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  1. I already have that superpower I once used lots of letters so that if you read the for loops top to bottom the letters spelt out my name and a message. I also once heard that wether you use "a" or "i" depends on if you came from a mathematical or engineering background. What's really stange (for me) is in C and PHP; I use "i". But in Pascal, and Python ; I use "a". I know that to a certain extent it is muscle memory since if I use "i" in Pascal, I nearly always leave out the colon before the equal sign. Maybe it's a coping mechanism because I switch between languages so much.
    2 points
  2. It depends what you want to do with the memory and how but in principle it is pretty easy. This function will simply return error 2 when the allocation was not successful. The challenge is to use this allocated buffer with built in LabVIEW functions. Depending on what functions you may want to use this with, you could for instance pass in the buffer in a VI in which you read the binary file in chunks and copy each chunck into this buffer with the Array Replace Subset function. Memory management is a bitch and you have to often choose between preallocating memory and passing it all the way down a call chain hierarchy to use it there or to let the low level functions attempt to do it and pass the result up through the Call Chain. LabVIEW chooses for the latter and that has good reasons. The first is a lot more complicated to implement and use and has generally less performance since you tend to copy data twice or more (when using streams for instance which at each data direction inversion will usually involve a data copy). Allocate Array Buffer.vi
    2 points
  3. Sssssht! My first version was without that sequence structure and I was for a brief moment wondering if maybe my ability to do the pointer juggling had failed me. After looking over it once more I figured the problem must be elsewhere and then it struck me that the control assignment was happening right after the NumericArrayResize() call. LabVIEW has a preference to do terminal assignments always as soon as possible.
    1 point
  4. Sounds like a good idea if your goal is to get other programmers to hate you.
    1 point
  5. As a developer that works in development environment that is not internet connected I would like to be able to download packages and put them in a local repository.
    1 point
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