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crossrulz last won the day on February 24

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    Cincinnati, OH

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    LabVIEW 2019
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  1. If you look at the actual array sizes, things will make a lot more sense. 1. The Build Array will add the number of expanded elements to the first dimension. The array size after the first Build Array is (2,0), which is still an empty array. 2. The Transpose Array will swap the array sizes. The array size after the Transpose Array is (0,2), which is still an empty array. 3. Again, the Build Array will add the number of expanded elements to the first dimension. In this case, it will add 1 to the first dimension, resulting in the array size being (1,2), which is no longer an empty array.
  2. To be honest, I always thought those should be in the Visible Items menu.
  3. Another part of this history: JKI forced NI's hand to release scripting (officially supported and open for everybody to use) with their Right-Click Framework. This is how I discovered scripting. I think I even wrote one or two plugins for myself. Then something happened in LabVIEW 2011 or 2012 that broke it. I asked Michael Aivalotis about it and that's how I found out this part of the story. JKI had no intention of fixing the issue because their mission was accomplished.
  4. What exactly are you referring to when you say "library"? A dll? A LabVIEW library (which is sort of a container for code)? A third-party package of code?
  5. I just noticed the LabVIEW Wiki YouTube account is now gone. What has happened to the videos that were there? My VIWeek presentation (Proper Serial Communications) was one of those handled by this account.
  6. Is ShaunR actually a robot? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UymlSE7ax1o
  7. I have had this in my toolbox for a long time to do what you are asking. It is part of a QuickDrop plugin I made to "fix up" a VI, similar to Darren's Nattify plugin. Size Diagram Window.vi
  8. Hopefully, these are just those sleeper accounts Michael mentioned earlier.
  9. You are limited by the max rate of the AI module. What module are you trying to read from?
  10. Yeah, but when the picture are suddenly in the "Unread Content" stream, it makes it a lot harder to ignore.
  11. And now I'm seeing NSFW spam. Seriously, until things get fixed, all new signups should be blocked.
  12. It is called Search 1d Array for a reason. It cannot search a 2D Array. So now the question is: What do you expect for an output? Do you want to prioritize search the row or the column?
  13. To put in a little more detail... For NI, NXG was way more than just a rewrite of LabVIEW. NXG was a framework that all of their applications would use. This is most obvious with the UI. There is a full project just to manage the UI components: Fuse Design System
  14. That sounds like the LabVIEW Solution Builder, which I use. It works quite well.
  15. I have been using PPLs in my architecture for many years with very little issues. But I am generally using them in Windows only and the PPLs are pretty small. I use the LabVIEW Solution Builder to build my core libraries. I will also state that NI is actively working on the PPL build process behind the scenes.
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