My intension for this template was to fill the gap between the Actor Framework and standard QMH. I never wanted to recreate the AF. When I first got a look at the AF I didn't get it. After a tutorial on youtube I got the understanding of AF but I feel somehow a distance I can't describe to the AF. It feels like AF is free floating in Hyperspace or so. Because of this I wanted to create a template with some benefits of OOP but more grounded and I started this template.
And yes, AF is great way to get things done but in my opinion not very easy to understand.
Tested the 4.2 beta with success on a Linux RT x64 target today (cRIO-9030), where I have never gotten it to work previously.
Compressed and decompressed folders with multiple files and subfolders, and used the inflate/deflate functions. The files that were compressed were also transferred to a PC to verify them there, and vice-versa.