Well, the reverse engineering was quite some work as I had to view many different existing CDF files and deduce the functionality of them. But creating a new one for the sqllite library itself should be straight forward by taking the one for lvzip and changing the relevant strings in the CDF file. Only thing besides that is that you need to generate also your own GUID for your package as that is how Max identifies each package. But there are many online GUID generators that can do that for you, and the chance that that will conflict with any GUID already in use is pretty much non-existent. Depending if you also want to support sqllite support for Pharlap and VxWorks you would have to either leave those sections in the CDF file or remove them.
You can also handle dependencies and depending on what libraries you need they may actually exist as packages from NI already. Adding such dependencies to your CDF file is basically adding the relevant GUID from that other CDF file and version number to your own CDF file. Works quite well but if NI doesn't have the package available already, things can get more complicated. You either have to create an additional CDF file for each such package or you could possibly add the additional precompiled modules to the initial CDF file. A CDF file can reference multiple files per target, so it's possible but can get dirty quickly.