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Francois Normandin

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Everything posted by Francois Normandin

  1. Which version of VISA drivers are you using at the moment? Have you tried to reinstall the latest drivers? (v4.6 Run Time or Full)
  2. So you're not seeing at least the COM ports... Apart from VISA class, I'm sorry to say I'm at a lost of an explanation.
  3. There should be a Menu Button that you can show/hide with a right-click (select Visible Items). The drop-down list will then display all available VISA resources. (Or it could be that your VISA class is not set for Instruments.)
  4. Indeed. A VI by itself doesn't have a scope. You can disconnect a VI from its library and it's gonna be a plain ol' VI. This can be useful to remember if you've got a corrupted library. It never happened to me in a lvclass, but it did (in 8.2 if I'm not mistaken) for lvlibs. I had to disconnect the VIs from their corrupted library, otherwise I couldn't access it. Deleting the library file is not enough because the VI knows it is linked to it.
  5. Makes sense. You get greater public rewards if you're a politician then a scientist...
  6. Hi Mark, You can do it even if the class is not loaded. If your VI is not part of a library (lvclass, lvlib, xcontrol, ...) then it's scope will be "invalid". Otherwise, it's about the same thing except you start from the VI reference and check it's owning library reference. If it exists, then it's part of a library for which you can find a match by using the ProjectItem's VI reference. The VI reference is not always valid (because all library members are not automatically VIs) but if you can sort out the errors and invalid references, then you can match the correct ProjectItem with it's associated VI reference. Note that this works for any libraries, not just lvclasses. If your VI is a private member of a lvlib, then it's gonna return the correct access scope too. AccessScopeFromVI.vi
  7. The children of a LVClass library are Project Items. Sorry I don't have 8.6 available at the moment. Here's a screenshot (LV2009 snippet). I was being lousy... there's another computer right next to me with LV 8.6... AccessScope_LV86.vi
  8. Indeed, I tried to find an "emperor" emoticon, but could only find Darth Vader... Sorry Ben for the confusion. I was attempting humor with a second degree between NI & LAVA but it wasn't meant to be a rebuke. (There wouldn't be light without darkness)
  9. Those are symptoms from the dark side...
  10. You will have to create a reference constant and then drop the constant in the cluster. Right-click on your reference to create a constant from it, drag it to the cluster and then wire your reference to a "bundle cluster" primitive.
  11. That's probably it. I'll pass the info to my colleague. thanks
  12. How I envy that... our current Science minister (Canada) is a creationist. (Not that I really care what he personally believes, but he could have respectfully asked the prime minister for another job in his governement...)
  13. Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany) was a quantum physicist before going into politics. Well, quantum politicians are not liars... they always say the truth, but only if the wavefunction is not collapsed. Who knows if it's not happening in the 5th or 6th dimension?
  14. This thread refers to a library of VIs that is still missing from the big crash. If there's a chance they weren't completely lost, I'd be interested to have a look. thanks,
  15. Ask Alfa's code... BTW, I don't know if you should be allowed to customize one more thing on this forum... That could be nasty!
  16. Then may I suggest that it`d be moved in the "Code In-development" forum so we don`t lose track. Edit: Thanks Ô LAVA supreme mastermind.
  17. I think it's around 1000 that you can do that. But keep it up and you'll be able to do it next week...
  18. That's what I meant. We do that all the time. I think this is right (as Rolf pointed out), and this is exactly what is returned by the function. I would settle for LabVIEW not crashing and a note in the help that would clarify this behavior. It's most probably not unexpected behavior based on what I've read in this thread, but when the help states "returns the last component of a path", for me it means that \\server\dir should be strippable. Thanks.
  19. What if you want to strip a path that doesn't exist because it's gonna be a directory that will be created later? I think in this scenario, I want the strip path to work as a string parser. Now I understand that different OS have different ways of writing down a filepath and that's what I'd expect the Strip Path primitive to do, while strings are strings on any OS.
  20. Actually, it's all about creating new images to add to the controls. XControls or not, there is no way to programmatically do it at the moment.
  21. I see your point. But I actually thought that it didn't matter if the path was valid or not, i.e. if I put a fake address, it should strip path anyway. I would expect this primitive to be nothing more than a <Search for "\" character and Split accordingly>-type of function. Whether it's "C:\dir" or "\\server\dir" shouldn't make a difference. If the primitive does something else than what I thought it would be doing, then yes, I'm the one with the problem.
  22. Indeed. It also affects the OpenG VIs, since it relies on the Strip Path primitive.
  23. Just reporting a bug I stumbled on recently. The problem comes when you want to strip a network path that looks like this "\\server\dir\subdir". When stripping the path with the "Strip Path" primitive, it would correctly output "\\server\dir" for the stripped path and "subdir" for name. Doing it a second time should return "\\server" for stripped path and "\dir" for name. Instead, you get an empty stripped path and the input is copied to name output (Incorrect results). Furthermore, if the stripped path output is wired, it will most likely crash LabVIEW. The current workaround is to assign a drive letter to the network path using "Map Network Drive" in Windows. (Dunno for other OS) It works fine with path that start with "X:\" This has been tested with LV2009 on 32-bit system (WinXP).
  24. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  25. I got the first reference, but I'll need help for the 10...
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