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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2011 in all areas

  1. It is not only important where to bend a wire, but also HOW to do it: Here is RCF plugin which does the job. Seriously, the Invoke Node you are searching for is "Create Described Wire": "Wire Desc" input is tricky one, because you have to specify coordinates of wire nodes in opposite way - as an array of (y,x) pairs...
    3 points
  2. Wouldn't this work like the Riffle function in LabVIEW (where your code takes the first n outputs) Ton
    2 points
  3. Ouija board? Magic Eight Ball? Carnak the Magnificent? In all seriousness, if you want a serious response you will need to provide a better question. Interface how? Interface to do what? What have you researched? What have you tried? Have you tried the input VIs in LabVIEW?
    2 points
  4. Not strictly just for fun; I use it as a way to sneak around mental blocks. When one side of my brain thinks the other side is only playing, it lets its guard down long enough for me to solve what's stumping me.
    2 points
  5. Name: Encryption Submitter: Ton Plomp Submitted: 07 Sep 2011 Category: *Uncertified* LabVIEW Version: 2010 License Type: BSD (Most common) This package consist of a series of tools in native LabVIEW 2010 code. For encryption/decription the AES (Rijndael) routine is used with key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bytes. The encryption supports the following block modes: EBC CBC CFB128 OFB For signing of string/packages it performs the SHA-1 and SHA-2 hashing, for MD5 hashing the OpenG functionality is used. The hash functions return a binary string and a hex-formatted string with the hash. The following hashes are supported: MD5 (via OpenG library) SHA1 SHA-2 224 bit SHA-2 256 bit SHA-2 384 bit SHA-2 512 bit For Hashed key authentication the HMAC functionality is provided based on the supported hash functions. The used functions are tested against NIST public test vectors. The use of these functions is not: secure the code does not try to protect it's memory nor the used keys. © Ton Plomp 2011 - No warranty implied. Click here to download this file
    1 point
  6. In LV10 I use the Move Selected Objects Method of the TopLvlDiag Class (ie. Block Diagram). I use the Joints[] property to find the segment I want. Typically I index the array to select the starting joint. I will use the maximum of the Left/Right/Up/Down indices to find the opposite end of the segment. Using those two points I would use the Point2Rect.vi followed by RectCentroid.vi (both in vi.lib) to find the center of the segment, and then use Point2Rect.vi again with the incremented and decremented centroid value. This defines a very small rect around the center of the wire segment. Then I would use the Clear Selection Method (TopLvlDiag), followed by MakeSelectionFromRect using the rect you found, followed by Move Selected Objects with appropriate Delta X/Y. Finally Clear Selection. I could post an example later, this is from memory. Better learning experience recreating it yourself. I have added other features like finding the segment closest to a given point, and double checking that the selection process does not add other objects. It is easy to get the terminals selected on shorter segments which are hidden. My other point is that you are usually a much, much happier scripter if you let LV deal with the wiring (BD cleanup, Clean Wire method, autowire). Futzing with wiring in scripting is a spaghetti factory, this simple task is already a screen wide on a BD.
    1 point
  7. Almost all of my apps are state machines within state machines. Take a look at these two galleries on the dark-side to get some ideas. http://forums.ni.com/t5/media/gallerypage/user-id/9539/album-id/9000 http://forums.ni.com/t5/media/gallerypage/user-id/9539/album-id/9006 Ben
    1 point
  8. I'm really in favor of creating OpenG functions for Create GUID and Is a GUID. Enrique Vargas contributed the MD5 code to OpenG, which was part of the CryptoG library -- I know that there's a function in there for creating a GUID with a pseudo-random generator via SHA functions. -Jim
    1 point
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