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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2020 in all areas

  1. We should have a fix for that (firewall issue) out in the next week or so. Thanks for your patience.
    1 point
  2. I would say NI is becoming more and more software oriented. Just look at their latest acquisition (Optimal+). But all of the software I have seen are still geared toward hardware sales (FlexLogger to DAQ hardware, Instrument Studio to PXI instruments, InsightCM to cRIO, SystemLink to PXI test systems and cRIO, DAQExpress to DAQ, a lot of tools to the VST). And I don't see a spin off happening that would work well. All of the NI software tools are using a core stack now (reuse!). I saw evidence of this when I got a demo of VeriStand and it looked just like NXG (this was when NXG was still only in CABs). I don't think LabVIEW 20xx is attached in the same way. So I think there is an argument that LabVIEW 20xx could be spun off into an open-source project. But NXG is too ingrained into the MCP to be broken off without taking everything else with it.
    1 point
  3. I haven't, and my initial reaction is that I would quit a job like the one you described. The closest I came was when my boss sat me down to show me his 5 year plan for the group since he heard I was planning on quitting soon and he hoped his new road map would inspire me to stick around. I thanked him profusely for showing me his plans, because it meant that I knew I was making the right decision leaving. I quit, he started steering toward an ice burg, then he was fired about a year later. I was contacted by a head hunter saying this job opportunity was a perfect fit for me. I had to inform him I had that job and listed reasons why I wouldn't come back. Someone else that was still there tried getting me to come back, only to realize they were one of the reasons I left. Things have not sounded all that great since.
    1 point
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