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Everything posted by PJM_labview

  1. Damian I take a while to do what? Computing the hierarchy for the 200 VIs or displaying the items in the tree? It should not take you long to compute a VI hierarchy for just 200 VIs. Your algorithm might be improvable (search on the web and NI website for possible faster algorithm) If it take too long to update the tree, you can use the defer panel update before you start updating the tree, this will speed thinks up significantly. In regards to GetVIHierarchySiganture and GetVIHierarchyUserGUID, I never tried these, so I cant help here PJM
  2. Hi A few things: You say "I have a main top-level VI (in the form of a template so it can be opened multiple times) which must execute one VI several times" 1) Does this subVI of your template has to be executed at the same time (meaming, will this be OK for one instance of the template instance to wait until another instance is done using this subVI?) If the answer is yes, you dont need reentrant VI 2) Assuming the answer is no, then why dont you pass the data in and out of your rentrant subVI using the connector pane? There are some instance where this is not suitable (for example if you have a rentrant labview 2 style global and you need to access the same instance data from different location [such as the OpenG Goop for example]) but most of the time this is fine. 3) Assuming again that you are in that situation that you need to access a given instance of your rentrant VI in several location in your template instance then you should go and read the thread Jim mentioned. It will show you one way of doing what you are trying to do. Good luck PJM
  3. Merlin, Attached is a simple, yet powerfull, Queue Message Handler "State Machine" template in LV 7.0 While it does not have parallel loop, it is very flexible and allows synchronous process servicing using the timeout frame of the event structure. In most case this is sufficient. You might want to search the following presentation on NI website: "Application Design Patterns in LabVIEW" to get you started in state machine and queue state machine. Good luck PJM Download File:post-121-1133453194.vit
  4. Manfred, you might want to post your OpenG related question on the OpenG forum PJM
  5. Please read this subforum "Readme First" post before you go any further. PJM
  6. Yes this was in MAX\Assistants\LVCGen. Already in 7.1, NI plugged a lot of holes and I am not aware of anything that was changed by the installation of 8.0. On a side note, NI is getting a lot better at password protecting the stuff they should have in the first place. I have not find anything of great significance exposed yet. PJM
  7. I concur with this observation. Red nodes seem to indicated deprecated items. May be the symbolism is Warning (Red) do not Use! PJM
  8. My bad. I dont know how this one slip through the crack. You could just find the strict type def call and right click on it and say disconnect from type def. Attached is a fixed version (hopefully bug free) Which Item? The Class Specifier Constant ? If so the llb has code in it to do that. PJM Edit:Doh! Forgot the modified Attachement. Download File:post-121-1130901184.zip
  9. Checked it on my machine, and I got the same behavior. This is a pretty bad one. PJM
  10. NI Disable part of the scripting in LV8.0. Therefore the class browser does not show any of the class hierachy for the diagram related classes such as Master Diagram, Diagram, tunnel, nodes ...... (see below) This utility does show the *complete* (as far as I know) class hierachy and demonstrate how to build it. PJM
  11. [quote name='Lars-G
  12. The title says it all. Like this utility, this one dynamically generate the LV8.0 Class Hierarchy. If you dont want to wait the 15-45min (LV 8.0 has about 220 classes, thus the increased in time to generate all the combinations) for the generation to complete, you can just open the provided file. Have Fun PJM Download File:post-121-1130213263.zip
  13. I read on NI forum somewhere that the activation server in europe will be ready in about 7-10 days. So, meanwhile people have to use it in evaluation mode. PJM
  14. This has been apparently been fixed in LV 8.0 :thumbup: (I say apparently because on the first restart, LV8.0 crashed, on subsequent one it did not). PJM
  15. This has been apparently been fixed in LV 8.0 :thumbup: (I say apparently because on the first restart, LV8.0 crashed, on subsequent one it did not). PJM
  16. Good News, this has been fixed in LV8.0 :thumbup: PJM
  17. Good News, this has been fixed in LV8.0 :thumbup: PJM
  18. Good News, this has been fixed in LV 8.0 :thumbup: PJM
  19. Good News, this has been fixed in LV 8.0 :thumbup: PJM
  20. The Bug (Abort VI Method Will Generate VI Mouse Events) is still present in Labview 8.0 :thumbdown: Here is a description of the Bug: PJM
  21. Well Folks, Guess what, the seamless activation NI promissed us with this new Activation theme is not working that well for us! !@#!@#!@ We could not activate LV8.0 with our Software Lease.... Crap! Ok, Last Update: After Trying On and Off for over 2 hours, it enventually worked. So may be we were trying to soon ? PJM
  22. There might be a communication break down here. OpenG Tools and Libraries accessible through OpenG commander are not Goop Class. The OpenG Tools are made of several libraries such as File IO, Arrays Manipulation, String Manipulation, Application Controls, LV Data Tools (<- This is the one that will interest you) and more. Each of these library are packaged in a special zip fil called "ogp" (for OpenG Package) and can be installed in your system by using OpenG Commander (See image below for a screen shot of the commander showing a list of the most recent packages). One of these packages is a Goop Class template (hence maybe the confusion), but this one of many. If you do not want to use the Free OpenG Tools, this is fine. But why redo the work that someone has already done ? PJM
  23. Form NI LabVIEW 8.0 Upgrade Notes: "In LabVIEW 7.x and earlier, you can press the <Ctrl-A> keys to repeat an alignment operation for objects on the front panel or block diagram. In LabVIEW 8.0, press the <Ctrl-Shift-A> keys to repeat an alignment operation. Press the <Ctrl-A> keys to select all objects on the front panel or block diagram." Yeah, I got one of my wish! PJM
  24. :thumbup: Here are 3 cool features that caught my attention:
  25. Its look very interesting. Hey it says: "Free: The first release is free $FREE " Cool I will try this. BTW, this new LAVA forum RTF (Rich text Format) editor is very cool. One can litterally drag and drop selected item in post editor window and flot them around. Nice! :thumbup:
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