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Everything posted by jgcode

  1. Definitely Hmm 2013. The '13' doesn't sit well with me. If they name it 2012b I am in!
  2. Thanks Crelf. It's definitely an international intake for oh-twelve. I am very excited to have been included in the same group as some leading Community members. Oh yes, and... ...Go LAVA
  3. Both? Sheesh!
  4. I have a Spartan 3E - but obviously NI supply drivers for it which enables it to work with LabVIEW.
  5. Thanks Crelf (I think I had a Skype fail) If you have any feedback based on your experiences to make this better please post
  6. Thanks! I appreciate the (testing) gesture - I will be sure to hit you up!
  7. Ok v21 is up in the LAVA-CR I updated the error handling in the Engine based on the feedback above in an attempt to make it more robust. Additionally I added a Precheck Config File Path VI as a utility VI (and exposed it in the palette) You can use your own, but it should eliminate most issues: The VI ensures the path is not empty; is not relative; and the folder where it is gonna be, has been created: Additionally I added the suggest method to filter to the example and removed the string array altogether from the template.vit. My next task is to see if I can get this to build (rather than just be a tool in the IDE) - and handle relinking issues to <resource>. I have added provisions in this code for this - but I contact the relevant authorities to see what I can do
  8. For anyone interested... I checked up on this, unfortunately you can't plug-in here - it's all generated in C (unless you have access to LabVIEW source ). To plug-in in G, you can only do what I have done.
  9. I can help with that: Read_Key__Variant___ogtk.vi PS - just so you know those forums were locked so if you didn't have an account before that, you won't be able to log in.
  10. Hi This is a thread posted on behalf of Fab to see who in the LAVA community is going to the 2012 CLA Summit and are interested in OpenG? If you are going please post including whether: You do or don't use OpenG You have an interest in OpenG (whatever that interest may be) Thanks guys - it will help with planning! Cheers -Jon
  11. That's for pointing this out Phillip, yes the wiki does suffer a lot from spam, particularly recently. Currently the OpenG Team is looking at what is the best solution for the future of OpenG.org (in terms of web-related stuff!)
  12. I have had a look at this - I can definitely make improvements regarding errors. However, the Framework pops up errors on close, so regardless of where the error occurs in the Engine's state machine, the FP of the Page is still going to show (when I do the fix). In the case of the invalid config with a basic Page (i.e. one generated from a template) it means the user will waste time changing data, then it won't save, then they will get an error at the end. So I recommend prechecking that information before launching the dialog. This is pretty much the only error due to external reasons that the engine will have to worry about (file io). I could add it to the Preferences Dialog.vi, in that it could perform certain checks and if valid then launch dialog, if not then create and error. Looking at the OpenG Valid Path.vi that would have passed the file path as ok in the above example so that doesn't really help - so I will need to look at this further. Also I envisage that you could run the Engine in parallel with other code if you wanted to do stuff other than just save data to disk e.g. validate data etc... You could do something that would look similar to in terms of parallelism (ignore the user event ref into the engine, the rendezvous etc... this image comes from a different context, but it was quick to post): In this case you could handle the errors at the time they occur relative to that screen etc... in your own code
  13. Hi Neil The problem you are experiencing is that you are not providing a valid config path/location. I have just used a meaningless placeholder in the template and running it generates any error which is causing the issue. Nevertheless, I will look into handling this case better. Thanks for posting the code.
  14. Thanks I will have a look The examples should be at the location described in the VIPM Info (screenshot above) - are they not there? Now with the engine encapsulated there are only two main VIs you will use, plus I included the dynamic call to the Pref Dialog in case someone wanted to make their own wrapper.
  15. Thanks to Ton's efforts the Code Capture Tool is now Compatible with LabVIEW - or as we like to say CwLV Just fire up your copy of VIPM to download it straight from the... View the full article
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  16. The interface is a string array, so the user can populate it however they want (I would do it like the above too). However, I am happy with the template as this is really an edge use case I exposed. I actually use it to filter the default template controls etc... (otherwise LabVIEW crashed when it tried to write the tag refs to disk using OpenG ) but this is all done internally in the engine. One example I can think of is that it may have to do with localisation? Using an Indicator to display a piece of text (e.g. like a decoration/title that's constant) as opposed to using Free Text.
  17. Ok, the current version has been added to the LAVA repo I rolled up the example into the package and added some documentation to help new users. Enjoy! -JG
  18. Version


    This package is Open Source The Library contains supporting VIs that integrate with the LabVIEW Preferences Dialog to simplify file IO using OpenG VIs. Thanks to Yair/tst for help with refactoring Installation locations: <templates>\JGCODE\Preferences Page Dialog.vit - template for creating new pages <examples>\JGCODE\preferences_dialog - example application and instructions The following VIs are called dynamically so that linking is maintained: <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferenceDialog.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\optionsFrame_GetErrorReportQueue.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\optionsFrame_GetPageReadyNotifier.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetCursorBusy.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetCursorNormal.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetOkDisable.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetOkEnable.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetPanelCloseStateDisable.vi <resource>\dialog\PreferencesDialog\PreferencePages\SharedPrefPage_SubVIs\SetPanelCloseStateEnable.vi This Package depends on these other packages: oglib_appcontrol >= oglib_array >= oglib_file >= oglib_variantconfig >=
  19. Sorry to disappoint you! Yer, it's so you can easily build your own plugin, Preferences Dialog, leveraging the NI Framework.
  20. Hi Neil As the Framework inserts Pages into a subpanel you cannot have the Page FP in memory as this will cause as error This is standard with using subpanels - so try closing the Page then running the Dialog VI and see if you still get issues. Are you using the latest version of the package - I have that version working fine here and it also includes some niceties for running the page by itself for debugging. Although that should be needed as all you have to do is drag and drop control onto the front panel now - yay! . As for anything else, I am not sure - do you want to post your code, I am happy to have a go running it? Cheers!
  21. It doesn't, or rather, cannot yet as the OpenG source is currently in 2009. Whenever it moves up where inlining is supported, then we will need to review it for valid use cases. Given you started in 2011 any information we have we should use to document the VIs now tho. This has been discussed before (pretty sure on LAVA?) and I too was surprised by a) at the time I thought OpenG was all reentrant, and b) the evidence supplied I actually went ahead and converted all my reuse VIs back to non-reentrant (except where specifically required). Noted, I can fix that by using documentation. I would prefer to group all the LVOOP functions together - so they are easy to find. Even though the implementation may be related, that could change in the future. It gets the Class Name from an Object so it should hang out with the other Object functions. Yep, that's the trade off but I prefer to lean over to maintainability here. I will look at reviewing the grammar
  22. Ok looks awesome here is the new package with the above fixes. Very simple to create and maintain a Page - just drop your control and indicators on the BD The Page Template The Page Engine (reuse subVI) The new Package jgcode_lib_preferences_dialog- I have also exposed the Filter Names (optional) input so you can filter out controls/indicator that you may be using for screen effects etc... This video (no sound) shows it in action (obviously you wouldn't not save a piece of data, but you get the point) <!-- copy and paste. Modify height and width if desired. --> <object id="scPlayer" width="1275" height="733" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2973dfad-70cd-453a-8ad2-5e795d0ced7f/jingswfplayer.swf" > <param name="movie" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2973dfad-70cd-453a-8ad2-5e795d0ced7f/jingswfplayer.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <param name="flashVars" value="thumb=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2973dfad-70cd-453a-8ad2-5e795d0ced7f/FirstFrame.jpg&containerwidth=1275&containerheight=733&content=http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2973dfad-70cd-453a-8ad2-5e795d0ced7f/Preferences%20Dialog%203.swf&blurover=false" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /> <param name="scale" value="showall" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="base" value="http://content.screencast.com/users/jgcode/folders/LabVIEW/media/2973dfad-70cd-453a-8ad2-5e795d0ced7f/" /> Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.</object>
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