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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. I must be a misfit because I love to touch my food with my hands.
  2. Not at all. I just wanted to add some background noise... Something I've done a lot lately. LAVA is by no mean a unique reference...
  3. Is this what you mean? I've got one LabVIEW book and I can't remember when was the last time I found something in there I didn't know. Books tend to start off with the beginning and well, stop whenever the topics get too particular or advanced. These books are probably as good as any for someone getting started with LabVIEW, but for veterans like you, it seems to me that a book you'd get interested in wouldn't sell much because of the reduced audience. By the time books are published, you'll probably have gotten all the good juicy new stuff from reading LAVA assiduously.
  4. Great, now I can upgrade the LVClass API in CR to its latest version without infringing some taboo.
  5. It's definitely doable. Look at this video.
  6. You're perceptive, there were over 9.6k posts in LAVA 1.0 content a few weeks ago, now down to < 5.5k.
  7. Just follow the link at the bottom of the first post to the download section.
  8. Actually, that happens sometimes when you create a web server on your home computer. My ISP (Montreal) blocks outgoing data on port 80 to prevent me from using it as a web server (without paying big bucks for a commercial access). The workaround is to configure the web server to use a different port (http://www.example:1000) that is not blocked. I guess that's what he's talking about.
  9. That's because our leaders are elected to delegate work to their constituents.
  10. Yes, this is expected behavior. Ancestors cannot be children of your intial class. If C is child of B, and B is child of A, then: 1- Wiring A.lvclass as input will give {A.lvclass} (self -> no ancestor class except LabVIEW Object) 2- Wiring B.lvclass as input will give {B.lvclass ; A.lvclass} (self + parent "A") 3- Wiring C.lvclass as input will give {C.lvclass; B.lvclass ; A.lvclass} (self + parent "B" + parent of B ) etc. To find Child classes, you can't ask the parent class "Who are your children?". You need to list the directory where your classes reside at runtime and typecast to see if they match the class type of the parent.
  11. Hi Jon, You'll have to separate this in two approaches: ancestors and descendants. For ancestors, there is a private method for getting the ancestor class. Running it recursively will get you all the ancestors. You can cut the chase by installing this API. There are methods found in the installed palette for doing what you want. For descendants, the parent doesn't have any record if a class is its descendant. So you've got to typecast the potential child to its alleged parent class and see if it throws you an error.
  12. It should never take more than 400ms to stop this VI, unless you have the "Lock Front Panel" checked in the Event Edition screen for OK button, thus preventing any other buttons to be pushed until the event frame completes.
  13. If you expand on what Yair posted, you can get it more easily than what you've described. (Inverse row/column indicator depending on the orientation of your cluster array.)
  14. It's an IP Board issue. I think Tomi Malla noticed it first on his own posts...
  15. Link is broken because of weird bug with links that contain "expression": Here is the unlinked path: "expressionflow.com/2007/10/01/labview-queued-state-machine-architecture" (BTW, that's an excellent tutorial to keep at hand for newbies.)
  16. If you've got the original image, don't try to convert it back. Instead, make a copy and use that copy to extract a plane and convert it to binary. You can discard the copy to regain memory space when done.
  17. You can do it on your own with templates you've customized for your own particular needs. One known example is the JKI State Machine. I'm not sure you want to add it to the Structure palette, though it's possible. NI provides such templates in the "New VI Dialog", not as drop-ins VI in the palette. I usually keep my templates in user.lib since it's easily exportable from version to version.
  18. Is that even legal on March 31st?
  19. The content is all in case 42.
  20. Your target path is wrong. You need to tell the full name. See example.
  21. Nice one! You should have kept this for April 1st and provided a scripting tool as an add-on to jcarmody's RCF Case Structure plugin!
  22. Hi Brad, take a look at some example of Enum State Machine. Here on or NI examples.
  23. That's not an easy one. I can see strong arguments for and against registration for downloading code. I'm in general agreement with everything mentioned here. On the other hand, (and I might be wrong but) I'd assume that CR consumes a lot of bandwidth (relative to textual forums). LAVA is being maintained by advertisements and contributions from paying members: restricting download to those who really want the code reduces site expenses (bandwidth) and helps keep it financially viable, thus supporting free code exchange for a longer time. I might be underestimating the bandwidth needed for discussions... or underestimating the revenues generated! Anyway, just my .
  24. Could you show us what you've done so far and describe your application? Smoothing a curve is very dependant on your application. Some smoothing functions can induce undesirable shifts in time domain, others will affect your frequency domain... Do you want to filter low frequencies, high frequencies, band-pass? Do you want to simulate a certain type of real-world passive filter? Do you care if the filter is active or passive? Do you simply want a moving average? You could end up with as many answers as there are applications...
  25. Hello Claudio, Nice project you've got! I hope your graduation work can be shared on LAVA when you're done! The API returns the reference to the class and the reference to the private class control VI. You've got to think of that .ctl as just another VI with no block diagram. Hence, you can get a reference to anything on the front panel of that VI. Get a reference to the front panel of that control VI and extract the reference of the controls. There is always only one control, so the first element of the array is the reference to your private data cluster.
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