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  1. Version 1.5.4


    Package for working with JSON. Uses high-speed text parsing, rather than building an intermediate representation as with prior LabVIEW JSON libraries (this is much faster). Allows easy working with "subitems" in JSON format, or one can convert to/from LabVIEW types. Uses the new "malleable VIs" of LabVIEW 2017 to convert to any LabVIEW type directly. JSON text makes use of a form a JSON Path notation, allowing easy and rapid access to the subitems of interest. Requires LabVIEW 2017 and install by VIPM 2017 or later. Original conversation about JSONtext. On the LabVIEW Tools Network. JDP Science Tools group on NI.com. Copyright 2017 JDP Science Limited
    2 points
  2. Version 1.0.0


    There it is. The complete library for the MCP2221A. I2c adapter, I/O in a single IC. I love that one. Let me know if any bug is found. I try to make that library as much convenient as possible to use. Two version available 32 bit and 64 bit. little note: to open by serial number, the enumeration need to be activated on the device first. (open by index, enable the enumeration) It needs to be done only once in the life time of the device. PLEASE do not take ownership of this work since it is not yours. You have it for free, but the credit is still mine... I spent many hours of my life to make it works.
    2 points
  3. Version V1.3.6


    This package contains the Plasmionique Modbus Master library for LabVIEW. It supports RTU, ASCII and TCP modes with the following function codes: 0x01 - Read Coils 0x02 - Read Discrete Inputs 0x03 - Read Holding Registers 0x04 - Read Input Registers 0x05 - Write Single Coil 0x06 - Write Single Register 0x07 - Read Exception Status 0x0F - Write Multiple Coils 0x10 - Write Multiple Registers 0x16 - Mask Write Register 0x17 - Read/Write Multiple Registers 0x2B/0x0E - Read Device Identification Other features include: - Sharing a COM port across multiple Modbus sessions using VISA locks (10 second timeout). - Sharing a Modbus session across multiple communication loops. - TCP transaction ID handling to ensure that requests and responses are matched up correctly in case responses are received out of order. - Modbus Comm Tester, available through the "Tools->Plasmionique" menu, for testing communication with a slave device without writing any code. - Detailed help document available through the "Help->Plasmionique" menu. Examples are included in "<LabVIEW>\examples\Plasmionique\MB Master\": MB_Master Comm Tester.vi: Demonstrates usage of API to open/close connection and communicate with a Modbus slave device. MB_Master Multiple Sessions.vi: Demonstrates usage of API to open concurrent Modbus sessions. MB_Master Simple Serial.vi: Demonstrates polling of a single input register over serial line. Download a copy of the user guide here: MB_Master - User Guide.pdf Note that Version 1.3.4 of this library has been certified compatible with LabVIEW and has been released on the LabVIEW Tools Network: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/214230 The most recent version of this library will always be released on LAVA first before going through NI's certification process. ***This project is now available on GitHub: https://github.com/rfporter/Modbus-Master
    1 point
  4. 2,236 downloads

    Copyright © 2008, François Normandin All rights reserved. Author: François Normandin --see readme file for contact information. Description: This code is provided to help manage labview classes. By opening a reference to a lvclass file, this API allows easy access to Private Data Cluster, Description, Class version, Icon, Tags, Class Items List, Ancestor Hierarchy, Addition and removal of files to the class, Copying and saving classes. It can be the basis for cloning a class, applying standardized icons to all VIs in the class, accessing tags and descriptions or to follow different versions. Dependancies: oglib_file-2.8 Change Log: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. 1.0.1: Correction of installer code (second copy operation reversed) 1.0.2: Expose "Element (Build)" to Connector Pane in "IncrementClassVersion.vi" Known Bugs: 1- The "Close.vi" uses a merge error with the first error from a close reference. This will discard any error on input to the VI if there is an error from the close reference.
    1 point
  5. Version


    There it is... finaly... Because the code given in the FTDI web page is not convenient, not working and haven't been developed by real LABview programmer, I decided to create a library for the I2C. a version for SPI will come soon. This library is free to use. If FTDI want's it in ther site, I do not allow you to publish it since you didn't help any of your customer with LABview. but of course feel free to publish this link.
    1 point
  6. 1,462 downloads

    Copyright © 2006, dsaunders All rights reserved. Author: dsaunders --see readme file for contact information Description: Converts a pixel coordinate to an array index. Returns an array of indices with a length equal to the number of array dimensions. Also returns if the point is within the content rectangle (not on the caption, scrollbars, etc.) Works on any N-dimensional array regardless of visibility of caption, label, index display, or scrollbars. Designed to be used on mouse events that provide the mouse coordinates. Limitations: Property nodes do not indicate the array border width, nor if the user has chosen to display an element gap. These inputs are thus provided on the VI. Version History: 1.0.0: Initial release of the code.
    1 point
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