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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2021 in all areas

  1. So I managed to find the underlying issue and at least one solution to it - sharing the information here. The Icon editor enumerates the font list in linux with command 'fc-list'. With OpenSUSE 43.2 / LV 2016 combo the fontlist looks like this: The listed fonts are essentially a list of the font files with full paths, and that does not work well with the font tool LV uses. If this list looks similar to yours and the fonts are not looking pretty, I have a solution for you - read on. To fix this a command 'fc-list : family' should be used instead, to come up with a list like this: There are two solutions (and I'm sure there are more) - you can decide which one to pursue depending on your expertise. As the Icon Editor in LV2016 (starting with LV2011 I think) is in packed library for execution optimizing purposes, the Icon Editor code can't directly be altered to fix this. One can come up with a solution where the command 'fc-list' is overridden in linux so it will always use the (proper for LabVIEW) format 'fc-list : family'. This may have some unwanted side effects if other programs use the command in similar fashion, so this may not be the best solution. It would be pretty easy to use for assessing whether this could be your problem also. There are multiple trivial ways of implementing this, so I won't be giving an exact solution - here is a list of them: https://lmgtfy.app/?q=override+command+in+linux Darren Nattinger has provided the source code for Enhanced Icon editor in https://forums.ni.com/t5/Enhanced-Icon-Editor/Icon-Editor-Source-Files-for-LabVIEW-2016/m-p/3538808 - You can replace the packed library LabVIEW uses as editor with this source. There are easy 3 step instructions on the site - even I managed to do that. Please give kudos to Darren should you go this way. When you have the shipped Icon Editor replaced with the source, you can directly edit the file in /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2016/resource/plugins/NIIconEditor/Miscellaneous/Font/Linux.vi so it uses the correct form, like this:
    2 points
  2. If you are a student, I'm pretty sure there are boring tasks that can be automated. Something that's special so you are not likely to find existing tools. But since you are a student, simply reinventing something, cloning a board game you like (I make minesweeper in pretty much any programming languages I work with), remaking msPaint is not a "stupid" decision as it would be as a pro. For example for work, I did a picture manager program. Pictures can drag+drop sorted, comments can be assigned, picture entries can be colored (for marking purposes), images can be cropped with arbitrary angled rectangles. And all pictures can be inserted into a Word document using the report generation toolkit and some VB scripting. This is just a small tool but it can be extended infinitely and has lot of areas that you can practice. And doesn't need any hardware (measurement or controller devices). Just a computer. EDIT: in general, Labview is a pretty productive language for GUI heavy applications. Graphs are very typical Labview things and they can be customized beyond a mere measurement plotting widget. So for a student project I would prefer something that involves graphs in some ways, usual or unusual ways (like some task scheduler or fancy calendar-thing, just throwing ideas). Another idea is making some cellular automata, like Conway's game of life. You could and controls to it, maybe even drawing the initial filled cells (you have to solve the rendering of the field: table?/graph?/picture? and you have to handle mouse clicks) and add some additional graphs that plot some interesting data vs. time diagrams. Like the percentage of alive cells, or whatever. Maybe you could also make some overlay heat map on the field to see if there are places that alive cells are more common. You could add a menu to switch between different automatas. Maybe adding an option of hexagonal field. Man, now I want to make it 😣
    1 point
  3. Here is one that involves a nice mix of small challenges: My first assignment after being hired as an engineer back in 1998 was to write a multiplexer and demultiplexer. In that case we had 8 instruments outputting readings as an ASCII string every second (fixed length message containing a numeric value: "AA 2500BB\r\n"), and all those strings had to be read from 8 separate serial ports, tagged with a channel (c1, c2, c3 etc..) and then sent on through a single serial link (because we physically only had two wires available) to another PC where the signals would be split into the original 8 live values...Unless you are already familiar with serial IO you might want to simulate the physical parts at first to finish the downstream logic, then you can add the physical / serial communication bits at the end (in case you end up spending too much time on that to finish everything).
    1 point
  4. How about something with the File IO? Maybe copy all files and folders from one location to another and list the files that were new or overwritten? Maybe open a text file with times and values in it then graph it? Maybe import a text file into a table and color the values that are greater than some value red, and lower than some value green?
    1 point
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