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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Hmmm, clipboard copy! That has a very good chance of trying to be smart and to do text reformatting. I would definitely drag the entire control with all the data from one VI to the other, which should avoid Windows trying to be helpful. As a control, LabVIEW puts it in an application private format in the clipboard together with an image of the control. LabVIEW itself can pull the private format out of the clipboard, other applications will not understand that format and pull the image from the clipboard. If you only select the text, LabVIEW will store it as normal ASCII text in the clipboard and Windows may try to do all kinds of things including trying to translate it to proper Windows text, which could replace all \r "characters" with \r\n and there is even the chance that the text goes through ASCII to UTF-16 and back to ASCII on the way through the clipboard and that is not always a fully 100% back and forth translation, even though they may look optically the same. Text encoding translations is a total pitta to fully understand.
    1 point
  2. Remember when Adobe started with SaaS? Everyone hated it. But since there was no real competitor to Photoshop, many accepted the subscription model in the end. The big difference to LabVIEW is that there ARE real alternatives, FREE alternatives. If NI had successfully taken LabVIEW into a modern era, they would have earned trust. Now, they instead throw this at us after NXG is scrapped and no hope is given to us that any real progress into the future will be made with LabVIEW, and they expect us to pay. (By no hope, I refer to the corporate one-liners about NXG and LabVIEW that scares me and that silence has reigned since). Maybe it is an intended strategy: to start implementing real progress in LabVIEW when we have to subscribe to get it. I really hope not. I hope they listen to the concerns in this thread, since that mirrors the concerns of most of the LabVIEW user base.
    1 point
  3. Maps in LabVIEW 2019?
    1 point
  4. am I doing this right?
    1 point
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