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Everything posted by PJM_labview

  1. Norm, Here is what Michael Ashe says here: "I used this to hack together a little utility that writes the function prototype and parameters to a Call Library Node. The next step is to add a parser for a c/cpp.h file and make a utility that will auto generate wrapper VIs for DLLs, something I have wanted for years. I'll post when I get it finished." It seem to me he already has some stuff done, you might want to try to get in touch with him directly. I, personally, did not write anything that can help you. PJM
  2. David A Moore has some free VIs that operate on time. I think they might be usefull for your application. PJM
  3. Norm, Read Michael Ashe posting in this thread. He has apparently start working on this. PJM
  4. Jean Pierre Yes, in general, The system window color is different from the system object color although depending which theme is selected they might be identical. What you can do to find out which is what (and this is not fool proof) is to look in the display property. Select Advanced here This is the setting which I believe is the equivalent of System Window in Labview This is the setting which I believe is the equivalent of System Object in Labview PJM
  5. Jean Pierre I am not sure I understand what you mean. The System colors from the Color Palette have always been working for me since LV 6.1. As seen below, the colors change as the Theme change (The test window is the option window from OpenG Commander). Windows Classic Theme Windows Eggplant Theme PJM
  6. I will agree with that, and I will even go further and say, implement this everywhere (BD, FP, case structure ...) PJM
  7. Since I am too lazy to retype this entry, here is a link to my blog with 5 tricks (One is VERY cool). PJM
  8. I like this one. And what about that one too? (NI Week look tame after watching this...)
  9. And they are a very usefull starting point for adding a new frame to this section (expansion). PJM
  10. I discovered another serious bug in NI Motion (previously Flex Motion) driver. This bug is present in NI Motion 6.x and 7.x (I was not able to check earlier version of NI Motion to see if they are affected by this, but they most likely all are) The vi named "Find Reference.vi" located in the "Find Reference.llb" swap the wire between "board Id" and "axis or vector space" as seen below when an error is passed in. The only suitable workaround is to not, use the pass-through values, or to modify the "Find Reference.vi" as seen below. DOWNLOAD If you are interested in obtaining this fix, I have created a patch which is packaged as an OpenG Package File. This can be downloaded using the OpenG Commander. Download the "ogpatch_ni_motion6x_bugfix-1.0-1." package for NI Motion 6.x or "ogpatch_ni_motion7x_bugfix-1.0-1." package for NI Motion 7.x. When installed this package will apply the patch, and when it is uninstalled it will restore the original (buggy) VI. Please note that the "ogpatch_ni_motion6x_bugfix-1.0-1." package also include a bug fix for the 5 VIs mentioned in this post " FlexMotion Board and Axis Handles lost on Error". DISCUSSION If you would like to discuss this package or the OpenG Commander, please use the OpenG Discussion and Support Forums. Regards, PJM
  11. Simon You can already do that very easily with almost no code. Overlay a path control over a picture control and catch the value change events. That's it. *Edit 1 * Note: the image I drag and drop, is actualy the image of the block diagram of the attached example. *Edit 2 * Note: if you use firefox, drag and drop supported images directly from your browser to the VI (this is pretty cool). Attached is an example (LV 7.1.1) PJM Download File:post-121-1126286915.vi
  12. Check this post. PJM
  13. Michael, Did you noticed I only told Bryan about the "Scale objects with window size", but nothing about the objects anchoring or the widow size (which are really the tricks to make this usefull)? By the way, I spent the better part of a saturday to figure out how you did it. PJM
  14. Bryan, Actually Michael (Aivaliotis) came up with this idea. If you select the table and go to edit (menu), you will noticed that the "scale object with panel is checked". This is basically how it works. Note: NI is doing something similar in the VI Metrics llb (LVRoot\project\prometrics.llb\VI Metrics.vi) PJM
  15. I am feeling dizzy just looking at it! PJM
  16. Hi As previously mentioned, you might want to check out the OpenG Commander (OpenG.org). This is a free package manager. A lot of package are already freely available. One of them is the OpenG builder which does extend the application builder capabilities siginifcantly. Give it a try. PJM
  17. Hi all I forgot about that thread, but since it resurfaced I realized I made such a tool. The Attached tool will allow you to get 90% there. At the end, you just have to add the polymorphic instances to the polymorphic VI. Enjoy PJM Note: I forgot to mentioned, attached file is in LV7.1 Download File:post-121-1119739386.llb
  18. This is quite a "weird" statement that we got there. Using code left exposed by NI cannot be consider a breach of the license agreement or even a breach of an NDA, since NI left the foundation of scripting functionalities exposed in shipping products. These exposed functions allow access to a lot (all?) of the scripting API. Therefore, the scripting capabilities are cover by the license agreement in the product which they are exposed. Personnaly I more than once though that the exposed scripting functions were left there on purpose (there was so many of them) for us to experiment with and I was not surprised reading some posting from NI in info labview that were encouraging us to explore the scripting functionalities. Just my 2 cents PJM
  19. Ed, This is indeed very annoying. I notice, that going to "file">"new vi" will sometimes help restoring the handles. PJM
  20. Paul Sullivan already made a tool that does that. Check it out at http://www.sullutions.com/LabVIEW.html (look for Edit Panel Elements). PJM
  21. This is a bug (confirmed by Stephen Mercer in that post) that I reported in 2003 for LV7.0 and it has not been fixed in LV 7.1. PJM
  22. Paul, Ultimately I am planning to make a package of these VIs (along with more from other developpers may be ?). I already posted about 20%-30% of these in different LAVA forums through examples. Another 10%-20% are just wrapper around exposed private properties. The more usefull (in my opinion) is the recursive VIs that look for Diagram object (such as the one seen on the above image you mentioned), and I think its accessible through relink all vi by name example or clean all wire (which are part of the palette as well) . Happy digging. PJM
  23. Now that you mentioned it, I realized this is quite eazy to program and does not need scripting (see attached VI). It would probably be usefull to run this VI during the class creation. Programatically changing the image in the enum... That would be nice if it could be done with scripting (I have not tried it, but I have a feeling it might not be possible). PJM Download File:post-121-1106843047.vi
  24. Keeping the private and public data separated is a very good practise. :thumbup: You can usually keep the templates in the template directory and just double click on them to instanciate it when you need to create a new vis that read/write the data (then you save the instance under which ever name you which). Good You should actually edit the enum (that say template) to replace the text by your class name (ex:my class). You can also edit the control to replace it by a nice picture (look at the configuration file VIs palette and its refnum to see what I mean). There is an OpenGoop which has inheritance and virtual method on the OpenG.org (old tiki website), but if you think the doc is bad on the "regular" toolkit I will advise no trying it. Basically, to be more user friendly, the OpenGoop need a better doc and more wizards to make managing classes easier. Attached is an utility that add a banner on selected VIs in a class; it's a modify version of one that is found on the old Openg.or website. PJM Download File:post-121-1106795192.zip
  25. Hi Paulo, There are some documents and examples on the old Old OpenG website. Search the OpenG meeting Archive for more docs. Also, there is one example in this forum using OpenGoop (look for Didierj posting). Cheers PJM
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