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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. I don't know, I might be too tired after all the partying from World Rabies Day, the day before.
  2. A small update to handle a little issue with the quick drop combo box... Version History (Changelist): 1.3-1 2010 09 30 Added (): Quick Drop combobox can force syntax and non-capitialisation. Names are now checked for correct syntax, including proper case and single spaces between words and no whitespace either side. So in QD if you Type "Load For..." it converts it to "Load for..." So I decided to handle this case plus syntax in general. Before: After: And in the edge case that you want to override this Syntax, you can, by placing a period as the last character: Cheers -JG
  3. (I would still like more options tho - status bar, status text etc...) Thats because I can't get this to work. Ok, so I must be doing something completely stupid? If I set Visible = FALSE first then Defer = TRUE the gif does not show until I set Defer = FALSE If I set Defer = TRUE first then Visible = FALSE if only updates when I resize the window. <object id="scPlayer" class="embeddedObject" width="841" height="502" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2b81030a-c431-43c2-b553-967c8e470db3/jingswfplayer.swf"> <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2b81030a-c431-43c2-b553-967c8e470db3/jingswfplayer.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2b81030a-c431-43c2-b553-967c8e470db3/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=841&containerheight=502&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2b81030a-c431-43c2-b553-967c8e470db3/Defer%20Panel%20Updates.swf&blurover=false"> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"> <param name="scale" value="showall"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2b81030a-c431-43c2-b553-967c8e470db3/"> </object> Can you or Francois post code?
  4. Hi Durnek60 There is a similar thread here by Martin too. Cheers -JG
  5. Ok, (as I posted above) I assumed differently, a quick test confirms that I was wrong, so that is good. I can do as per your example but I would still like to see something (i.e. throbber, status bar etc...) moving on the panel though. As a test I loaded the entire C:\ directory into a Tree it was taking minutes.... (I didn't wait for it to finish) So in this case, I would really like my user to see something moving during this time. I would very much like to keep it simple, but I workarounds aren't i.e. sticking the Tree in a subpanel OR having a VI overlayed (what if the user wants to be move the screen? O will have to synch both VIs) are currenly my only options? Unless there is a method for defer Tree updates I haven't seen? If not this would make a good Idea on the Idea Exchange IMHO.
  6. [You changed your post] But Google and IE were just giving me static images. Hmm, maybe I could put the e.g. Tree in the subpanel? Defer updates on the subpanel and the parent-VI can do what it wants?
  7. Cheers, just to clarify, its not that I want to hide my work, its that I want to speed it up. But whilst I am doing that work I want something (i.e. Throbber) to be doing something (i.e Throbber moving) so the user knows its all good and the screen hasn't frozen up. Thats a good idea too, I will try that - I don't know the answer yet. Currently my Throbber is a button with start (.gif) and stop (.png). <edit> Ok maybe a stupid question? How do I get a gif on the FP. Drag and Drop not supported. Subpanel does not update if calling VI panel is deferred So it doesn't work, but, well, good to know I guess. What I was doing previously (mentioned above) was a subpanel deferring its updates (which does not affect 'parent' VI) </edit>
  8. Go for it. You could register the Error User Event for any loop that has an event structure...
  9. Cool idea. I am pretty sure I have done this before? But will recheck.
  10. Thanks Guys, Although maybe I didn't explain myself clearly, let me try again. I want to defer panel updates as specific FP Objects are UI intensive, but at the same time I want to show the user that something is happening (with another object on that panel, e.g. Status or Throbber) but it is not possible when I have deferred panel updates set! I don't want to use the cursor as its a parallel screen that is running (so other actions could be available in other screens). But I want something to be moving on the screen whilst I am doing the work. Maybe another panel (VI) over the deferred one that can update whilst the other one is deferring updates would work? But i could make it look like its part of that panel? More work that I wanted
  11. Howdy. I have a panel I want to defer updates on, while an heavy object updates (e.g. load Tree, change Plot Colors). Without using the cursor, how can I show to the user that "something" is happening (i.e. any Throbber or Status indicators will not be updated due to the defer updates property). Is there a workaround - what do others do? Cheers -JG
  12. HI Techie Here is an integrated example with Error Module using code from your other thread. Cheers -JG GKY-Paralellism-3Loops-V1.0_JG.zip
  13. Hi Techie Attached is a template example I use for teaching, it is taken from NI course example. It may not be the best, but is an implementation that may get you started? Cheers -JG Error Module Top Level VI Example Code Producer Consumer Events Error Display.zip
  14. You are obviously not using Excel 2010!
  15. Yes, I also do this. Although in the above implementation, it was for wrappers that support datatypes. How do you get this to work? AFAIK Polymorphic VI cannot have DD inputs?
  16. Yes, the reason I use the Polymorphic VI is to provide easy access for datatype conversion, just like other functions in LabVIEW or OpenG (it is just wrappers of the main code). In this case, I didn't have to use Class Library, but chose to, because I like it.
  17. I am just posting a link here to ni.com for an issue I recently had that got CAR'd (thanks Gmart) in case anyone else runs into it. Classes added to Library with protection property and set to locked generates an error at build time. At the link there are example files and a video demonstrating what I am seeing: Locking LabVIEW Project Libraries and Building Applications Cheers -JG
  18. Ok, this one got me late last night: I have a Polymorphic VI as a member of a LabVIEW Project Class Library that I want to form the API of the Class. I don't want users to place specific instances of the methods in the Polymorphic VI on the BD, only to use the Polymorphic VI itself. So I make the methods Private Scope and the Polymorphic VI Public scope... ...everything is all good running from source. Build time comes around and I start getting build errors (see below of the description), it doesn't point to the Class Library directly, but as it turns out, the calling VIs of the Polymorphic VI. An error occurred while saving the following file:C:\Users\developer2\Desktop\Private Polymorphic Class Members\[b]main.vi[/b]Visit the Request Support page at ni.com/ask to learn more about resolving this problem. Use the following information as a reference:Error 1502 occurred at AB_Source_VI.lvclass:Close_Reference.vi -&gt; AB_Build.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi -&gt; AB_Application.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi -&gt; AB_EXE.lvclass:Copy_Files.vi -&gt; AB_Build.lvclass:Build.vi -&gt; AB_Application.lvclass:Build.vi -&gt; AB_EXE.lvclass:Build.vi -&gt; AB_Engine_Build.vi -&gt; AB_Build_Invoke.vi -&gt; AB_Build_Invoke.vi.ProxyCallerPossible reason(s):LabVIEW: Cannot save a bad VI without its block diagram. So, after I was able to figure that out out I changed the calling method's scope from Private to Public and then everything was ok when building. I then played some more today and found out that if I uncheck Remove unused polymorphic VI instances in the Build Spec, the error goes away. I have attached some code if anyone wants to replicate it. Just toggle the VI.vi Scope from Private to Public or change the Build Spec as above. Thoughts? Is there a problem doing what I was doing? Or Is this a bug? If so, is it a known issue? Cheers -JG Private Polymorphic Class Members LV2009.zip
  19. Just coming off a 45+ hr sprint... ...software to Beta stage and don't it feel good...

    1. Francois Normandin

      Francois Normandin

      You mean, you still feel something after that? ;-)

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