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Everything posted by PJM_labview

  1. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Mar 18 2007, 12:24 PM) Works fine for me too, no lock.PJM
  2. QUOTE(BrokenArrow @ Mar 18 2007, 10:12 AM) I think you should investigate using [wiki]OpenG[/wiki] code. There are VI that makes writing ini files setting trivial with no real estate use (see screenshot below of the help for a vi that takes a cluster for input and does all the hard work for you). http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5227 Below is the screenshot of the palette. http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5228 PJM
  3. Well, lets get the ball rolling: How to do Menu Launch VIs GOOP - Graphical Object Oriented Programming PJM
  4. This is VERY good!
  5. This is just awesome! :thumbup: PJM
  6. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Mar 10 2007, 03:00 AM) I actually already send an email about this issue to the beta coordinator, the response was it will take a few days to become accessible to me. So we shall see. PJM
  7. QUOTE(martin@aerodynamics @ Mar 9 2007, 05:15 AM) I don't know if I should say this, but you can almost make the icon invisible using the editor. On the BW put one black pixel in the center (or where ever you whish), then copy the BW icon to the 256 color icon. After that change the 256 color icon center black pixel to the lighter shade of grey LV will accept. Et Voila, you end up with a one very light grey one pixel icon. PJM
  8. QUOTE(torekp @ Mar 1 2007, 12:41 PM) Here is the one I am using (it is a freeware, actually it has become an open source too). Cobian Backup http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=5089 It is pretty good. Setting the (folder or files) exclusion is a little tricky. PJM
  9. QUOTE(Tomi Maila @ Mar 1 2007, 08:14 AM) I will have to side with Tomi on this one. While LV 8.2 is a hughe step forward in term of stability compare to 8.0x, the editing environement (whether through the project or the old fashion way) is far from beeing as stable than LV 7.1. Some quick Example: LV 7.1 usage: could spend weeks (I hesitate to put months even) with no crash LV 8.0x usage: could hardly spend a day without several crashes LV 8.2 usage: crash about once or twice a week
  10. K1 = [i*5 for i in range(20)] # 5, 10 ... 95 K = [] M = [1,2,4,8,16,32,3,6,9,12,24] for j in range(len (M)): for i in range(20): K.append(K1[i]*M[j]*i) print K I just run the above code snipset in python 2.4 and here is what I got for K [0, 5, 20, 45, 80, 125, 180, 245, 320, 405, 500, 605, 720, 845, 980, 1125, 1280, 1445, 1620, 1805, 0, 10, 40, 90, 160, 250, 360, 490, 640, 810, 1000, 1210, 1440, 1690, 1960, 2250, 2560, 2890, 3240, 3610, 0, 20, 80, 180, 320, 500, 720, 980, 1280, 1620, 2000, 2420, 2880, 3380, 3920, 4500, 5120, 5780, 6480, 7220, 0, 40, 160, 360, 640, 1000, 1440, 1960, 2560, 3240, 4000, 4840, 5760, 6760, 7840, 9000, 10240, 11560, 12960, 14440, 0, 80, 320, 720, 1280, 2000, 2880, 3920, 5120, 6480, 8000, 9680, 11520, 13520, 15680, 18000, 20480, 23120, 25920, 28880, 0, 160, 640, 1440, 2560, 4000, 5760, 7840, 10240, 12960, 16000, 19360, 23040, 27040, 31360, 36000, 40960, 46240, 51840, 57760, 0, 15, 60, 135, 240, 375, 540, 735, 960, 1215, 1500, 1815, 2160, 2535, 2940, 3375, 3840, 4335, 4860, 5415, 0, 30, 120, 270, 480, 750, 1080, 1470, 1920, 2430, 3000, 3630, 4320, 5070, 5880, 6750, 7680, 8670, 9720, 10830, 0, 45, 180, 405, 720, 1125, 1620, 2205, 2880, 3645, 4500, 5445, 6480, 7605, 8820, 10125, 11520, 13005, 14580, 16245, 0, 60, 240, 540, 960, 1500, 2160, 2940, 3840, 4860, 6000, 7260, 8640, 10140, 11760, 13500, 15360, 17340, 19440, 21660, 0, 120, 480, 1080, 1920, 3000, 4320, 5880, 7680, 9720, 12000, 14520, 17280, 20280, 23520, 27000, 30720, 34680, 38880, 43320] Hope it help. PJM
  11. To make is easier for people to help you, in the future you might want to be more explicit as to which flavor of GOOP you are using since there are quite a few floating around. From what you say, I would guess that you are using the endevo one (v 2 or 3?). PJM
  12. QUOTE(Herbert @ Feb 21 2007, 06:22 PM) This is interesting, I don't not remember reading about this feature (index file is optional). QUOTE(tcplomp @ Feb 21 2007, 09:31 PM) Hello Herbert, good answers! An Q: How do we (re)set the read marker? We were tryin to read twice the same dataset, so in one loop read all data, and after that read the whole dataset again. But we got directly a 'end of file' error on the second read structure, explicitly setting the offset 0 didn't work... The workaround was to close/open the tdms, but that's not too nice! Ton Yes!, I noticed that too. I was trying to access the TDMS in an intelligent global (caching the reference in a shift register) and I kept getting EOF error when I was trying to reuse the ref and when I was (or was not) at the end of the file. That error was so persistent that I could not figure out any way either to get out of the situation (offset to 0 did not work as you mentioned). I had to drop the reference caching and reopen a new one every time I was reading the data back. This is not was I was hoping to do. PJM
  13. Orko, I think you can do what you want, but to do so, you will have to build your menu dynamically and depending on the "enable/disable" of your control you will present the user on the menu activation with a unchek/check otpion. Basicaly, dont use static rtm and you should be able to do this. PJM
  14. I am pretty sure there is a document somewhere that explain these (I remember reading it at some point in time). From what I recall it goes like this: [W] Windows Only [M] (?) Mac Only [A] All At that time I dont recall any other. PJM
  15. As far as I know, the MenuRef is valid only in the menu activation frame. LabVIEW Help is quite specific about this: MenuRef: Reference to the control shortcut menu that you can modify during this event. MenuRef is valid only during this event case. Unfortunately, in my opinion, this is an annoying shortcoming of the shortcut menu implementation in LV 8.x (no pun intended). Also, NI shipping example "Run-Time Shortcut Menus.vi" is very misleading. For instance the Menu Selection has a MenuRef output (I have no clue how to get this outside of this VI since this is not one of the event data field available [even the help does not mentioned this field]) and if you check the reference validity it is always invalid. Another error is in the mouse down frame where a comment "Programmatically generate the Menu Activation event when the user right-clicks on the Listbox control" let you believe than you need to fire a value change to programatically generate the menu activation event. This is completly inacurate, and that frame can be deleted all together. Anyway, sorry I could not help you more. PJM
  16. QUOTE(yen @ Feb 15 2007, 12:17 PM) Ya, watch out, Alfa might have toss a wormhole your way. I wonder was will happen next... May be your post number will go to infinity.
  17. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 14 2007, 04:09 PM) Yes, this is why I meant. QUOTE(geirove @ Feb 14 2007, 04:23 PM) Thanks everyone. BUT I am trying to track the Source of an Event: I have SubVi's that use the "Property Value (signalling)" to fire Events in the Top VI: I am setting a breakpoint in the Top VI and it will break when someone is setting a Value for e.g. a Button by e.g. writing a True value to "Property Value (signalling)" in a SubVi. Problem is I will not get any Stack trace the way suggested here for the Events .... - A solution anyone ? Geir Ove Ah, I see. I only have one suggestion in this situation, and you are probably not going to like it. Find in your code all the SubVIs that invoke the "Property Value (signalling)" and wrap it in a subVI. This way you will be able to set a brake point in this VI to see who is calling it. PJM
  18. And for a 3rd way: View>Browse Relashionships>This VI Callers Note: same restriction that Darren mentioned (no dyn call).
  19. QUOTE(aart-jan @ Feb 13 2007, 11:26 AM) Ah good catch Aart. You are correct, this primitive is not working either with TDMS. QUOTE(aart-jan @ Feb 13 2007, 11:26 AM) I noticed when using probes that the refnums have very low numbers: 1, 2 etc. The workaround will have to be to cast the refnum to i16 (? not sure) and check whether you have a non-zer number. Still, TDMS rules! Yes, I noticed the same thing. I thing the TDMS might be xnodes and not "real" primitive functions. In any case, casting the refnum to number will not let you know whether that refnum is still in use (valid) or not (invalid). TDMS are cool. But, more than the writing speed (it is easy to write binary file very quickly) this is the read back speed that is nice. Note: The TDMS File viewer is pretty cool too. Although I should not be too surprised of these bugs since I broke the golden rule of never using new LV features until they have matured... Note: One of the thing missing from the API is a delete TDMS file that would delete both the tdms file and its index. PJM
  20. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Feb 13 2007, 09:43 AM) Have you tried http://www.nvu.com/index.php' target="_blank">Nvu yet? I believe it used the gecko engine too. PJM
  21. This is a follow up to this thread Not A Number/Path/Refnum does not work on TDMS file refnum. Upon sleeping it over, I am still thinking that there is something fishy going on, but before I mess that thread any more than I already did, I am posting this here so people can comment. Here is the issue. When I create a new tdms file (using the create or replace operation input) with no error, I expect the refnum to be valid and indeed it appear to be valid since write operation occurs with no errors. The problem is if I put a "Not A Number/Path/Refnum?" primitive to check its validity, it always return true (invalid refnum). In my opinion this is not the correct behavior. Run the attached example and see what I mean (make sure you point the TDMS file path to a valid location). See attachement below. Download File:post-121-1171384445.vi Please comment. PJM
  22. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Feb 13 2007, 12:26 AM) Yop, this concept is good. I like it.
  23. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Feb 12 2007, 11:48 PM) Ya, I like this concept too. I think may be the faces of the cube should be semi-transparent so you could see the other faces through and realized that it is empty has opposed to: "it is a white cube with blue edges".
  24. JFM, I goofed up, the "Not A Number/Path/Refnum" primitive work as intended. PJM
  25. Frankly this glyph has no meaning whatsoever for me. When I think of an abstract class, I am thinking more like a pass through "object". So what about a glyph that carry this concept? What about something like this ?PJM
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