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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2021 in all areas

  1. This is expected behavior: Ensure That Event Structures Handle Events whenever Events Occur - LabVIEW 2018 Help - National Instruments (ni.com) You are probably right about compiler optimization for unreachable code. Changing the compiler optimization level most likely has no effect because it is still unreachable and therefore not included.
    2 points
  2. Or even better: Replace "Write To Text file"/"Read From Text File" with "Write To Binary File"/"Read From Binary File". The output of "Flatten to String" is not text. (String != Text)
    2 points
  3. Right-Click on the "Read From Text File" method and unselect "Convert EOL". The number "13" (0xD or Carriage Return) gives it away. If you look at the HEX representation of what you save and what you read from file, you'll notice the 0xD gets converted to 0xA unless you uncheck that box. Tip: If you deal exclusively with HEX/binary data, you might want to save it using byte arrays instead. The result will be the same in your file, but you won't get bitten by hidden config parameters in your node...
    2 points
  4. Of course there is something they could do. I expect the use of the ANSI versions of the file operations is making them resistant. I've my own set of compane equivalent of the native file operations that do it just fine - it's the Path Control that is the problem.
    1 point
  5. And also, its not silent. Creating a file or writing to a file with too long path name will give you error 6.
    1 point
  6. LabVIEW Software Engineers, here's your opportunity to work with us at SpaceX! I'm hiring for a Sr. Software Engineer on the Ground Software team. We build control and monitoring systems running the Falcon launchpads, mission systems launching astronauts to the International Space Station onboard Dragon, and a fleet of sea-faring recovery vessels bringing spacecraft and rockets back to shore. The screens you see in Mission Control are the UIs we build. Read more about the role and apply here: https://boards.greenhouse.io/spacex/jobs/5480997002?gh_jid=5480997002
    1 point
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