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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2020 in all areas

  1. Thanks @Jim Kring. The RC installed fine on my PC and editing the ini file to turn off the auto-start also seems to work.
    1 point
  2. GIT is that awful, in my opinion. I've screwed up many things years. I try not to use it as much as possible. The reason that GIT has taken over the SCC world is not because of its ease of comprehension or elegance of interface. It is because it is the only tool that can manage the full complexity of massive software teams, parallel releases, compression of features, etc, and the folks who use it daily just deal with it and get used to it.
    1 point
  3. This actually sums it up quite nicely 😋
    1 point
  4. I've seen that with clients I have been working for on LabVIEW related projects. A new software development manager came in with a clear dislike for LabVIEW as it is only a play toy. The project was canceled and completely rebuild based on a "real" PLC instead of a NI realtime controller. The result was a system that had a lot less possibilities and a rather big delay in shipping the product. Obviously I didn't work on that "new" project and don't quite know if it was ever installed at the customer site. That said, we as company are reevaluating our use of LabVIEW currently. We have no plans to abandon it anytime soon, but other options are certainly not excluded from being used whenever it makes sense and there have been more and more cases that would have been solved in the past in LabVIEW without even thinking twice, but are currently seriously looked at to be done in other development platforms. And I know that this trend has been even stronger at many other companies in the last 5 years or so. My personal feeling is that the amount of questions in general has dropped. The decline is less visible on the NI fora, but all the other alternative fora including LAVA, have seen a rather steep decline in activity. Much of the activity on the NI fora tends to be pretty basic beginner problems or installation pericles and pretty little advanced topics. It could be because all the important questions for more advanced topics already have been tackled but more likely it is because the people who traditionally use LabVIEW for advanced usage are very busy in their work and the others are dabbling their feet in it, come with their beginner problems to the NI fora and then move on to something else rather than developing to the intermediate and advanced level of LabVIEW use. Also with exception of a few notable people, participation of NI employees in the fora seems nowadays almost non-existent and except the aforementioned notable exceptions, many times if an NI empoyee eventually reacts after a thread has stayed unanswered from other fora members for several days, doesn't go very much beyond the standard questions of "What LabVIEW version are you using? Have you made sure the power plug is attached?" and other such pretty unhelpful things. This is especially painful when the post in question clearly states a problem that is not specific to a certain version and pretty well known to anyone who would even bother to start up just about any LabVIEW version and try the thing mentioned! It sometimes makes me want to tell that blue eagle (äah is that a greenie now?) to just shut up.
    1 point
  5. Hello world, For ayone interested, here is a complete example how to create a .NET Remoting client with events in pure LabVIEW. No, it isn't impossible The key concepts are: - Extract assembly and object information from the .NET refnum. - Use .NET Reflection to connect event handlers and proxies. The documentation is inside the sample project. candidus HelloClientServer-LV2010-NET4.0.zip
    1 point
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