply, "Any promise made by the parent class must be upheld by the child class." Having a child that *narrows* the definition of acceptable data values is an explicit violation of LSP. This rule must be maintained for most frameworks to work correctly. A child can accept a wider set of values, but it cannot accept a narrower set. Consider: I have a framework that calls your parent class. I read the documentation on your Write Value.vi. What does that documentation say? It says, "This VI accepts any positive real number and returns an error for negative numbers." Great! So I pass in 7.5. I have no idea your child class even exists. The documentation for the parent class says "any positive number". Now your child class gets created and gets passed into my framework, and it returns an error for any fractional value. WHAT? How could I possibly design for such undocumented behavior? A child is free to be *less* restrictive than its parent, but not more restrictive. For example, there are child classes that will happily handle NaN values but a NaN to the parent class returns an error. If I'm writing a framework that uses the parent class, I'm going to be careful to check for NaN up front to avoid the error, but if I am in a section of the code where I have the child directly, then I may pass NaN. So, when would it be acceptable for a child to get involved in validation? When you've documented that "the range of acceptable values varies based on the object in this wire, meaning callers cannot validate inputs ahead of time and must be prepared for an error from this function for any data value." LSP is not something that can be checked by a compiler. It is the contract that you write on the parent class that people who have never heard or seen your child class rely upon. Important safety tip: If you are the author of both the parent and the child, whenever you write code that calls the parent, you should pretend you've never heard of the child class. Write explicitly for only the parent class contract. If you do that then the bugs that come up are bugs in the child. Trying to factor into the calling code all the things you know your child classes might do will lead you to writing very poor performance code in the callers -- you will error check for things that shouldn't ever be possible, you will double check values that should already be validated, all because you cannot trust your children to uphold the promises. At the time you write your parent class, you should definitely be able to say whether or not a child is going to need to do additional validation. You might change your mind later -- and if you do, you can go change the terminals to be dynamic dispatch at that time. But don't pay the cost up front just because you might need it later. The dynamic dispatching is not expensive. The data copies can be. For most methods, dynamic dispatch is fine because the data passing across the border is inputs to some algorithm and outputs are computation results -- the outputs don't have to stay behind in the method VI. For property accessors, it's expensive because you're leaving a copy of the data back in the object, and no inplace sharing or other memory optimizations are possible across a dynamic dispatch call.
    1 point
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